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She gave her number but dumped me.


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hehe well if you really want me to.


1st we'll discuss jims 18th. it started off as a regular 18th party complete with beers and a bouncy castle. my mate graham was very funny when he was drinking shandy and thort it was cider and got totally pissed off it (which either shows drunkness is partly mental, or that hes just incredibly weak drinker). anyway i digress, the night got later, it got darker, tents were set up (although noone planned to go to sleep yet) and we had cigars and more beer. now in the kitchen there wer some baked potatoes that we stole and threw at people which was hilarious. then my mate ben who was wasted got with this girl who is actually a prostitute and me and another mate wer like haunting them cz they wer tryin to have "good times" but we kept like interuptin them and they ran away to the point we followed them commando style around cars etc over a huge field and stuff. then we got bored and went back to the house. other stuff happened includin ben pissing on someones tent and my other mates big brother jumpin on a tent while ben and the whore were "busy". then it was sleepy time and i was asleep in the same tent as ben and the whore and i woke up after a while and was not amused to find them doing unscrupulous things next to me. thus ends the story of jims 18th. at least thats all i remember lol.


then to ... i forget her name but ye it was her halloween party lol. again there was much alcohol only this time it was BYOB so instead of bein layed on beer after beer i had some vodka and a couple of bottles of stella. i met these 2 hot chicks (i didnt get either of their numbers though :( oh well il get them of mark some time lol) and i shared some cigs with them and we got progressively more drunk. i felt really bad that night because in my drunken foolishness i upset helen who is a good friend of mine. i just realised that i dont know why i count this as like a "funny night" it was actually really depressing but i guess dillan moron is right when he says we rate things by how much they fuck us up: "how was last night?" "i cant hear anything, it was brilliant" lol. but yeah erm i drank too much that night and threw up outside and cried about stuff out the back and caught a hot girl after she jumped down the stairs to me (this was like meant to happen she wasnt trying to kill me or anything lol) and it ended up i was playing guitar whilst people played burnout then me helen and james stood in the kitchen drinking and talking for hours until jim turned up at about 5am after being at work. then me helen james jim and steph (its funny how i say them as if i expect you to know them but oh well) and we had dares to drink shots of vinegar, and diluted washing up liquid. oh and like having vinegar in your mouth and spitting it into a glass containg bicarbonate of soda and making an airtight seal around it... not funny. and so ends my stories. please comment them and il be sure to tell more stories in the future. i know it was a long read and it probably wont seem funny because you werent there and your not drunk but i think it was rather humourous.


thank you :)


CAn't wait till im 18. :heh:

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Haha, this is the funniest post ive seen on here in a long time. Can't believe noone else noticed it.


I had a bit of a roffle to myself, but I felt bad about the idea of coming in here, laughing and then leaving the thread.


But, as you've done it first, you've taken some of the pressure off moi.

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The fact remains that most people on this forum are either whiny pre pubescent outcasts, or middle aged men who've given up on their social lives. Except that's not true, there are a wierd amount of normal people here (for a Nintendo forum especially), I think there's always been some good advice.


And most importantly; Drink up!



im 23...got a girlfriend..got a job...and a social life......


A SWING AND A MISS :kiss: :p

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I had a bit of a roffle to myself, but I felt bad about the idea of coming in here, laughing and then leaving the thread.


But, as you've done it first, you've taken some of the pressure off moi.


Well i figured Bowser had already done the heartless task, so there was no shame in laughing at it...

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Elekko, it sound like a rejection at face value. But I tend to analyze and then realize (or delude myself?) that there is a plausible explanation so Im not a very good advisor. I'll just say to me it can be both ways from what you say.


Talking of analysis, I asked a girl out for a drink this summer and had a few drinks in london. While on platform she suddenly turned around and said to me... (drum roll)

"Do you think a friendship is possible between a man and a woman?"


WHAAAAAT!??? was what I was thinking deep down, but thought seriously for few secs then replied, "... yeah I guess so but you are attractive.". I dated her a few more times after that and at last formally asked her out. She turned me down. To this day, I don't know WTF all that was about. Women... I HATE THEM ALL!! j/k :grin:

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It's nothing special.
My fav was:
There's a hot-ish girl called Zoe in my Business Management class. She's got a twin, I almost got confused once, if you know what I mean. ;)
How far did you get with him before you realised your mistake?


And to a lesser extent:

Your asking advice on women on a nintendo forum?



I concur. I also like ten character limits.
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i've been doing some studdying of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (also known as DSM IV-TR) and apparently if you believe that this girl is in love with you. You reinterpret what she says and does to support the delusion, and you are convinced that the imagined romance will eventually become a permanent union. They often target a celebrity or a person of a higher social status. you may have a mental illness this is called Eroto-manic Stalker Syndrome, rofl seems pretty strange to me

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i've been doing some studdying of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (also known as DSM IV-TR) and apparently if you believe that this girl is in love with you. You reinterpret what she says and does to support the delusion, and you are convinced that the imagined romance will eventually become a permanent union. They often target a celebrity or a person of a higher social status. you may have a mental illness this is called Eroto-manic Stalker Syndrome, rofl seems pretty strange to me


If you now could explain your post for me so I can understand it.

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