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Red Steel Thread


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I'm used to the controls now and it's not totally awful. One thing I will say is that it's very forgiving, especially in the way if you don't get hit for a few seconds you immediately return to full health (what makes it even easier is that the AI is thick as mince and wont rush you, so you can just nip round a corner and refill) and you can shoot someone about 6 inches above his head and he'll drop down dead.

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As Nina Simone once sang.. "its a new dawn its a new day"

I popped RS back into the Wii this morning adjusted the sensitivity back to the default Middle level and low and behold - I've have a new gaming experience. :)


1hr 29mins to be exact of new gaming experience!


To anyone deciding on buying this game - and have read my previous earlier post about RS (and been put off) - rest assured that although graphically a lot can be improved it offers a solid shooter experience. Take time adjusting to your desired sensi setting and work wth the game.


My second sword fight (the one where you learn to block - lasted about 20mins) - doh! we kept dancing around and I kept missing the block window of opportunity so we didnt progress. This enemy as well as your own energy keeps replenishing - so it was a long slog until I cracked it with the timing.


Its a good game - I'm enjoying it and glad I own it. Have just finished level 1 and feel satisfied with my purchase and looking forward to LEVEL 2. So that shoud tell you something (and no I'm not being paid by Ubi...hahaaha)...


GAME will not be getting it as a Pre-Owned title afterall.


Well not anytime soon anyway.


3 Main points about RS to bare in mind:


  • Work with the controls (give yourself time to sink into the mechanics of the gameplay)
  • Don't expect this as a showcase title for the rendering power of the Wii (its basically a PS2 but with a unique level of cheese, style and control)





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Having now played Red Steel in my opinion I can totally say its damn awesome. It's not Zelda, but it ROCKS!


The controls aren't flawed at all, I got the hang of them imediately!


But maybe I'm just a natural. A friend of mine tried it and she was all over the place.

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I do think the controls are abit flawed, I'm up to the third level now, and despite these flaws am still very much enjoying it. But it does have some flaws which I cannot over look.


The aiming is abit wayward and I don't think it can be denied. I found it too erratic at first so turned it down to minimum sensitivity, to get used to it, but quickly turned it back up to middle when I was ok.


I think the aiming is fine when you go into a room and the enemies are in front of you it is fine and either aiming yourself or with the A and Zoom (the zoom function I hate, make it more sensitive so its only a little jolt) My problem with the aiming is when people are to the left or right of you. Example being in the 1st level when you have to defend the balcony, at times it just gets abit mental and you it takes a few seconds to find your bearings. Although another way of looking at it is that it represents the frantic nature of a fire fight!


I do love the sword fighting tho, can't wait to get to a proper boss rather than just these henchmen. From what some reviewers had made out you could pretty much just madly wield the sword all over and still come out on top, but I don't think this is the case you have still got to parry and then quickly get your blow in before their guard is back up.


One thing I wish about the sword fighting is that it was more free form, when you come to a sword fight it is just you and your opponent and then conviently more guards turn up when you slay him (which I havn't actually done yet I've spared everyone) how about allowing you to carry both your sword and uzi (for example at the same time) you could even have bullet time sword sections trying to hit the bullets out of the sky (ok so not realistic but the game isn't realism as it is)


the graphics are ok they range from poor PS2 to pretty damn gorgeous. Some of the enviroments leave alot to be desired, I mean how digusting to the lift doors look in the second level look a horrible mat blank grey, wheres the shiny metallic reflection?!


Finally one thing I do love is shoving tables over by thrusting forward the nunchuk, if you really put your arm through it, its like your actually thrusting it over, this level of feeling and intergration is something you would never experience with a conventional controller!


I havn't played this much Zelda and Wii Sports taking up too much time but I will post more as I play it.

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Having now played Red Steel in my opinion I can totally say its damn awesome. It's not Zelda, but it ROCKS!


The controls aren't flawed at all, I got the hang of them imediately!


But maybe I'm just a natural. A friend of mine tried it and she was all over the place.


I dont know what IGN have been smoking but after the first 10 mins have no trouble at all with the controls, I was really worried about even buying this game but I'm glad I did.


In fact Ive seen none of the things IGN complained about, Im loving this game mainly due to the WiiMote controls.

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I played it too yesterday, as I finally have my Wii.


My expectations weren't very high, given the harsh reviews, but I was more than pleasantly surprised! The graphics are great (I feared they would be underwhelming after being spoiled for a whole year by Xbox360's glorious HD and power) and the controls aren't that bad neither. True, there is room for improvement, but as a first attempt, it's none too shabby. It really does work, and after playing for a while, it actually felt strange to go back to dual analogue sticks (6 years of adjusting and training, flushed away in a mere hour. Thanks you, Nintendo!) It didn't take me so long to get used to it, on the contrary. For the record, alongside Red Steel, I played WiiSports, Super Monkey Ball and Zelda, along with a handfull of GC-games (which, by the way work like a charm. A really, really charming charm, mind!) :yay:


The dialogue is indeed sometimes unintentionally funny, though. "A sword?! Here?!" "Thee argh going to tha helee-copthar." :laughing:

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After hearing some of your thoughts on this game, I'm more tempted to pick this title up now.


The main criticism seems to be with the controls, but there's always going to be a learning curve with FPSs, until someone gets it spot on.


If I do buy another title before January, when Wario Ware arrives, this will be it.

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after playing for a while, it actually felt strange to go back to dual analogue sticks (6 years of adjusting and training, flushed away in a mere hour.



Exactly how I feel, at least with the WiiMote you can get pinpoint acurate targeting; its just so much better.


Sure the graphics aint really great but they aint bad either and while playing I never really noticed them as having too much fun (I do have component cables in PAL60 mode makes a huge difference particuarly text).


I also have Zelda, Rayman, Wii Sports and Wii Play, but so far cant stop playing Red Steel. (Ive been told I look like a madman during the sword fighting) :)

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I've finished the game now! It didn't crash once on me, and I never got stuck. Only bug I came across was when I was walking over some rocks and it made my character constantly jump while walking over them, as if he was like a rapid fire hopping kangeroo.


Fun game overall and I'm happy I bought it. 70% is probably a score I'd give it if I was to review it.

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Ugh, I hated tht Casino level with the Hunters and Rabbits! Didnt the Rabbits sounds in tht level, sound just a bit like the Rabbids from Rayman, or was tht just me? The game has only crashed for me once, when you had to try and get into the ski-lift. About 70% through the game now, and its doesnt have the wow factor the first 70% had for me at the moment. Still great fun! Id give it 8/10!

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I'm at the moment where I can select the different missions. So far I quite enjoy it, becomes a bit repetetive at times but the sword fights are absolutely awesome.

What also annoys me is that I can't aim and turn at the same time. This is espcially annoying if an enemy cycles me in a short distance and has a shotgun.



A little question. When does RS permanently save?

Sure it saves after every mission, that's quite obvious but does it once halfway through a mission as well (when there's that hints screen or whatever it is)?

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I agree. I liked the idea. I just didnt like playing that level. The ski section was totally frustrating. Enjoyed shooting in the dark tho!


Possible spoilage!


About that section, I've just cleared the room out the second time and I've been told to go back up on the cable cars. The game has twice crashed on me here, and I have no idea how to get up to the platform that lets you get onto the cars. What am I missing?

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Possible spoilage!


About that section, I've just cleared the room out the second time and I've been told to go back up on the cable cars. The game has twice crashed on me here, and I have no idea how to get up to the platform that lets you get onto the cars. What am I missing?


I didn't get the cable cars (mainly cause I couldn't figure out how), I just walked up, avoiding the exploding bunnies.

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