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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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I found the Ice mansion excellent if a bit small.


Agreed. The second phase of the sliding block puzzle had me stumped forever, although I did really enjoy the use of the rooms and space despite it all being quite condensed.


Shame the boss was the weakest of them all in my opinion. Sure, Gohma takes the gold for sheer peasyness, but ice yeti bitch fails on the exciting, badass AND nostalgic polls.


But hell, it still beats almost all of Wind Waker's bosses. All I remember from Wind Waker is... shitty statue thing, lame worm, fire scorpion and uh... bird. Yeah, bird. Not to say it was a bad game - it was awesome, just rushed at the end. Same could be said for Twilight Princess though, right?

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The second phase of the sliding block puzzle was indeed very tough which is refreshing given how overused that puzzle is in Zelda. The boss was pretty dull and simple though looked very cool.


The Wind Wakers bosses were 'meh' at best. The Poe one was interesting I guess and the Tower of the Gods one was cool even if it was stupidly easy and a complete rip off of Bongo Bongo from Ocarina.


Rushed WW is an understatement. I still can't believe we just 'got' Nayru's pearl without having to do anything. What a joke that was. But as you say I still loved the game, awesome.


And yes, the same can be said of TP. Towards the end at least ;)

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Rushed WW is an understatement. I still can't believe we just 'got' Nayru's pearl without having to do anything. What a joke that was. But as you say I still loved the game, awesome.


And yes, the same can be said of TP. Towards the end at least ;)


It's a shame such small niggles bring down an otherwise perfect game.

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Completed it last night , and managed to get 56 hours out of it.


Would agree that it felt rushed towards the end , maybe we were spoilt by having so much to do earlier on in the game. The final dungeon (in particular) was a real letdown and only felt half finished , and the game in general felt a lot easier than previous games.




Despite the above , and other minor niggles , I really enjoyed the experience and the biggest disappointment of all is the fact that I have now finished what was a wondeful game.

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The Wind Waker didn't feel rushed in the end because of lame bosses, but because of a lack of dungeons. They could have easely added five more dungeons and hid the Triforce pieces in there. No, instead, some morron spread the pieces over a flooded hyrule and made maps to find them. Even worse, the game didn't really require you to find Triforce Pieces, it required you to find heaps of money just to pay the map-reader 'Kooloh Limpah!' Tingle. That was a quirky ending. I would have liked it if you could stroll over Hyrule field on the bottom of the ocean and if they had impelemented two or three dungeons down there to find two or three pieces of Triforce. Not that that actually makes more sense, but it wouldn't have felt so rushed.


Don't get me wrong, Wind Waker was great, but many of the islands felt as if they were ment to be more then just mere rupee-holders. Why weren't they portals to the world below? Why couldn't we go to the gorons under water? Or the Zora's River? Come on, Nintendo, everybody would have loved to see that.


Twilight Princess has got me with that, too. I expected it to be a little more 'switchable' between the twilight and the light world. Making puzzles about the two merging. Instead, there's one world at the time and after you are freed of the curse of the twilight, I didn't see myself using the wolf form anywhere. Except in the last part, but that's when we're in the twilight again. It felt rushed towards the end, certainly the three last dungeons (after the dungeon in the dessert). Don't get me wrong, it was a good experience, but it isn't giving me Ocarina a run for it's money, and it's certainly no Majora' Mask-esque game of the demise of the world. God I loved that game...

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The Wind Waker didn't feel rushed in the end because of lame bosses, but because of a lack of dungeons. They could have easely added five more dungeons and hid the Triforce pieces in there. No, instead, some morron spread the pieces over a flooded hyrule and made maps to find them. Even worse, the game didn't really require you to find Triforce Pieces, it required you to find heaps of money just to pay the map-reader 'Kooloh Limpah!' Tingle. That was a quirky ending. I would have liked it if you could stroll over Hyrule field on the bottom of the ocean and if they had impelemented two or three dungeons down there to find two or three pieces of Triforce. Not that that actually makes more sense, but it wouldn't have felt so rushed.


Thats why I couldn't be bothered to finish WW...

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Twilight Princess rushed? What the hell? Maybe the intervals between the last few dungeons become shorter, but then again, there's not much world left to really explore, right?


It doesn't feel rushed to me, even near the end it's daunting how many sidequests I haven't completed.

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Reasons why many people think it's rushed:


- Last 5 temples are tiny and seem to get smaller as you go on.

- Travel time between the last 5 is virtually non existant.

- The final dungeon is no where near as involved and interesting as Ganon's castle (oot), the moon (mm) or Ganon's castle (ww).

- Story doesn't evolve one bit in the last 5 dungeons, instead it just feels like a series of mini levels.

- The ending is unimpressive and hardly epic.

- Hardly any side quests


Would agree that they gave us too much to do early on and not enough later should have been the other way around.

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Twilight Princess has got me with that, too. I expected it to be a little more 'switchable' between the twilight and the light world. Making puzzles about the two merging. Instead, there's one world at the time and after you are freed of the curse of the twilight, I didn't see myself using the wolf form anywhere. Except in the last part, but that's when we're in the twilight again. It felt rushed towards the end, certainly the three last dungeons (after the dungeon in the dessert). Don't get me wrong, it was a good experience, but it isn't giving me Ocarina a run for it's money, and it's certainly no Majora' Mask-esque game of the demise of the world. God I loved that game...


Something along the lines of Soul Reaver? Crystal Dynamics made a great use of those transitions, between the the "normal" and spiritual world. Those games had some nice puzzles:smile:

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I think people are becomming jaded having played Zelda to death over the years. WW was clearly a rushed job (missing at least 3 dungeons!!) but still had many great moments. For me part of the problem with TP is quite the opposite - there are far too many obviously scripted events crammed in and not enough of a natural sense of exploration (cf OOT). The dungeons were good, sometimes inspired (totally agree about snow mansion Fierce Link!).. the last few were a little underwhelming from a hardcore Zelda-nut's perspective, but I don't think that's really the issue. Plus, you can take as long as you see fit between the dungeons;while it may not rival the side-quest heavy MM, there are certainly plenty of things to keep you busy as long as you don't wish to storm ahead.


So, a solid and interesting Zelda game certainly. BUT: is it going to change your life, or even the way you look at Zelda games?? In a word no.


The real thing Nintendo have to address in Zelda is the limited feeling of immersion and interactivity.. something the wiimote was made for surely..

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Imho, the game isnt shabby at all...Well worth the £40 price tag (Which is what this is all about at the end of the day).


Boss fights every few minutes ?

Not a problem, love that sort of thing.

The only thing that goes as a 'complaint' is that it is 'Super OoT Deluxe' with innovative Wiimote control....And that for me certainly is not something I will hold against it.

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I mostly felt you were being pushed around in this game. You didn't choose where to go next, Midna pushed you. Now, that's too linear. You all know what I thought of the dungeons, well, the overal adventure feels too much 'pushed' in the right direction. I hate that. I defy that. 'Maybe we should see the desert now?', 'Th sages said something about the sky... Why don'tt we find that guy who was talking about sky beings?'. After that you'de get the point on the map where to go. In Ocarina of Time it was less pin-pointed and map-heavy. I find that a lot of the magic ios lost hrough stupid faults that could give that game that little bit extra...


Don't take it wrong, I love the game. IKt's just overrated. It's not worth as much as previous Zelda's. So NGamer, your 97% was a little over the top...

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Why do people moan about "less" side quests.



The way the "side-quests" are done in Twilight Princess is much better than the other 3D Zeldas - tbh, I didn't bother with the ones in oot (what was there....the heart pieces, masks, gold skullatas, poes, and...erm.....wasn't that it). In TP, we have loads more sidequest-type things integrated into the main quest, plus some optional ones. Plus no stupid take-a-picture-of-everyone sidequest that requires multiple play-troughs to complete.



Anyway, the time difference between the last few dungeons in TP is still greater than the time difference between the ones in OOT (bar the sections with the annoying mini-dungeons).


And, from what I can remember, the Shadow temple wasn't really all that big, and the Spirit temple seemed like two short sections, and not actually a proper dungeon.

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The shadow temple was probably the biggest dungeon in all of OoT, as was the spirit temple, and the idea that you had to visit the Spirit temple as a child, get something and then go back as an adult was genius.


Fair enough there weren't many sidequests in OoT, there were many more in MM and WW.


And I disagree about time between dungeons. It was a very long process in OoT, whereas in TP it's just a matter of going somewhere that's already been pinpointed on the map (via warp naturally), going through a few screens and hey presto you're in the next temple already. Lazy.

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Can i ask, from the TP defence force. What makes TP a stand out game? What makes it the game people will happily play in 10 years time, like many do with groundbreaking games such as Ocarina of Time? What new innovations has been included that influenced the overall gameplay of the game. Disqualifications goes to people who say Wiimote, as implementing the wiimote controls not only takes less then a day, but it did not influence the game one bit.

Also, more of this, and more of that, are not valid answers.

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The fact that it doesn't innovate that much (though I must say the Wolf parts and new items felt pretty refreshing) doesn't make it any less of a game. This game's style, storyline and gameplay were all at least of the same level as Ocarina of Time. I don't consider it to be as good as OoT because it offers too little challenge and like Jasper said, you're being pushed around too much, but still this game outshines every other game that has been released in the last few years. It doesn't live up to its hype but I never thought it would have anyway.

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Can i ask, from the TP defence force. What makes TP a stand out game? What makes it the game people will happily play in 10 years time, like many do with groundbreaking games such as Ocarina of Time? What new innovations has been included that influenced the overall gameplay of the game. Disqualifications goes to people who say Wiimote, as implementing the wiimote controls not only takes less then a day, but it did not influence the game one bit.

Also, more of this, and more of that, are not valid answers.


All I can think of in reply is that it's a real shame you didn't like the game as much as I did.

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