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Resi 4 GC/PS2 comparison pictures (56k No?)


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Yes it's true. Someone ripped the game and examined the contents and, surprise surprise!, they found all the cutscenes in FMV form. Pretty much every cutscene in the game is now a recording of the GC version, LOL GC graphics are PS2's FMV!!!


Now that is funny. I'll have to tell my PS2 mates bout this, and they'll cry i reckon.

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Here is a 'weapons' gameplay video of the PS2 version; showing off the game and the new 'laser' weapons;


http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=7925&type=wmv (22.8mb)


I thought this new weapons was supposed to be a 1 hit kill on ALL enemies as it removes the parasite from the host; however, whilst it seems to kill off villagers etc... when FULLY charged up in 1 shot; the same can't be said for El Gigante!!


The Magnum is capable of taking down El Gigante MUCH quicker (either at full upgraded 25 FP or maxed out 50 FP); you can finish him in 2 shots!

Therefore i don't see the point of the new (futuristic and out of place) weapon!

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You already said that!


With the Revolution though Nintendo will have innovation on their side; and IF it does lack in any ways, this should make up for it! Just look how well the DS is doing!


...and the PS2 has way more games than the cube also.

Don't you think that makes up for the minor difference in graphical capabilities between them? I certainly think so.

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...and the PS2 has way more games than the cube also.

Don't you think that makes up for the minor difference in graphical capabilities between them? I certainly think so.

We weren't talking about the PS2 and GC in the discussion you posted;

We were talking about whether the PS3 will be suppior to Rev next gen and whether the situation would reverse; hense my comments!


Anyways i fail to see your point; how the PS2 having more games makes up for it having worse graphics!!

Personally i'd rather have fewer games on a console and each one be superior; than loads of games that aren't all that good!

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Any excuse to bash what will REMAIN a great game, hey guys? I hope this sells better on the Ps2 than GameCube to simply spite people who are bashing the port.


Lol. I don't think anyone is saying it will be a bad port, I think its just that people are glad to see how much more capable the GC is than PS2. Game will be just as good.

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We weren't talking about the PS2 and GC in the discussion you posted;

We were talking about whether the PS3 will be suppior to Rev next gen and whether the situation would reverse; hense my comments!


Anyways i fail to see your point; how the PS2 having more games makes up for it having worse graphics!!

Personally i'd rather have fewer games on a console and each one be superior; than loads of games that aren't all that good!



I just don't understand why your bashing the game that's all.

RE4 on PS2 looks way better than anyone expected and it IS a port afterall.

The DS is way underpowered compared to the PSP, same for Revolution compared to PS3. But you're not bashing either system, just the PS2.

That's what I was saying.

And as for 'superior' games: PS2 has got them too and probably even more of them aswell.

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Of course it's good that the PS2 is getting RE4, it means that more people will get the chance to play this fantastic games. Though the PS2 version's graphics aren't as good as the GC's, it does have Seperate Ways to make up for it.


Besides, the game has been on the GC for over 6 months now, think of how the PS2 fans feel by having to wait all this time just to play it. We should be happy that we've had it exclusive for so long considering how fantastic it is.

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The DS is way underpowered compared to the PSP, same for Revolution QUOTE]


I'm sorry do you work for Nintendo? Do you know the specs of the Revolution? No? I don't get why people are assuming that graphically the Revolution is going to be so inferior to the PS3, no-one knows whether this is the case or not so whats the point in saying it?!

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Its pretty fair to say that the ps2 version is looking good. Tjos ewho will be playing the PS2 version will not notice the differences - infact a great many will beleive the PS2 is more powerful than GC, and thats something we can't change.


I'm very pleased with how RE4 turned out on Cube, howveer, i'd definately love an Ada Assignment add on for Gc. Afterall, us Nintendo gamers do hark on about "game over graphics", don't we?

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hey guys, just get this in perspective a seccond, it dosent really matter that the ps2 version isnt as good because at the end of the day resi 4 is one of the finest games ever made and capcom should be applauded for making it available to as many people as possible. cut the fanboyism and just go for it kids :wink:

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hey guys, just get this in perspective a seccond, it dosent really matter that the ps2 version isnt as good because at the end of the day resi 4 is one of the finest games ever made and capcom should be applauded for making it available to as many people as possible. cut the fanboyism and just go for it kids :wink:
I agree with you, but no one said it was a bad port, today I showed it to some PS2 owners and they were making it look even worse than it is, and I recall telling them that the graphics are awesome for PS2, because they are, it's just that the gcn version is so much better, but on that account a PC version could allow bigger resolutions, better textures, better filtering, still I dont think the game would feature the same diference as in between GCN to PS2, because the game was made from ground for gamecube, it doesn't lack much in any department, but still, of course gamecube is not the most powerful hardware available today, that's the PC; so if I just wanted good graphics I'd play PC games, which I dont and it's not because of lack of horse power in my machine, it's just because I'd rather buy a nintendo console because of those AAA games that always grace it.


Anyway... I'd love them to release the "resident evil 4: Separate Ways" on GCN, or even on revolution as a patch, I want it bad :'( do you guys think that if we do a petition or send some mails to capcom they'll carry the word?

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hey guys, just get this in perspective a seccond, it dosent really matter that the ps2 version isnt as good because at the end of the day resi 4 is one of the finest games ever made and capcom should be applauded for making it available to as many people as possible. cut the fanboyism and just go for it kids :wink:


Makeshift rep point for truth.




Use them in place of regular rep points, guys. This is because some stupid asshole who is totally not me fucked it up for everyone else.

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Wow, they've cut down a lot of scenery details there. Still looks good in its own right though, just don't go compare it with the GC version. I'm very curious about the framerate too.


Btw, I just finished RE4. What a great experience it was! Already started a second round and finished the Ada mission.

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if your looking at screens you can see a diferance but when its footage i don't think it shows up as much.


but with the added stories sceens and stuff i get a feeling Capcom when they scrapped RE3.5 always wanted to make a PS2 version all along but didn't want to piss Cube owners too much makin us wait for the PS2 port to have them come out at the same time, so we get a down graded (storywise) version but get it early, and they get a downgraded (graphically) with full story :mad:

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