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It's funny to see just how much has to be dulled down and removed for the PS2 version! Trees, vegetation, lighting etc... and the fact that although it is daytime on the GC version, the same section of the PS2 game looks like it's dusk!

Basically the PS2 doesn't have the GC advanced lighting or polygon count;




Still doesn't make up for the 5 hour Assignment Ada!!



Oh yeah... the GC version is the better looking game alright!

The extra 5 hours of Assignment Ada doesnt make up for the time us gamecube owners have had this AWSOME game for already! imo


Well as much as we like saying this here, all the PS3 owners will be able to say the same about the Rev.


I think this could be the difference in what we'll see next-gen.


Yet it will still sell amazingly well. Guess when it all boils down to it, these things really don't matter too much, huh? I'm looking at these screen shots and there really isn't a great deal of difference, is there?


We must all still be bitter it's being ported over.


It's quite a difference overall isn't it. I knew it wouldn't stand up to the gamecube version but I didn't realise how different it would be.


I'm not bothered about the extra Ada missions, sure they'll be fun, but I'm glad to have had a better looking game so many months earlier.


Capcom have done a very good job with the port by the looks of things, although there clearly are a lot of differences (especially in terms of texture quality and lighting). I'm yet to see it in motion so I still wonder about the quality of the frame rate too.


I find comparing these two images very humorous though:






It looks like Dr Salvador has been on a chainsaw swinging rampage, I mean where are all the trees!? :grin:


I couldn't get the PS2 pictures to show up for some reason when i posted (only the GC ones); so in the end i just linked to the site!


But yeah that is probably the best comparison of the lot you've shown there 'Redshell'; the trees look terrible!!

- Also on the picture with Leon entering the house; notice how the logs have been removed aswell as pretty much all the vegetation on the ground!!

- The picture with Leon diving through the window is another GREAT example of just how beautifully well the GC can do lighting!

cube one looks alot better with the weeds *tut


Lot's of stuff look better with weed :P



Seriously tho, the PS2 version looks great (for a PS2 game) but sure, the Gamecube version looks alot better.


Wow, didn't realise it was going to be that different. Its a class game and I hope it sells well on the PS2 even though I do wish it could have stayed a GC exclusive.


It doesn't look too bad but still it's taking out what made Resi 4 so good it's attention to detail and it's lighting effects now I'd like to see the framerate considering they had to take out some stuff.

It's funny to see just how much has to be dulled down and removed for the PS2 version!


I find comparing these two images very humorous though: ...It looks like Dr Salvador has been on a chainsaw swinging rampage, I mean where are all the trees!?


Who turned out the lights? Resident Evil 4: Forest fire and solar eclipse edition.


I can see these comments being said back to you when the Revolution and PS3 are out!


It's differences like this we'll most likely be seeing!


There's no point laughing...

I can see these comments being said back to you when the Revolution and PS3 are out!


It's differences like this we'll most likely be seeing!


There's no point laughing...

You already said that!


With the Revolution though Nintendo will have innovation on their side; and IF it does lack in any ways, this should make up for it! Just look how well the DS is doing!

I can see these comments being said back to you when the Revolution and PS3 are out!


It's differences like this we'll most likely be seeing!


There's no point laughing...


How can you come to that conclusion before any titles have been revealed. Its quite possible you will see this, but at the same time the Rev could be easier to develop for and get the most out of than the PS3. Therefore you could still see the same thing happen.

the Rev could be easier to develop for and get the most out of than the PS3.
And if development cost are kept low and Nintendo can bring their games out for £40 (instead of the expected £50+ for next gen), that's sure to help Nintendo when it comes to people buying games (especially kids/teens who can't afford much).

For me (my preference) the Rev will be the best of consoles i'd guess, Nintendo make my favourite games, and have a brand new and exciting control method. i'm not disputing that!


I'm just commenting on the graphics side of things, I'll be happy if the Rev graphics are as good as Res Evil 4 at minimum (cube version), i wouldn't mind if they're even just on par with it, but i want to know if you'll be mocking the Revolutions graphics if the PS3 puts them to shame?


note: i said IF! ha ha


Ever since Satoru Iwata spoke at E3 about how technical specs aren't important anymore a lot of people have assumed this means the Revolution will be vastly inferior in the graphics department.


I think those people are going to be in for a big shock when the final games are made public and the visual capabilities of the Revolution are revealed.


Just look at Twilight Princess, it will be on last generation hardware by the time it gets released, but it will still be a fantastic looking game. Its proof that even with reduced hardware specifications Nintendo's artistry can still get great results, and I’m sure that they and other high profile developers (especially Capcom) will be able to do the same on Revolution.






Look at the enemy's head, GC has probably more than triple the poligons along the body.






The lightning and textures on the wall... all gone



the enemies are also drastically simplified/cutted down, after all... each regular enemy in RE had from 4000 to 5000 poligons, as much as snake in metal gear solid 3... that brings the question... Leon had 10000 poligons plus bump mapping...


I doubt the model is intact too for PS2, the bump mapping was taken and the textures toned down, but... Are the cut scenes in PS2 still done with the in-game graphics engine? or FMV? I heard people talking about it being FMV and thus probably show less edges in the final version than the gamecube version :X


I'd like to see the water scenes too and see how the framerate is hold along the game, I never experienced slowdown in beggining of the game, but the PS2 version aparently had it, look at the explosion... that blur... must be to cover the frame skip, caused by a mere explosion. let alone the rest of the game, it's already running stiff down there in the very beggining.


Yes it's true. Someone ripped the game and examined the contents and, surprise surprise!, they found all the cutscenes in FMV form. Pretty much every cutscene in the game is now a recording of the GC version, LOL GC graphics are PS2's FMV!!!

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