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Killer7...What the Hell???

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Sooo, I've been thinking. What if a Japanese director (or Suda51) decides to make a movie on Killer 7; who would you guys cast as the characters?


The only person I would like for sure is Brad Pitt as Travis. I don't know why but I think he'd be perfect in the role.


I think he would be perfect too. However, i want Brad Pitt from Fight Club, not Brad Pitt from Troy.

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I assume this is the most official Killer7 thread there is on this forum?


Anyways... A week ago I was surfing around eBay for sealed copies of killer7 when I stumbled over Killer7 comics. I decided to go to town the next day to order the issues that are out. This friday the 4/8 comics (or something like that) arrived. Really cool comic. I reccomend it to anyone that enjoyed the video game.


(I also added a picture of the 4 issues I got, they're number 1, 3, 3 (2nd version) and 4.)


Anyone else here got their hands on this?

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There are killer7 comics released in Europe? That's news to me actually.


I dunno if they're actually released in europe. I'm friends with a guy that works in whats proably Trondheim's biggest comic book store, and I asked him if it was possible to get the killer7 comics and then he just ordered them. The little price-tag thingys in the bottom right of the issue covers is in USD so I guess they're from the US.

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Today I picked up the magical experience. I know Flinky will be happy!


So far I think its really really cra... classic!


I am loving it so much its really stylish. I have two questions though. Can I heal members of my team? As I have been killed a lot and I went to a TV station and I pressed A a few times and it says I have no more blood? What was the blood for? The devil shot? Or something else.


Anyway I love this game Im even loving this new character who I have been playing his reload animation! Cyoate or something. Anyway better play some more. :p

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I've picked it up recently too. I'm on the level with Afro man, but I'm constantly coming across those Giant Smiles. How do you take those bastards down?


I believe Mask can, but it takes some work. You're best sticking with Con and turning and running. Cloudman is a tough level, but after the game starts to get real good.

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Yeah.. I'm finding that when the game gets tough, it's quite easy to get stuck and frustrated. Plus I can only play it at certain times cos the noises will scare my folks. It's a damn impressive game though.


Guessing pumping them with shells from Mask DS (get it?) will eventually take them down. Was looking for a spot on them with Kaede but got nailed quickly.

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I've picked it up recently too. I'm on the level with Afro man, but I'm constantly coming across those Giant Smiles. How do you take those bastards down?


Turning and running is the easiest way or you can try to kill them from a distance with KAEDE. just shoot them in the eye.

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I've picked it up recently too. I'm on the level with Afro man, but I'm constantly coming across those Giant Smiles. How do you take those bastards down?


Before they drop down on you, they open their eye but it's tough to hit them and if you don't hit them, they hit you.

It worked with moderate success though, but I also recommend running when they start falling down.

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I'm on the second level. The Angel bit at the end is so good. I love the dialouge and when you try to shoot the angel at the end lol.


But I really needed to stop playing and just wanted to start the next level but couldn't find a save point! Ah well start level again. Also during the first level I was kinda thinking the plot would be the wheelchair guy had gone mental and you were fighting for his sanity after he had killed so many people. But now politics have got involved. I am confused. :heh:

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Just finished this game tonight, very cool ending. Answered alot of questions but also made new ones. I still dunno wtf is going on lol


there is a very cool plot analysis on gamefaqs. its about 150 pages of goodness!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm on the third level, I love it and have come to the conclusion that it is an homage to classic 2D shoot 'em ups.


I don't like the rail mechanic much.. but the story and cut scenes are enough to keep me trucking through it.


Once I complete it I imagine it'll be a eBay job so someone else can enjoy it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Killer 7 arrived yesterday, and didn't really get to try it out until this morning, but it's really weird! I quite like it, and the graphical style is great. After you get used to the style it plays well, I also like the 7 different personalities, they're great. The puzzles remind me a bit of Resident Evil.

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