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EMA Payments (a rant)


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ok this really pisses me off. EMA is basically paying people to go to college. WTF?????? you go to college to further yourself or you get a job. why should you get paid for going to college? it is a piss take.


You'd probably hate it here. The social insurance institution of finland pays 80% of my rent(there's a limit to how rent can be though) +study support. It's not as much as you'd get from a job, but enough to pay for my food(nothing fancy though)+internet. And I'm not special in any way just have to be living on my own, over 18 years old and of course be a student.

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Anyone else recieving EMA payments for attending College? Anyone else think its rediculious?


1. No.


2. Yes


Most of the gimps who received it at my college didn't deserve it, either scammed the system by using online one parents income or some form of illegal immigrant. But the bastards wouldn't give me it because my parents work their asses off regardless of me getting nothing of that. My mum has two jobs and my dad works shite loads of overtime, this wouldn't be the situation if we were perfectly well off.


At least the Student Loans Company are a much better and well organised association. Long live University loans!

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Although im sure i will more than welcome it when i get it and its probably very helpful to alot of people it just seems a bit crazy to me. Getting paid to be educated. Think about that. Is that how desperate the situation with people attending colleges is? The original prospect of a better job, better qualifications and generally perhaps a better life is no longer enticing enough to get an education? The government now need to shove MONEY at people to get them to go?


Seems even worse when as some people have said the money goes to the wrong people (or doesnt go to the ones who deserve it)


I cant imagine to think how pissed off i'd be if i had went through my education having a hard time of it, knowing that some tossers now go because THEY GET PAID.


Oh well.

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EMA is to get more people into further education, its part of the government trying to increase the intelligence of the people here and get people from poorer backgrounds to get interested in College and Uni as a result.


The EMA though is mostly used for bus fare and then social stuff but its their money, its scaled according to the parents annual income.


I think it's a good idea and is worth doing. It gets people to go to college and attend regularly.


How can people say its a bad thing?

1. Maybe instead, the Govt. could actually improve teaching & disapline (sp?); The UK is pretty dumb school wise compared to a lot of other countries: Austrailia, Malta, blah blah.


2.Why should it be scaled to the household (it's household, not parents. i.e. If your parents are divorced you're almost guaranteed to get EMA) income??...I don't get anything from my parents. The kids tha get EMA are those that usually get given stuff from my experience.


3.It's a bad thing because it's unfair on those who don't get any.

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Guest Stefkov

I am like £200 over the limit of being able to recieve EMA. I would say dont say its annoying that you're not getting it on time, when theres me, who's that tiny fucking amount over the limit.

But i won't, because I'm not like that.

I really wish I got it.

1. The family wouldnt be in financial troubles as much as we are now. £50 a month going into my bank account from my parents isnt great when they're minus in borrowing money.

2. I could have afforded the Wii a lot sooner.

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I did not know of this free travel....wtf?


Well, I just realised that's probably a london specific thing actually, as it's done with oyster cards. Now, everyone under 18 in full time education gets free london travel with their oyster card, buses and all(I'm pretty sure it includes trains and stuff too).

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It's a good initiative


No, it's bribery.

It's meant to be a support aid for poorer students, but what does everybody spend it on, stationary, text books, etc..? No, they spend it on going to the pub, buying video games, cinema, or any other recreational activity.

It should be phased out and replaced with free supplies and study aids and the like.

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No, it's bribery.

It's meant to be a support aid for poorer students, but what does everybody spend it on, stationary, text books, etc..? No, they spend it on going to the pub, buying video games, cinema, or any other recreational activity.

It should be phased out and replaced with free supplies and study aids and the like.


Have to agree with you there.

I think it was meant to sorta help prepare for them when they go to University, too?

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Coo, and any other recievers of the EMA, what do you spend that £30 a week on?


I might be wrong with the figure, post how much you do get.


I spend about a tenner a week on dinner and bus travel. Tge other 20 I spend on me. Yeah thats right non EMAers my Wii was paid for by it and my CDs and DVDs. Of course if I need more supplies for college then that takes priority over a new game/DVD/CD. Can't wait for my £100 christmas bonus then I can go get lots of new stuff and rub it in your faces.

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I spend about a tenner a week on dinner and bus travel. Tge other 20 I spend on me. Yeah thats right non EMAers my Wii was paid for by it and my CDs and DVDs. Of course if I need more supplies for college then that takes priority over a new game/DVD/CD. Can't wait for my £100 christmas bonus then I can go get lots of new stuff and rub it in your faces.


I hate you...

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if the goverment have secrety spies viewing this post right as we speak and it triggers the end of EMA payments, i will hunt you down harri, i will hunt u down...


Sorry but they wanted to know and I was more than happy to enlighten(more like enrage) them as to were their tax money is being spent and wisely might I add. I wouldn't be seeing Enter Shikari in March if it wasn't for EMA.

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Coo, and any other recievers of the EMA, what do you spend that £30 a week on?


I might be wrong with the figure, post how much you do get.


Drink, Games, Magazines and the like.


But hey, if you got offerd it would you say no?

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People who do these apprenticships are getting an equal level of education as people who do A Levels straight, its just different ways of learning.


It's like really good work experience and she's getting the same amount of money as a student who does around 30 hours of college a week.


1) when people go to college the do 30 hours a week??? right. i went to college and i know you might attend college for 30 hours a week but it is not even in the same league as actually working 30 hours.


2) She works 8 hours a day 4 days a week and does 6 hours at college. Now keep watching as i show you maths 4x8=32+6=38. now tell me how that compares to a fairly lax 30 hours.


3) when at college the work you do is for your benefit. at work you are making money for the organisation you work for. so why should she work there for free? work experience great, but if she werent on an ema they would have to pay her at least £12k a year which is roughly £200 a week.


4) as a result of getting paid such a piddly amount she has to work another job so she can actually have a life. she works all the time, how can this be in the best interest of education?

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