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Wii Sports Thread


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Guest Stefkov

Got Pro on Bowling! I love the design on the ball now!

Tried going for a perfect game again but no luck. I kept getting 179 or 178. Still cant even beat my original high score of 180 :(

Had 3 go's of boxing and I should play this more, i love it, i love the animation of the other player going to ground, i ove smackin him in the crotch area etc.

Got 11 runs in Baseball before!

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I've been pestering my brother all day to try this out.

He keeps saying "I'll try it tomorrow."


He's not really into games at all, to be honest. But, I loaded up Wii Sports and made him play boxing, and he sat down and started to throw a few punches.

A few more punches, and then followed by a few laughs. Before I knew it, he was standing up actually going for it.


He then tried bowling, which he was pretty ok at, but clearly loved it anyway. Tennis was his game, though. He got some great serves in, and won some decent points.


But yeah, it was pretty fun to see him up and playing this game. Just by watching him you could tell he was into it.


A couple of my other brother's mates came around this morning to check the Wii out. They played some more boxing and tennis, and they loved it, too.


This is definitely the game you show to people to make them understand what this controller/console can do.

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Yesterday played a game of bowling with three friends.


One of my friends, the guy next door in fact, had never played before. He's not even a gamer, owns no console, had only played the Wii once before when I gave him a quick go at golf.


The man scored 188. A spare in the first frame followed by five strikes in a row. On his first go ever!!





I don't get aiming in tennis at all. Bowling was the best one at first, but now is only fun with friends. Boxing is awesome now that I'm pro =) Golf is fun, I never really tried it before. Baseball is alright, but I hate pitching <.<


If you're right handed and hitting forehand, then hitting it too early will make it go left, and hitting it too late will make it go right. Imagine how it would work with a real racket. To aim straight you want to hit it when it's almost completely level with your side.

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Guest Stefkov

I've been trying to get 10 home runs in that Baseball training for 2 days now! I keep getting to 8 and missing the 9th.


I have 10 notices on my message boardnow, only from playing Wii Spors and Wii Play.

I got a silver medal in Tennis Target Practise. And checking again I got a Gold medal in the exact same practise. Got 20 targets.


Also I did the fitness test again and I stayed the exact same as yesterday, 33...

Now to the Wii Play thread to boast about some scores.

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Myy cousin has a Japnese wii and I am really stuck in getting wii sports running. The only game we can do is boxing. It wont let me play the other sports. I can select them but after I pick my character I have to return to main menu. Anyone with a Japanese wii or have any idea how to resolve this problem?

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Guest Stefkov

A while ago I did the fitness test. It does the same bastard trick as Brain Age. It said you got an age of 20........then it waits im like ok carry on. It drops down and says I have an age of 29..........:o that bastard.



So anyhoos I did it again today, and got an age of 21. Shabba.

got the level 18 in spin control on it. Shame icant do that when training.

The balance and Stamina are full and my speed was just under the full mark.

I seriously thought it was gonna do the same trick as above.

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I have introduced the Wii to my family and my dad wants to get one! my step mum also who hates any form of computer games and think they are a pointless stupid hobby is hooked on tennis. then they saw the advert that has a mix of games and said "get that one"= wario ware.


Looks like to me Nintendo are on to something, (as more and more people seem to be believing) can't imagine all my family jumping around the room playing on a PS3!


new high score on bowling for me: 220, think being in competition with others makes me play better!


also interesting my brother who plays golf alot and has a real low handicap, played me at golf and absolutly kicked my ass first try, interesting to see how the relevant skill sets can be quickly applied to the wiimote.

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Got 8 strikes in a row last night at bowling in rounds 2-9, messed up the 1st and 10th rounds, so missed out on the 3 lots of scoring in the last round.. .really annoying ;/


Score was about 260, just kinda slipped into a zone, my previous best was only about 160, my GF was pretty pissed as she had just got ~170 the previous round!

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Guest Stefkov

I did the age test again and dropped from 21 to 25. now my speed is full but both stamina and (other one) are now one bar under full.

Its better than my first which was about 40 something.

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I can only ever get 6 strikes in a row in bowling.My highest score is in the 220s.

Almost pro in tennis now,and i've just started playing boxing which is fun.I like playing my sister at baseball,when i'm pitching she keeps saying I cheat and I throw the ball low when it's a normal fast ball.I get some cheap laughs :heh:

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Boxing on Wiisports is awful. Being an amateur boxer myself, i discovered that you do better in the game by frantically punching like an excited 9 yr old girl would as opposed to doing the proper stuff.


I've found the opposite.

Some of my brother's mates came around and started punching like hell. They all got knackered by the second round, and had done little damage.


I usually find that 'choosing your punches' or punching at the right time has the desired effect.


A true tactician. :)

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I've found the opposite.

Some of my brother's mates came around and started punching like hell. They all got knackered by the second round, and had done little damage.


I usually find that 'choosing your punches' or punching at the right time has the desired effect.


A true tactician. :)


Um, so your saying I DON'T 'choose my punches' even though i'm an amateur boxer? Pfft

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