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I love this clothes shopping banter! Long may it continue!


Here is a list of the shops I rate:


-River Island: So many people I know think its expensive but I just love the clothes they have. The designs are cool, the fitting just perfect for my body - I think thats the important thing.


-Topman: Second port of call after River Island. Again, the designs are nice but their sizes and overall fitting can be a bit up and down i.e. sometimes a large tee is too big and medium is too tight. I hate when that happens. Overall not bad.


Those are my two main clothes shopping outlets I visit. But if I see something nice in Burtons/H&M/Primark etc then I will buy it. Basically anything I think will look nice on me, I buy it.

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Guest Stefkov

Nearly all of my clothes are the same recycled ones I've used for god knows how many years. I mean, I still wear this Alien Hominid t-shirt I bought from ds-x2.com years ago for £2, which was just the postage cost. (Shit that website is still around...)

Onto what I purchased today. All without handing over a single piece of paper of monetary value.


*massive drools*

Okami. Is that new? I saw it and thought what the hell.



That is pikachu with an elastic band on his head pretending to be snake w/t bandana.

Massive post yeah.

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As long as a person doesn't shop in Jack Wills or Abercrombie & Fitch, they can live.


I don't shop in those high-street shops...I buy music t-shirts moslty, or joke ones from stray shops. My leather jacket is Firetrap from John Lewis...my jeans are...I can't remember. I think got my black pair in like Peacocks or somewhere equally shit.


I just hate when everyone has the same thing on. Like in the Image Gallery I've seen the same hoodie from topman literally 3 times on as many people.

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Guest Jordan
I decided my poor motherboard needed a break from running games with its pitiful onboard graphics card, so I purchased:


Geforce 8800GT of the Inno3D variety -





And now my girlfriend has a better graphics card than i do.

Bad times.

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I decided my poor motherboard needed a break from running games with its pitiful onboard graphics card, so I purchased:


Geforce 8800GT of the Inno3D variety -









I was able to run Crysis with everything on high detail with good frame rate yesterday. :)

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Guest Jordan



I was able to run Crysis with everything on high detail with good frame rate yesterday. :)


*face palm*


I wish i had more money, i'd buy a 9800GX2... or if i was crazy a GTX 280... >_>

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Guest Jordan

The GTX series? Well, no the GTX 280 was but the 260 isn't due till July which is said to kick the pants off the 8800/9800 (bar the 9800GX2) series and still be cheap.

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My Creative Zen V Plus 8gb that I had for over a year sucked seriously. It froze every time I put over 6,5gb music in it and I had to format it and start all over again. I've read that It's a common fault in the model, but still... I'm never going to buy anything from Creative again. All hail Apple!

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h & m is a bit like treasure hunting. you dig through tonnes of crap that no one would wear a find a beauty.


i'll defend river island, i got my jacket there (leon in re4 style) for £90(ish), and its the finnest item i own, both great to look at, and practical, zipped up it can easily manage the geordie winter, un zipped its cool enough well into spring. and the quality is high.


most of my stuff is next, it suits my frame, and its well made.

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Guest bluey

i bought myself a jade magatama stone a la maya from phoenix wright:


'tis green, but does not glow ~ i havent tried unlocking people's secret thoughts with it yet though...

(have it on a piece of brown leather cord around my neck ^^)

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Rokhed: that pig is super cute and kinda creep at the same time. But mostly cute. =3


Bluey: picture time! I want to see it.


Nightwolf: yay, Wii! And two great games! Have fun with them!



Me, I bought an ice cream with tiramisu, cookies and speculaas taste (last one is some kind of cookie thing), whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Mmmmmm.

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You can at least get your money back on that one through eBay if you don't like it. The other three items won't disappoint, however. ;)


Well considering I've spent 450quid in a day :indeed:, that is very true, I really like mario already started playing (I may drink and play it haha such a head f*ck) and zelda, well its zelda. :)

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