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Guilty Pleasures


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Wrestling from 96 - 99, Cant get enough of it, been watching loads of videos lately from wen i was like 8 - 11. Those were the gud old days


for me wrestling from 90 to 2000.Remember 2000 had the cactus jack hell in a cell and street fight and the first tlc match.Best year ever.then wcw came along...........

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Not doing work when i should.


Viva Pinata.


Eating too much chocolate every day and not getting fat.


Going to the cinema instead of revising.


Loving Kylie Minogue enough to pay £50 to see her.


Being a Roman Catholic and having sex with guys.



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Hmmm, I can't really think of any... that's not right. I should have a ton.


Well, one I guess is eating too much chocolate spread (on bread of course)... but it's so yummy!


Also taking daily naps after school, when other people are still working or in school or just staying awake.

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I have the same of what you have Dan Dare. Except replace Girls Aloud with Steps, as they're plainly better.


Not sure if this counts but my facial hair takes so long to grow I'd be lucky to shave once every two-three weeks.


nonse sense.


show me a steps song fit to lick the boots of biology and i'll bed downright amazed.

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Guest Stefkov

I love to hurt people.

Everyone thinks I'm a soft giant and wouldnt hurt anyone, and I am. bnut secretly I really would hit someone if i was prompted/aggitated.

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My favourite movie is the Little Mermaid, thats no secret though hahaha.


One of my favourite games is Perfect Dark Zero...


The best sex i've had was in a shop window!


I occasionally steal cigarettes out of my mates bag, because she smokes too many to notice.


I'm really horrible too/about this one person, even though i secretly love them to bits.


Love Macy Gray. Every single CD.


so so so many more too haha.

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