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Guest Jordan
  Wesley said:
Then don't post.




I bought:



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  Jordan said:


I bought:




How much? The cheapest i can find online is £17.99 for ChoicesUK and i don't even know if they're any good.

Guest Jordan

£16 with delivery off ebay, brand new.

  Eenuh said:
Heheh maybe. I never go out though, as I have no one to go out with. ^___^;


As you're in a rather small country, you can't be that far from Bruxelles, and then it's just a relatively quick train ride to London, which is very, very nice at night. :smile:


Hell, I'd do that, and I'm a lazy shit.

  warandchaos said:
Aww =[

Why not? Surely someone is willing to go get drunk lol.

I don't have any friends; the two I have I haven't seen or heard of since the end of June, so yeah. =P


  Deathjam said:
I bet if you were in england, many people from here would happily go out for a night on the town with you.


  The fish said:
As you're in a rather small country, you can't be that far from Bruxelles, and then it's just a relatively quick train ride to London, which is very, very nice at night. :smile:


Hell, I'd do that, and I'm a lazy shit.

Well it would take me about two hours to get to the Eurostar, which is then another two hours I think? Plus a ton of money to get there (and back). I would go to London, but going alone is kinda scary I think (even though I've flown across the ocean multiple times on my own now, haha). But yeah, I don't know... maybe for the next meet-up in London I can come. =)





Bought Joan as Police Woman's Real Life (2CD) album for £10.49 on Amazon. =)


Been playing pokemon diamond alot ^^ Great little game, if anyone has any pokemons they could chuck my way (Decent stuff like a newly hatched chansey :P:P) then pm me please ^^ Im a pokenoob :D;D



Grid Special Edition - £30 from Play. I don't usually like driving games, but with Grid i've played the Demo to death and love it.




Will be purchased tomorrow.

  Dyson said:
Haha, I keep meaning to try those. Let me know how they are.

Will do chum!

  ReZourceman said:
WTF is a magical berry tablet yo'?


Basically, they were in the news a while ago, and theres something inside that that does something to your tastebuds temporarily and turn things like vinegar to taste very sweet on your tongue, and alot of other things will taste sweet aswell (a popular one is lemon tastes of toffee's).


I've bought them for curiosities sake, lets just hope the people who have reviewed it well so far have not suffered from the Placebo effect.

Guest Jordan

Cheap mice... suck really bad.

  Jordan said:
Cheap mice... suck really bad.


Not really, I had a cheaper one than this and it lasted me two years! I'm not the kind of person who wants several buttons on the damn thing either.


Cheap mice are ftw :yay:

  nightwolf said:
magical berries haha ^_^ gusiness to chocolate milkshake?


Apparently, I dont have any guiness around to test this, but I do have plenty of vinegar and lemon juice. I may review it and take suggestions (Actually, that sounds like a bad idea)

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