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Freakin' amazing what Nintendo has done here.

Totally, it if the perfect way to get non gamers playing, yet as a gamer i'm still loving it.

To moan about not being able to control the movement of the player is ridiculous, the whole point is to appeal to non gamers and this would instantly put them off. It's all about simplicity. No buttons for tennis. If you want full movement and everything go buy a ps2 and get Virtual Tennis Nintendork

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Zelda is amazing. But, the game that I've been playing the most is WiiSports.


My girlfriend is addicted to tennis and boxing. We just had a little bash right now and it was pretty damn cool. It's really damn simple, too. I think that's the key.


I really NEED an extra wiimote.

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Guest Stefkov
The thing that's worrying me now is trying to play Wii Tennis with 3 or 4 people. Will it get crowded? I need to try it out anyway, its gonna be kickass.

It gets crwoded for me with 2 peopel paying tennis, even more crowded when people are sitting down watching.

I had my mum, dad and sister in my bedroom wanting to play tennis or golf or bowling. Seriously well done Nintendo.


I have only played this up to now fully. Zelda, monkey ball, wii play, red steel and monster trucks (*uugh*) have only had limited play time.

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It was the Christmas lights.. who reads manuals these days hey?


Bowling is pro, but I am sick of this elitist attitude that unless you love a game you can't have an opinion on it.


I think they have used it to jack up the price, I think Tennis will be better when you can move the characters.. so what?

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Tennis: Haven't had much play time and I'm not very good at it, but I love it, especially serving and the speaker 'THWACK!'.


Baseball: Very complicated, I've hit one home run in all the time I've had it. Throwing is simple, but hitting the ball perfectly so that a little bugger doesn't catch it and it doesn't go 1cm out of the foul area is impossible. Not really enjoying it.


Bowling: Brilliant, I'm really good at aiming it and getting spares. Anyone gotten to 90-odd pin bowling on training yet?


Golf: Strangely peaceful and satisfying when you get it in the hole. I can't get better than a birdie, my worst being +9.


Boxing: Very satisfying if you imagine you're beating up your worst enemy. Uppercuts... a bit hard to pull off to finish your opponent.



Anyone worked out how to do multiplayer with 1 Wiimote? I found out yesterday and you can do it on Baseball (2 people play, first bats then pitches, then the other does), Bowling (just pass the Wiimote when your turn is done), golf (same as bowling).

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Guest Stefkov

I played around with the other options on the game and now my Wii fitness age is 42 !

My mum had a go and she was 58 or something.

I love this game.


I don't like the soundo f that 1 wiimote mulitplayer game, two is better on golf, thats just really cool to relax. Plus chipping it in from the firway close the the green is a great feeling of superiority.

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Man this is a great game! And I've managed to get my whole family playing it which is just insane, they're all complete non-gamers but they love it.


Nintendo has real winner here.


The only negative point of this game for me, is Boxing. What a dud!

I dunno, maybe it's just me but it seems to be so unresponsive compared to all the other games, sometimes I have to swing the Wii Remote or Nunchuck about 3 or 4 times to get a single punch! :hmm:


Everything else about Wii Sports is fantastic though, I love the Wii Fitness thing too, my Wii Fitness age went down from 38 to 27 today! :grin:

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I've only played Bowling, Baseball and Boxing so far, I think I go a bit crazy on boxing I was all over the place on my first go. Baseball is really fun but it does hurt my arm quite a bit, I'll have to get used to it. I love the idea that you get a bit of exercise whilst playing.

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So far I think the favourite games fore me and my sisters are both tennis and boxing. Especially boxing gets us all crazy. My little sister is jumping all over the place when playing it. X3


Baseball I suck at, but I finally found out how to throw decent balls (reading the manual helps) so they can't hit them that easily. Still not good at swinging it though.


Haven't really tried golf yet. And in bowling, I don't know why, but my ball always seems to go to the left (I think I have that in real life bowling too actually X3 ).


All in all, great game. Haven't played all of it yet, but it'll happen in time. Now just to get my mom and dad to try it out too. =P

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Guest Stefkov

I've got noe golds on anythign up to now. Apart from a gold on shooting on Wii Play. I'm gonna play some more tonight, its so addictive. My bro even likes the baseball. We've played so many mulitplayer matches.

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Guest Stefkov

However if you click on the Miis you dont want to be you, eg the one at the front, near the net, it'll change to a Mii figure with a big '?' in it. Then this chooses a random Mii, i think, to be that other player/cpu/player at front no-one cares about but i use cos its good strategy.

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Played Wii for the first time today (still haven't got one - thanks PC World!), Wii Tennis was the game the bitches in the store let me play, had a game against my girlfriend. I was really getting into it, she was nervous about all the people around. It was class. I cannot WAIT to get it in my house.

Bought Wii Play as a consolation for not getting Wii yet, and looking at the remote now... drooling... :(

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Man this is a great game! And I've managed to get my whole family playing it which is just insane, they're all complete non-gamers but they love it.


If I had more Wii-Motes (second one will be mine on Monday :) ) and if we hadn't been away for 3 hours my parents would have played Wii-Sports longer. They were amazed of bowling and tennis. I personally love all of the games, but most of all golf and bowling.

It was pretty fun seeing my mum and dad giving tips to each other at a game of bowling...and btw they kicked my ass-.-' But it was so great :)


Wii fitness age: 60 (omfg xD) After about 45 minutes of playing I got pretty tired.

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