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Anyone else have trouble making conversation with workmates?


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Everytime i have a job the same thing happens - i can't think of anything to say to my workmates. At times i feel really awkward and don't even want to ask really basic conversational questions like "so, what did you do at the weekend?" because that kind of makes it more obvious that you're struggling to find something to say. Plus, if i ask them that, they'll ask me back and all i can usually say is "well i played on my computer". Which sounds really boring week after week (hey, *i* like it) and is also difficult to elaborate on especially if the person doesn't own a computer themselves.


The worst thing is that the rest of my workmates seem to manage to maintain a steady stream of conversation and laugh and joke, even if they haven't got that much in common. I just haven't got the knack. I feel really conspicuous sometimes, and i can tell they think i'm weird.


So, does anyone else have this problem? You'd BETTER have, or i'll just have to go in the huff and isolate myself from this forum also. :laughing:

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I have no problems talking to anyone at work. There are common grounds all my colleagues can connect with me on. Videogames, food and a united hated of Somerfield are often topics of discussion.


The other Friday a new kid and I spent half an hour debating how the milk splash on all the cereal boxes was exactly the same. We eventually concluded they used a plastic/moulded milk splash in the bowls. Incredible.

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I work where my mum works, which tends to lead to conversations from people that i look so much like <insert family member here>.

That's only a small part though, I tend to find it quite easy to talk to people in general, a bit more so at work too I think. It's weird, considering most of them are older than me, you'd think it'd be more awkward but it doesn't seem so for me.

Where do you work, in what situation and doing what? You've got a ton of material right there; work. Talk about work, alot of people at work love to talk about work, or talk about how they hate work. Even alot of people who do that still like to talk about work outside of work. Work is quite a good topic of conversation for when you're at work.

Weekend stuff, yeah, horrible question, only works to a point, and it is a general conversation starter and to be honest, you just don't care what they did with their weekend, you just don't want there to be silence.

Other questions, how new are you? Is there anyone newer than you? How old are the people you work with, how old are you? How long you been working there?

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The other Friday a new kid and I spent half an hour debating how the milk splash on all the cereal boxes was exactly the same. We eventually concluded they used a plastic/moulded milk splash in the bowls. Incredible.


Kinda related; a colleague was telling us when he used to work at a cookie factory the photographer told him they generate the steam by putting tampons in boiling water, apparently it doesn't die out.


Anyway, my workmates are all similar people, so I'm fine.

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how new are you? Is there anyone newer than you? How old are the people you work with, how old are you? How long you been working there?


I work as a maid at a hotel. Not new at all, been there 5 months now. Seems to get worse rather than better because the few things we did have to talk about have sort of dried up. I'm 23, most of them are in their late 20's or older but i don't really see that as an issue particularly seeing as i don't go out clubbing and the usual 23 year old lark that might distance me from them.

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I work as a maid at a hotel. Not new at all, been there 5 months now. Seems to get worse rather than better because the few things we did have to talk about have sort of dried up. I'm 23, most of them are in their late 20's or older but i don't really see that as an issue particularly seeing as i don't go out clubbing and the usual 23 year old lark that might distance me from them.










If you're really having trouble just slowly corrupt them into liking the same stuff you do. That worked for me.

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I work as a maid at a hotel. Not new at all, been there 5 months now. Seems to get worse rather than better because the few things we did have to talk about have sort of dried up. I'm 23, most of them are in their late 20's or older but i don't really see that as an issue particularly seeing as i don't go out clubbing and the usual 23 year old lark that might distance me from them.


Do you tend to be working on your own alot then? I can see it'd be more of a problem if you've been there for a few months and not been too talkative, then suddenly came out of your shell one day. Like I said, work tends to be a topic that's constantly fresh, to an extent, depends how repetative your job is. How often are you actually in the company of people you work with?

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Plus, if i ask them that, they'll ask me back and all i can usually say is "well i played on my computer". Which sounds really boring week after week


Well, it's cool if you enjoy that but if you did some more varied things, yknow - went out, went shopping, went to play bowling, shot some pool, went to the cinema, hung out with friends, went to an arcade, anything like that - you would instantly have a topic to talk about :) Plus you might show up quite cheerful and have them enquire to why you were looking bright. If you tell them you did any of the above things, they might admit an interest in one, and that would branch off into conversation about that. Show up listening to music one day, and if someone asks "what are you listening to?", don't just flatly answer, tell them, then elaborate and ask about their taste in music.


If conversation is scarce and questions sound forced, that probably means other people are looking for ways to chat too, so never assume a question nothing more than a basic inquiry.


Personally I'm a bit of a hypocrite, because I'm bad at starting a conversation too. But, if someone asks me something or I find a topic to start on, I'm quite good at elaborating on that and moving into other topics from there.

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I get on really well with all my work mates. Always chatting all day long about everything and nothing. But I guess im quite an outgoing person anyway and will chat to anyone!


Our age range at work is 21 - 65 (me being 23) but everyone has a good laugh together. We all go out quite a lot aswell.


Plus you cant beat the older women in the office it's like having an extra couple of mums to look after me :D

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I keep seeing welcomes, yet you registered in sep 2005, guess you're quite inactive? How comes? These forums rock! Anyway, how often do you work, full time? part time?


Plus you cant beat the older women in the office it's like having an extra couple of mums to look after me :D

lol, I think like that some times, everyone I work with is really nice.

I'd have to agree with Shorty a bit too, if you manage to find some common ground/interest in something such as bowling/whatever, suggest going out sometime for a game?

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Sometimes I'm amazed that all the females on this forum haven't left in fear. Oh well, at least it's safer then when the likes of Offerman were roaming these parts.


As for topics of conversation, ummm, usually when I don't know someone at all I start a conversation on something completely random. Past examples include, what is the most attractive vegetable, do dogs actually understand people and if a kangaroo and a buffalo were made to fight in neutral environment which would win. Usually this opening gambit makes them think that I am seriously weird, but usually results in a long and hilarious conversation.


For those the curious the above topics concluded iceberg lettuce, no and buffalo.

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I keep seeing welcomes, yet you registered in sep 2005, guess you're quite inactive? How comes? These forums rock! Anyway, how often do you work, full time? part time?


Yeah these forums do rock, i'm just lazy about posting! I work... part-time, i guess. But can be up to 30 hours a week if the hotel gets busy. Also i have to work long stretches without days off. Often 10 days in a row. So does get strained sometimes between me and them i feel.

But anyways, thanks for the suggestions guys. :smile:

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Quite alot then! I can see why it's probably bothering you in that case, you're near full time hours it sounds! Where do you go for lunch breaks? Is there a staff room or anything? I'd say to hang out there more if there is, or wherever it is that every generally goes. A hotel sounds like a big place to be working, where staff are gonna be more spread out, in my job I'm constantly around people, other staff and patients, and when I used to work in GAME it was the same cos the shop was small so you can't really avoid talking to people usually.

My last piece of advice would be to smile! Look happy, look friendly, smile and say hello to everyone you see, people who work in the hotel, even people who are staying(if you don't already :P). It may seem like something small and insignificant, but I think it'll help, and you've got nothing to lose.

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Quite alot then! I can see why it's probably bothering you in that case, you're near full time hours it sounds! Where do you go for lunch breaks? Is there a staff room or anything? I'd say to hang out there more if there is, or wherever it is that every generally goes. A hotel sounds like a big place to be working, where staff are gonna be more spread out, in my job I'm constantly around people, other staff and patients, and when I used to work in GAME it was the same cos the shop was small so you can't really avoid talking to people usually.

My last piece of advice would be to smile! Look happy, look friendly, smile and say hello to everyone you see, people who work in the hotel, even people who are staying(if you don't already :P). It may seem like something small and insignificant, but I think it'll help, and you've got nothing to lose.


We don't have a staff room and for that i'm quite grateful! I'd feel even worse if i was stuck for conversation at a time when you're expected to have it. At least when you're working and it's quiet you can just pretend to be getting on with work.

Thanks again for the advice.

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