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For me, Twilight Princess. Wind Waker has a fresh graphical style but much of the gameplay lets it down. Obviously, the sailing. It didn't feel so much as if I was sailing to places, just waiting for the island to appear on the screen while going over identical sea for 5 minutes. It really broke everything up, which I didn't like. As well as this, the story was pretty lame and the NPCs were uninspiring.


TP didn't wow me as much as previous Zelda's, but it was more along the lines of a 'true' Zelda. While this may not be original, it's fun to play. I wish it was a bit harder though.

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I vote Wind Waker. Have not finished Twilight Princess and don't think I will, it's just so dull and lifeless in parts. It had some very good moments (loved the 4th dungeon) but overall it felt like a chore alot of the time to play I thought. Wind waker has its flaws but overall I thought much more fun to play.

  • 7 months later...
  Anolis E said:
Alright, I *finally* managed to get my hands on a copy of WW. I'm first going to continue playing SOA, but once I've finished that I'll give this game a fair try. I remember having been not too happy when I saw the first screens of WW given that I had expected something a little more realistic. Now that I finally got another more 'realistic' zelda game with TP I'm more willing to give WW the benefit of the doubt. All that said, I'm sure it'll be quite good, although I still have my doubts as to whether it can be as good as TP.


Despite reviving a rather old thread for this, I thought I'd reevaluate my previous opinions on TP vs WW after finally having finished the latter yesterday. In short, I thought it was great, or, more specifically, 'special'. It definately had much more sidequests than TP, although I still think the latter didn't have too few. I also very much liked the particular role that Hyrule had to play in WW's story, and the ending (without going into detail) made it all the more dramatic. However, if I'm to decide on which I thought to be the better game overall, I think I would still pick TP, although the choice seems to have become much harder now. I felt a bit more involved in the story there and there were certain aspects of TP that really made it into a classic for me; its visual style and (especially) the moment when I first heard the boss room calm theme after defeating Diababa springing to my mind. Nonetheless, WW has also managed to make a big impression on me, and I'm rather happy that despite having owned a copy of phantom hourglass for quite a while now, I refused to play it until I would finish WW. So now I still have the sequel to play.

Guest Jordan

Wind Waker, any day of the week.


I don't know what it is but I would choose to play Wind Waker everytime over Twilight Princess. I think it may be just because its a lighter game which generally has more of a story and side stories available to keep me entertained. And those pigs that get angry, love those pigs.


I found both games a pleasure and a stress to play. Some parts were magical, some parts were too eerie/dull/pointless/hard etc.


Wind Waker's graphics were beautiful, but I found something was missing. Like there weren't enough details in the scenery, or that Links head always seemed to slightly change shape from scene to scene (my imagination?!), just little things which always pulled me out of the "OH EM GEE ITS CUTE ^_^" state of mind. Twilight Princess' graphics were more nostalgic, than beautiful. I felt like I was playing a (naff version of) Ocarina. Its how I prefer Zelda I think, very adult yet full of wonder and humour at the same time. I think WW suffered for me because there was never a scary moment, and perhaps too much humour (I spent a very long time attacking animals and retracing my OoT steps).


My problem is both games were clinging onto OoT too much, but in very different ways. Neither satissfied my Zelda thirst, but I'm starting to think no game ever will again while I have these strict ideas on what a Zelda game should be.


Hey, the revival of the first thread I ever posted in. :smile:


Just to add that I tried to replay TP a while ago...and after completing the 2nd dungeon, I'm finding hard to go back to it.

I can't figure out why, really. The main quest is the best part of the game.

  Jonnas said:
Hey, the revival of the first thread I ever posted in. :smile:


Just to add that I tried to replay TP a while ago...and after completing the 2nd dungeon, I'm finding hard to go back to it.

I can't figure out why, really. The main quest is the best part of the game.


Because its so long-winding and boring. Whats next for you? Oh, you're gonna rinse and repeat that horrendous bug catching in wolf form all around Lanayru Province and this time its more annoying since you have to catch them in hyrule Town, Zora's Domain AND Lake Hylia. Then do another generic Zora Water temple...Ands thats basically how the 'quest' goes. BOOOOOORING!


At this stage in Wind waker, you pretty much can explore the whole ocean; meet up with the Koroks, play around at Windfall, Birdman contest, treasure hunts, LOTS of caves, fill your map/fishman game...Then of course you can go over to the Temple of the Gods if you wish and go through the epic scenes after that.


This is why WW is better.


...And here I thought I was too skeptical about this playthrough :heh:


You're right, though. The bug-search is more boring in Lanaryu. I'm looking forward to the big bug and the Zora Temple, though.


But that hardly matters, since I'm also replaying Minish Cap, which is a brilliant, underrated game. :smile:

  Jonnas said:
...And here I thought I was too skeptical about this playthrough :heh:


You're right, though. The bug-search is more boring in Lanaryu. I'm looking forward to the big bug and the Zora Temple, though.


But that hardly matters, since I'm also replaying Minish Cap, which is a brilliant, underrated game. :smile:


...Which is the important thing. :p


But seriously, that is just how the gameplay in TP pans out, its just so excruciatingly linear. With the freedom of the sea, WW offers you a chance to embark on your own mini adventures (ie marking the map). All they needed to do were make the islands a bit...well...'more'. But still, some of them (namely the ones with the caves) were still a treat.


That was always my biggest grudge with WW.


The first moment I was offered the whole sea I was filled with excitement at what I could discover.


4 hours later, I found absolutely nothing of interest. The distance and time it takes to get to these islands to find that most of them are effectively empty and boring.


As was said, if the islands were given a bit more life then it would have been something. Whenever I replay the game I never bother with the optional islands.

  King_V said:
At this stage in Wind waker, you pretty much can explore the whole ocean; meet up with the Koroks, play around at Windfall, Birdman contest, treasure hunts, LOTS of caves, fill your map/fishman game...Then of course you can go over to the Temple of the Gods if you wish and go through the epic scenes after that.


At that stage, you've probably finished Wind Waker.


It's close but I'd say Twilight Princess was overall better. If Wind Waker was a bit longer, and the sailing wasn't so dull then I'd certainly go with Wind Waker.

  mariosmentor said:
That was always my biggest grudge with WW.


The first moment I was offered the whole sea I was filled with excitement at what I could discover.


4 hours later, I found absolutely nothing of interest. The distance and time it takes to get to these islands to find that most of them are effectively empty and boring.


As was said, if the islands were given a bit more life then it would have been something. Whenever I replay the game I never bother with the optional islands.


I don't think any islands were empty. Sure, the reefs aren't exactly populated, and it takes a while to realise they actually have something, but most islands have something for you.


But not at the time V stated. You still need to complete the main quest a bit more (to obtain hookshot, hammer, etc.), otherwise, you'll just find unpassable obstacles.


But by the triforce search, you're pretty much ready to find everything in the sea. I see the triforce search as a way to say "don't forget to explore this world a bit before finishing the game".


They have something yes, but not one did I sail away from thinking "That was worth it"


Most of the islands are dull and simple if you have the right tools and take little time to explore. There wasn't any new wonder in discovering these uncharted islands. That was my biggest gripe.

  mariosmentor said:
They have something yes, but not one did I sail away from thinking "That was worth it"


Most of the islands are dull and simple if you have the right tools and take little time to explore. There wasn't any new wonder in discovering these uncharted islands. That was my biggest gripe.


But just having something on those islands is better than riding to some edge of Hyrule in TP to find...Nothing, O' maybe a chest with rupees or a bug...[sarcasm] yay! [/sarcasm]. I mean even the main inhabited places like Zora's Domain and Death Mountain had nothing really for you to feel like returning. All you get to see are Zoras chilling in the spring and a Goron underwater at Zora's Domain...No mini quest, no additional item to get (like that mask in WW that shows the health of the bosses), not even any particularly exciting bit of dialogue, just....nothing.


Wind Waker 100% I got bored with Twilight Princess. Heck I bought TP on launch and still haven't bothered to complete it, WW on the other hand has great replay value.


Wind Waker is not only better than Twilight Princess; it's still the best game of all time! It did the impossible and improved upon the N64 Zeldas. The designers used the extra processing power of the GameCube to truly expand upon what Zelda could be.


They didn’t forget important items that help make Zelda what it is: Power Bracelets, Mirror Shield and Fire, Ice & Light arrows. Those (apart from the arrows) and the sword were upgraded automatically, which was neat.


Visually, it’s unrivalled, with the best-ever character designs for Moblins, Wizrobes and Darknuts, to name three.


It’s the perfect meeting of artistic and technical brilliance. Look at the form of the islands, and how inner and outer correspond, particularly the Forest, Fortress and Dragon Roost, and how you could fly from them to smaller islands by using the Deku Leaf.


I always think the brilliance of the game can be demonstrated by a quick visit to Windfall Island. Sail up to it and there are no loading times. Just hop straight off your boat and onto the island, with no jarring transition of any kind. Enter the windmill, play the “Squid†version of Battleships, climb up the stairs and emerge. Then you can hitch a ride up the top (which you can turn into a lighthouse with the fire arrow) and fly off with the Deku Leaf to one of the nearby buildings; maybe crawl through a hidden passage.


The islands, even the small ones were mysterious and worth a visit. I loved the sailing, the wind control and even the Tri-Force quest, which provided much variety with lots of unique challenges and mini-dungeons. In fact, the game is so advanced, I thought the full-length dungeons were the worst bit.


It’ll be a while before it’s bettered!

  Grazza said:
Wind Waker is not only better than Twilight Princess; it's still the best game of all time! It did the impossible and improved upon the N64 Zeldas. The designers used the extra processing power of the GameCube to truly expand upon what Zelda could be.


They didn’t forget important items that help make Zelda what it is: Power Bracelets, Mirror Shield and Fire, Ice & Light arrows. Those (apart from the arrows) and the sword were upgraded automatically, which was neat.


Visually, it’s unrivalled, with the best-ever character designs for Moblins, Wizrobes and Darknuts, to name three.


It’s the perfect meeting of artistic and technical brilliance. Look at the form of the islands, and how inner and outer correspond, particularly the Forest, Fortress and Dragon Roost, and how you could fly from them to smaller islands by using the Deku Leaf.


I always think the brilliance of the game can be demonstrated by a quick visit to Windfall Island. Sail up to it and there are no loading times. Just hop straight off your boat and onto the island, with no jarring transition of any kind. Enter the windmill, play the “Squid†version of Battleships, climb up the stairs and emerge. Then you can hitch a ride up the top (which you can turn into a lighthouse with the fire arrow) and fly off with the Deku Leaf to one of the nearby buildings; maybe crawl through a hidden passage.


The islands, even the small ones were mysterious and worth a visit. I loved the sailing, the wind control and even the Tri-Force quest, which provided much variety with lots of unique challenges and mini-dungeons. In fact, the game is so advanced, I thought the full-length dungeons were the worst bit.


It’ll be a while before it’s bettered!


That was brilliant, and I whole heartedly agree.


Zelda for me is all about charm, and WW had lots of it while TP lacked. The theme and carefree feeling you get at the beginning of WW on Outset Island is so charming and that forest up ahead looks so lush and most vegetation there are sliceable. The way the story picked up was just right too, no long-winding fetch quests and extremely delicate storyline tidbits that you had to do to progress (ala fish for the cat in ordon).


It was just a shame they chose not to include scenes from flashbacks in WW as they usually do, this would have added a certain emotive element to the story. Like actually showing scenes of how Hyrule was flooded, similar to how we saw Ganondorf 'imprisoned' into the Twilight Realm.


WW also had the best story and ending hands down and the tag-team dungeons were very good. The soundtrack was also much more unique and effective.


Wind Waker has a better atmosphere and is a more unique and original experience. It's extremely easy though even compared to TP and the dungeon designs were a tad "basic". Also sadly it felt unnaturally padded out towards the end and could've done with an alternative to the triforce quest.


Twilight Princess has better dungeon design (even if it declines a little towards the end) and some more unique and exciting items. It also feels like more of an "epic quest" as a whole, with some truly dramatic boss fights. Unfortunately though the story isn't as coherent as WW's and starts to fall apart in terms of pacing towards the end. Too much focus on simply going from one dungeon to the next.


Anyway basically as a creative accomplishment Wind Waker is the stronger title but for an actual epic and immersive game experience I had a better time with TP. It had points of pure brilliance where I was thinking "this is the best 3D Zelda" but it's a shame it couldn't montain a consistent quality of pacing and have a less "forced" ending.


Unlike a lot of people though I wasn't even remotely disappointed with Twilight Princess. Probably has to do with me not liking OOT as much as most people though and being a LTTP purist.


I think in terms of an Epic ZELDA storyline, WW wins it!


The flooding and destruction of Hyrule, the return on Ganondorf, the discovery of Hyrules frozen underwater existance and the master sword, the final battle with ganondorf atop the castle roof, the true loss of hyrule... plus all the charm and magic. I think it's a far better entry in the series.


I didn't really like the overall story in Twilight Princess, for the most part it could have been any action adventure, with Ganondorf shoved in at the end!

  James McGeachie said:
Wind Waker has a better atmosphere and is a more unique and original experience. It's extremely easy though even compared to TP and the dungeon designs were a tad "basic". Also sadly it felt unnaturally padded out towards the end and could've done with an alternative to the triforce quest.


Twilight Princess has better dungeon design (even if it declines a little towards the end) and some more unique and exciting items. It also feels like more of an "epic quest" as a whole, with some truly dramatic boss fights. Unfortunately though the story isn't as coherent as WW's and starts to fall apart in terms of pacing towards the end. Too much focus on simply going from one dungeon to the next.


Anyway basically as a creative accomplishment Wind Waker is the stronger title but for an actual epic and immersive game experience I had a better time with TP. It had points of pure brilliance where I was thinking "this is the best 3D Zelda" but it's a shame it couldn't montain a consistent quality of pacing and have a less "forced" ending.


Unlike a lot of people though I wasn't even remotely disappointed with Twilight Princess. Probably has to do with me not liking OOT as much as most people though and being a LTTP purist.


I agree with the story concept there...the TP Ganondorf was tacked on. That said, though, it does seem to me that both games were rather average, looking back. Neither game felt as if it added much to the series from OoT (unlike MM, which felt like a very different game due to the time concept). Both were pretty pale compared to what we've all played in the past. It's a shame.

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