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Red Steel Thread


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Don't have a problem with turning. It's mainly because how the game is made. You never really have to worry that much what is around you, just what is in front of you. Plus holding A makes it go all Metroid style anyway too, so strafing is made easier.


That's fine with single-player, since it's linear and you're just going straightforward. But the slowness is problematic in multiplayer, especially when it takes over a second to turn to get someone coming from behind.


It's so accurate and nice to use when holding A, I just wish they made turning a bit quicker (at the cost of less precision) when not holding A.

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Played like the first level of this its pretty good but the sword fighting and turning controls suck on such a level, but it doesn't stop it from being enjoyable the shooting sections are still pretty fun although at times awkward and its a nice break when you had enough zelda ... but then again you cant ever get enough Zeruda!

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I got the game two days ago. Played the first 3 missions on a straight run. Gotta say, the controls werent as bad as the reviews made them to be. I did have to get used to it a bit. Today I played the first 3 missions again (stupidly overwrote the save file -_-') and to my surprise, the controls were almost a non-issue now. It controlled pretty smoothly. Sure, i had to re-adjust every now and then, but nothing major. Im actually enjoying the game now. The sword fighting is decent, but could be better. The parrying works a treat, the slashing is a bit weird.


As for the game itself, that's perhaps what disappointed the most. The game is kinda easy, since your health regenerates when you rest. And the game is really generous with it's hitzones. You can shoot an enemy even when you're not really hitting him, at least that was my impression. Oh and what's up with the graphics? Those i've soon online were much much better. Is it because I dont use the component cable? :o


In conclusion, at the moment I think Red Steel is a very decent and fun game. It has its glitches and some gameplay oddities, but somehow you grow attached to it. I'd say it's worth 7/10 - 7.5/10 from what i've experienced so far.

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I believe the reason why red steel is so easy is because the a.i. is terrible they just stand there doing nothing at times and the energy regen does make it easy, but still from the little i have played i still believe this is a solid shooter and excellent launch game.

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It gets a lot harder after a while. You get to a point where their individual shots take about three quaters of your life away, and you have to go out from cover, see where they are, take the hit, go back and recover, go back out, try to get them, take the hit, and so on untill you finally get them. The sword fighting eventually becomes challenging too.

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A quick Question (sorry if its already been asked and answered) but I noticed on the back of the Red Steel case that it says (EDTV/HDTV only), I only have a normal TV, isnt small but certainly isnt big compared to the TVs of now adays and this has me concerned considering that I already know its a present for Christmas alongside Zelda plus the Wii its self.

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I played this game for the very first time yesterday.


Got thrown into a multiplayer with two of my mates. First thing they said was that the controls would take some getting used to.


My thoughts are playing the first round: These controls are nowhere near as bad as they have been made out to me. I actually had a great time playing this, and I thought the controls were quite fun to use. Especially lobbing grenades and picking up weapons.


I can't even remember what I did, I just...played. It was a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be.


I was pretty impressed with the weapons, too. It's very satisfying. :)


The downsides, in my opinion: The graphics/lighting are not as good as they could be. On some of the multiplayer levels, it's difficult to see where you're going, etc. I think they could have added some more brighter levels to try and balance it out, but then I think that would affect the mood of the game.


Also, the lack of bots. They weren't a massive issue here, as the levels were just about right for 3 or 4 players. But, it's a shame this game doesn't have them.


Playing this game, it did remind me of goldeneye at some moments. I have no idea why, but I guess its because its a fresh experience, which goldeneye was at the time.

But yeah, I was pretty impressed. I'm more hyped for other shooters now, as I know that they are going to turn out amazing!

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What annoys me is how you have to shake the nunchuk to pick up a weapon. Why didn't they just make it so that you just pressed a direction on the d-pad? Much simpler.


I got the most awesome headshot today, pistol to the forehead from the other end of the hallway. Sweet...

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What annoys me is how you have to shake the nunchuk to pick up a weapon. Why didn't they just make it so that you just pressed a direction on the d-pad? Much simpler.


I got the most awesome headshot today, pistol to the forehead from the other end of the hallway. Sweet...


I think you can by one of the buttons on the d-pad, the same as reloading. Might be up.

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What annoys me is how you have to shake the nunchuk to pick up a weapon. Why didn't they just make it so that you just pressed a direction on the d-pad? Much simpler.


I got the most awesome headshot today, pistol to the forehead from the other end of the hallway. Sweet...


Mine was the same but from the complete opposite end of the docks level. Man I rule...:heh:

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Stick the controls to medium sensitivity and enjoy. Have spent many hours on this game, controls came naturally to me, and to be honest, I find them just as good as PC fps controls. Great game in my opinion, and much much better than the reviews suggest.


Only gripe is that it doesnt seem finished, for every fantasic looking graphic, there is a grainy one to follow it, bit more polish and this would have been truely amazing.


As it is, if your after a shooter, go for this, it really is a lot of fun, and dont judge the controls until you try medium and expert control sensitivity, honestly, its fine.

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..my girlfriend's parents got me Red Steel for Christmas (very cool surprise) and so far, I have really enjoyed it a lot.. haven't had any issues with the controls and at the moment I'm wondering what all the complaining was about..


..the graphics are terrible on my television, though I only have the composite leads that came with the Wii, so I may invest in the RGB cable some time soon which will hopefully make all my games look a bit better :heh: ..however, the quality of the graphics aren't an issue with me either because, although they could obviously be so much better, they don't annoy me when I'm playing of affect the gameplay, so that's not a problem at all.. (didn't get a Wii for the quality of the visuals :heh:)


anyway.. so far so good :yay:

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Me and my friends feel that using the A-lock on feels cheap and takes all the skill out of the game, so I always have it disabled on multiplayer...on single I only ever use it when I want to zoom in...


I really hope they just go for a bigger reticule and dump the whole lock on thing in the next game...

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Yea i dont know how the controls have been labled so poor by so many review sites? Its exactly as I thought it would be. Did they mark it low because it wasnt like aiming with a mouse (your whole view movess)?


I thought the game was pretty decent, only major gripe was that trow grenades ended with my death more than the enemies (that was probably me being crap though), and the fact every sword fighter had one of 3 unchanging patterns.

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