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No More Heroes


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What are the odds that they will realese the uncensored version in Europe?

Have the really announced it or is it just a strong rumor ?


When I saw this game for the first time I freaking loved it, the style, music and specially the blood.

He promised blood then he shall bring us blood or do you thin can sleep at night when he knows he broke a promise.

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Suda 51 broke off from Capcom after Killer 7 to make his own studio, Grasshopper Manufacture.


Um... No?


If you have Killer7 yourself, you would know that when booting, you're greeted with the Capcom logo and the Grasshopper Manufacture logo.


Grasshopper has always been the studio Suda has worked for and he'll most likely keep working with it because they do not alter the work he does (read this in an interview a week ago or so).


And as someone mentioned before, Capcom was the publishers of Killer7, but now Marvelous Entertainment are for No More Heroes. Why? I don't know. Ask Suda or Grasshopper.

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From Gameinformer


No More Heroes centers around Travis Touchdown, a rock n’ roll flavored jerk from Santa Destroy who wants to buy games but is out of dough. So, even though Travis is broke, he does what any normal gamer does and goes to a bar, where he meets a mysterious girl named Sylvia Crystal. While Travis wants to get some play, Sylvia has other ideas and wants Travis to kill someone. Travis is kind of bored, and knowing he can make some cash he weighs his options and decides to get involved. Bad mistake.


By taking out Sylvia’s request, Travis immediately gets himself involved with the United Assassin Association – a group of assassins battling each other to become the best. There’s a ranking of 11 to 1, and to move up the ladder, lower-ranked members have to take out each assassin above them. While No More Heroes sounds like a boss-battle extravaganza, there’s a lot more to its world – some good, and some bad.



There's some more about the game in that preview, hope that helps. :)

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I really don't get the logic of some people on here, sure it has no blood, but when since have you bought a game for blood?


I personally buy games to play them and enjoy the experience, not to watch people gush fountains of blood, with or without blood this game still looks great in my eyes.


And to be fair, what would not getting the game accomplish?

You want Suda to be depressed and stop making awesome games like this and Killer7 just because there's a lack of blood?

As someone said earlier, the pixels that come off enemy's now looks great and fits the games style a lot more anyway.


Get over this ridiculous "oh there's no blood, the game must be crap, I refuse to buy it" phase already, you buy games for enjoyment, not to be bathed in blood, heck, if the only reason people want Hitman 2 is to see blood then why bother buying it, and if you only get enjoyment from games that bathe you in blood then sorry but you need help.


"Oh but that's not the reason I'm not buying it, its to fight the system! I'm making a stand! showing I want gore in my games!"


Yes but then what about the developers? Due to your strange obsession of wanting to see people spurt fountains of blood, your potentially discouraging the development of future games.


/end rant

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To Daroh,


Firstly i'm still getting this game. In fact you couldn't stand in my way. Still you have to understand where we (well I think we) are coming from. This isn't because we think the game would be any better or worse without the blood. It's because this over-protective nanny state has made it so that not even a fully-grown adult such as myself cannot enjoy a video game in the full artistic style that the artist originally intended it to be viewed in. I know some people won't see this game the same way I do but Suda 51 doesn't produce games like Madden or Halo. He produces art, Killer7 being prime example. The art that is NoMoreHeroes is being compromised because someone somewhere thinks he has the right to tell me what I can and can't see (i'm aware that the changes are self-inflicted, but they are resultant). Not happy.

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To Daroh,


Firstly i'm still getting this game. In fact you couldn't stand in my way. Still you have to understand where we (well I think we) are coming from. This isn't because we think the game would be any better or worse without the blood. It's because this over-protective nanny state has made it so that not even a fully-grown adult such as myself cannot enjoy a video game in the full artistic style that the artist originally intended it to be viewed in. I know some people won't see this game the same way I do but Suda 51 doesn't produce games like Madden or Halo. He produces art, Killer7 being prime example. The art that is NoMoreHeroes is being compromised because someone somewhere thinks he has the right to tell me what I can and can't see (i'm aware that the changes are self-inflicted, but they are resultant). Not happy.



I couldn't have said it better myself, no really! i couldn't!

I want the uncompromised version though so will wait for the uncompromised version being released at a later date.

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Don't blame Suda/whoever for censoring it, just so that it'll pass the strict UK censor boards; rather blame BBFC for being such asswipes about violent games.


This is a direct rebound of the Manhunt 2 ban, and the BBFC are rubbing their hands together & grinning like mules.

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pDon't blame Suda/whoever for censoring it, just so that it'll pass the strict UK censor boards; rather blame BBFC for being such asswipes about violent games.


This is a direct rebound of the Manhunt 2 ban, and the BBFC are rubbing their hands together & grinning like mules.


The BBFC aren't strict nor will they care about a company not including OTT violence in a game.


For some great examples, look at the two Resident Evil games on the Wii. Both are pretty violent and both are rated 15 by the BBFC - lower than any other ratings board rated the games.


Manhunt 2 is an exception.

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To Daroh,


Firstly i'm still getting this game. In fact you couldn't stand in my way.... etc


It wasn't directed to you, it was directed towards those who act like because the game no longer has blood Its suddenly a load of garbage and/or are boycotting it to try and "prove" something when all it does is harms the developers.

I understand fully what your talking about it just when people say "What? No blood? I'm not getting this then" It really gets on my nerves, I'd understand if people just worded themselves incorrectly but when spoken like my example it just makes themselves seem shallow.

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It wasn't directed to you, it was directed towards those who act like because the game no longer has blood Its suddenly a load of garbage and/or are boycotting it to try and "prove" something when all it does is harms the developers.

I understand fully what your talking about it just when people say "What? No blood? I'm not getting this then" It really gets on my nerves, I'd understand if people just worded themselves incorrectly but when spoken like my example it just makes themselves seem shallow.


Let's not forget that according to rising star, that it is the developers that have decided we should get the cut down version. I'm not buying it to prove a point, I do think the game still looks good. But I know whenever I kill one of the bad guys I'm going to be thinking how much more better it would be with the original graphics.


Which is why I'm either going to wait for a way to get the developers original vision. Be that either an un-cut European release or a Wii version of Freeloader. Either way the developer will end up with my money, just not at launch.


And Lazyboy, however much I want the US version of the game. Sudas original vision is the version we ARE getting. It's ubisoft that's making it bloodier for the US release.


I don't think it is to be honest, judging by the fact that the first videos shown had the blood in them. And they were released(Mar 07) way before Ubisoft were announced as the publisher(Sept 07).


And also looking at the similarities between this and killer7, it kinda seems to me that the blood was Suda's original vision. But he decided to change it for the Japanese version, since as someone else has said. Some Japanese developed games have to be changed to get past censors in there homeland, RE4 for example.

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