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Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Thread


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is there potential for a sequal? maybe with online. Hope so. Sounds like not enough was right with this one..


However, the sales figures I've seen have been appaling (jap). So not really sure if sega is bothered. Maybe they will make a sequal for the PS3 and Wii.

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The bosses ruin this game a lot. They aren't puzzling, just highly annoying (like the snow boss).


That one is pissing me right off, I've managed to hit his belly button once and then got spun off the side. Is it possible to hit his belly button before he starts spinning?

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It's not the wiimote capabilities which is the problem, to be honest. It's the way in which they are incorperated.


I just don't understand why Sega opted to use the wiimote in that specific position. It's not as easy to turn your wrist steadily like that than it is with two hands on the wiimote horizontally.


Just turn the wiimote on its side and try moving forwards, backwards, left and right. It's piss easy and much simpler than what was actually used. Plus, you can still perform jumps as A is accessible. Not only that, but the 1 and 2 buttons are now accessible as well!


Agreed. Still don't like it.

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The octopuss is what gets on my ravers.. and wasn't a big fan of the cobalt world.. but haven't started the lava world yet..


I'm enjoying the game enough to warrant the purchase.. though multiplayer hasn't been touched yet.. but from what I played of the party games by myself, Wii Sports doesn't have a lot to worry about..

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That one is pissing me right off, I've managed to hit his belly button once and then got spun off the side. Is it possible to hit his belly button before he starts spinning?


oh for gods sake i got that the first go.that was easier than the dam chicken.it's the robot boss that was tricky.World 4?



But ya the multiplayer is complete shit.i can't believe ign said the single player is lacking.


my list of complaints:


the menu:how stupid and gimmicky

mini games:

ever game that has you put that ladybird in the flower at the beginning is flawed.Dangerous route is broken,that yacht game.Sheep one.joke!


Monkey race and target hurt me the most.terrible.and no monkey fight?instead replaced by a shitty boxing game

lack of options:what there is no options in this game at all.Unless i missed it.You can't even set how long your multiplayer game will last

no multplayer in single:why not like?

bad quality sound on speaker:My god one of the games produces this chimey sound at the end..ds quality my ass



if they has just foccused on 8 or 9 mini games it would have been so much better.I can't believe this game got the same reviews as the vastly superior rayman

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If monkey ball (like SSBB will) used the classic controller (or is it GCN??) i reckon it would much better.


completely disagree.At first i said this control scheme is crap but it is honestly better than the anologue.it makes narrow platforms much easier.it is much easier for your thumb to slip than your whole wrist.

The single player is nice and challenging.i can't stand them too hard comments.IF it was easier then the game would be so much shorter and the boss batles are fun.Hard but fun

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I really enjoy playing this game with the Wii pad. It just feels more...fun. Its incredibly hard, though I haven't played it all too much since I've been completely into Zelda since getting both at christmas. I'll play world 10...someday :)

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My sentiments exactly. I've been going through clearing each world without continuing, I got to him with about 5 lives, yet he still managed to annihilate me. The worst was one were I delivered the final blow, but got knocked off at the same time. It of coarse counted as a fall out. Boy was I angry.

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That desert level, with the circular concave platforms??? You'd think it was easy.. but I h.a.t.e it.


That one is pissing me right off, I've managed to hit his belly button once and then got spun off the side. Is it possible to hit his belly button before he starts spinning?


oh for gods sake i got that the first go.that was easier than the dam chicken.it's the robot boss that was tricky.World 4?


Oh for god sakes, I did that robot boss first time.

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Not been playing this game much, found the first 4 worlds way too easy. Then I started the pirate world and it got slightly harder... then I had to face that damn octopus. I've only just beaten it now, seriously it's harder than every level in the game up to that point put together!


Hopefully world 6 will have some more challenging levels now.

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..it does get a bit harder.. in fact, it makes me want to KILL.. I have the first 8 worlds cleared now but have to go back to 5,6,7 and 8 to do them without continuing.. 5 would be easy but I can't seem to beat that octopus spud anymore.. that tentacled fiend managed to take all the 9 lives I gathered up over the stages off me yesterday meaning I have to go through the world again and have another go at him.. I was amazed that it happened, but I just *laughed it off and couldn't wait to do it again**


*wanted to pull him out of the screen and crush his little pink head, the dick


**because if I can't do it soon, my fist is gonna find the nearest wall.. a fist I'll need for doing my exams next week..



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Just had a more in depth play session with this game, as I haven't played huge amounts of Wii, due to having some important committments for which I have now cleared.


I'll just mention the 50 party games party games for now. While the quantity upon first observation is impressive, I would've preferred 10 or so "Quality" games, instead just about all of them are mediocre and don't warrant multiple plays with the exception of a SELECT FEW. The ommission of Monkey Billiards hurts but what hurts even more is how the "classics" such as Monkey Target and Race have been DESTROYED in this game literally. Terrible controls and removal of all features that made those modes fun in the first place. Really disappointing. Multiplayer sucks on this game bigtime with medicore party games that aren't anything to party about and the lack of similtaneous main game multiplayer play, competing for the fastest times etc isn't a particularly good ommission either...

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Just a question, not entirely sure if this is the case. If you choose to exit the game, in MAIN GAME, it says game over and the score is registered, does this count as a continue and thus once you complete the worlds, be denied in unlocking the "secret world" where you need to beat all other worlds without using a continue?

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Just a question, not entirely sure if this is the case. If you choose to exit the game, in MAIN GAME, it says game over and the score is registered, does this count as a continue and thus once you complete the worlds, be denied in unlocking the "secret world" where you need to beat all other worlds without using a continue?


Christ knows. I just want to play through the levels like you could in the first 2.

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I'm stuck on the 5th stage of the 7th world (Volcanic Pools).


You go down some steps at the start and turn right, then there is a series of flipping platforms that you have to get across. I have been stuck here for ages. Has anyone got any tips?


I was stuck on this level for ages too. I tried many different methods, but the one that I did it with was the slow and steady approach. Stick to the left of the platforms and scoot across them as soon as it becomes horizontal. As the next one is slightly off than the last, you should be able to just run across them. Stop on a static ground and repeat on the next lot. Small jumps may also help if you get in a pickle. Stick to it and you should manage to do it.

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