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No More Heroes


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Yea end of February for us. 29th we get it and the US get's it on the 5th. Doubt anything will get delayed though. Everyone will be going for Brawl no matter what, if anything NMH will be out before Brawl so it doesn't get blown over. But even then, chances of that happening are thin.

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I've been thinking about this situation with the blood in No More Heroes, and I've come to this conclusion.


I love Killer7, and so naturally I'm looking forward to this. No...I would happily cut off my own penis to play this. Ok, thats going a bit far, I need mine. Ok, I would happily cut off somebody elses to play this game. Thats better!


Now, if someone were to give me an censored version of Killer7 right now, where blood wouldn't ooze from Kaede's wrists when she slits them, etc, it would feel strange. I would still play it, but it wouldn't entirely the same experience. It would still be awesome, but the essence of Killer7 was its brutality. It was a pure no holds barred game.


However, I would only think that AFTER playing the game in the original form.


Sure, we're not getting the same version as the Americans. But, we would probably only notice the severity of the differences between the two versions if we play both games, which may or may not happen. Likewise, there's always a chance the game could be over-gored, or the game receives a reputation for being violent and bloody rather than for being a damn good game.


My stance: Buy the game, whether its the censored or uncensored version.

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I read some where on a real website that they might give out the non-censored version later in Europe but I´m new so I cant post the url.


No need to Vicar, the rumour started when the publisher sent emails to people who complained saying that it could happen later in 2008.


I mentioned this here.

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No need to Vicar, the rumour started when the publisher sent emails to people who complained saying that it could happen later in 2008.


I mentioned this here.

I really don't think that will happen though, I mean, if the game sells poorly it’s highly unlikely they'd want to risk a second version. And if it sells to their expectations or beyond (quite possible with a 16+ rating) then there would be no need for it.


I reckon anyone waiting for an uncensored Euro version could be waiting forever. :hmm:


looks ace.
Certainly does.

It's going to be pretty frustrating playing the PAL game after seeing that though. I’m going to try and avoid watching vids from the US version now, so I don’t end up noticing the differences during cut-scenes and stuff.


Anyway, there are still so many things that I really like the look / sound of, the 8-Bit HUD, the customization, Travis' pad (and cat :grin:) the wacky characters, just the general vibe of the game.

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So I've been playing the Japanese version down to about rank 5 now (yes, I've had it for about a month, and I'm slacking off on my most anticipated Wii game.. Its a shame) And I must say.. even though the only previous experience I've had with the game is videos and playing the TGS demo. I DO miss the blood..

While watching the black pixels flying across the screen, all I can think about is: Maan, it would be so much cooler if those were red =P


I mean.. its such a small detail, but for some reason, just knowing that if it were not for censorship, it would be like it is in the videos we see from the American version.


Looks like I'm getting all three versions of this game... Oh my poor wallet =(

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