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Yar I did! I was also at the smaller southend gig a couple weeks before. That was like the old times seeing Blur in the 90's :D


It was quite funny getting home.. The police were preventing people from crossing the road in order to get to the tube and everybody started singing the lyrics to Tender.


If they do more concerts in the future, I'll go to a seated one. There was some short woman in front of me who insisted on rubbing herself up against my crotch for most of the concert.

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It was quite funny getting home.. The police were preventing people from crossing the road in order to get to the tube and everybody started singing the lyrics to Tender.


If they do more concerts in the future, I'll go to a seated one. There was some short woman in front of me who insisted on rubbing herself up against my crotch for most of the concert.



You should have made sure yougot a boner hahaha




£3.99 thaught it was about time i owned this film.

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A landmark in gaming. One of those very rare games (Yes, I know, Uncharted 2 only came out a few months ago) that pushes the medium forward.


Special Edition arrived today. £35.99. Chuffed.


Did the PR team for Heavy Rain contact you to write that?

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A landmark in gaming. One of those very rare games (Yes, I know, Uncharted 2 only came out a few months ago) that pushes the medium forward.


QFT. Also bought this today and having followed it closely for what seems like an eternity it is truly a unique experience. More like an interactive novel than anything. The possibilities are mind-boggling.

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The poster alone sends me reeling. I'll never play it, but I'll always remember. I love how the poster is set out like a movie poster, and how the name gives nothing away (arguably the sub-title ruins it, but you deal).


Reminds one of Blade Runner, which is great.

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For the PS3:



New shiny tripod:






9 (I'm somewhat surprised ReZ hasn't done this in Comedy Rainbow yet)



A ticket to Focus on Imaging show:



Scored the ticket free since I'm "in the industry". I'm going to feel like a total badass waltzing around like I own the place, looking down on the people that had to pay to get in. Chumps.

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