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Everything posted by Will

  1. Of course publishers will create games on whatever platform can generate an acceptable profit for them, and yes, for home consoles often reward has been greatest on the HD formats (unless of course you happen to hit the jackpot on the Wii, something thats doable if you create the right content). With handhelds I think the lines are a lot more blurred than people think. Day to day I have room for one device, and that device has to be a phone. So for me that's an iPhone as my main device. It does not matter in the slightest how much I like the 3D of the 3DS or the power of the PSP2. If they don't have a phone, they're not taking over my pocket. The way many (most?) people play handhelds is in pretty short bursts, no more than 30 minutes at a time. Just the right setting for the cheaper, and often decent quality now, iPhone games. PSP2 just doesn't fit in with this more casual end of the market, and this just so happens to be where the bulk of the people and money is situated. My only real thought is that this is too much of a games console rather than an all-in-one device. I know that's the point of it but the market has moved on from where we were 5 years ago. Yearly iterations of smartphones/tablets will at some point surpass the standards set by this device anyway. Right now I don't see this being a huge success whatsoever. Just to correct one point, the iPhone market is very very predictable.
  2. My big problem with this is that it's only going to appeal to the hardcore. Essentially it's an incredibly powerful iPhone with your traditional gaming controls added to the sides. Tack on a pretty high pricepoint (I can't see it being anything but) and I just don't see the masses being interested at all, not when they can buy an iPhone and have access to 1000's of games that are of random interest to them for 99p. As a device it's quite simply phenomenal, as a commercial prospect I think they've taken totally the wrong direction. Where Sony once dominated by appealing to the Western audience I think they've now become far too Japan-focussed.
  3. Looking forward to hearing what people think about this, I've been totally underwhelmed by the device at all times. Honestly the only thing I think that would save it is a low price point. I'm not sure if initial reactions from others will be different though.
  4. Could be rather interesting, it's a decent time for me so I'll no doubt check out what gets announced. Not making any guesses as to what it will be though.
  5. Set up and run my own business. Ideally a successful one that allows me to buy a Ferrari in cash at some point.
  6. That whole story is fucked up from start to finish, America for you I guess. I have absolutely no idea what the right thing to do in this situation is. I'm not sure there even is a right thing to do. I'd love to know the backstory to this whole fiasco. How on earth this all came to happen is something I just can't get my head around.
  7. Really I stole this but it's a pretty nice item.
  8. I got these over Christmas too, I really like them. This is what I have, by far the best trimmer I've ever used, which is odd considering the cheapness of it.
  9. My internet package ran out on my iPhone and from background downloading it racked up $90 of internet use in 12 hours. AT&T are quite literally ridiculous.
  10. Oh forgot about this one, I don't use it all that much to be honest. Just to keep track of any fun jobs that might be about I suppose.
  11. I do some twittering @wrcox and I also like facebook. I also have foursquare because I go to so many cool places.
  12. It's coming I promise, I'll attempt to get it done this weekend.

  13. So excited! This year Alonso will win, I just know it!
  14. That version of the song is all sorts of amaze though, I want a copy of it. Life throws up some pretty big hurdles, I try not to think of them as anything bad though, just stuff that needs to be dealt with and onto the next thing. Sure there are times when I want to give up and come back another day, but if you're ever going to get anywhere it's best to tackle things as soon as possible if you ask me.
  15. I don't think I will bother with bending over lady, DSF and I are pretty set on us getting together so I don't see any point. I'll keep her card though, so maybe one day.
  16. That may have been me, sometimes you have to do these things to fit everyone in though.
  17. I'm pretty sure we did have a clothes thread at one point, not sure what happened to it. Today I bought $20 deodorant, no idea how this is even possible.
  18. Guys, I'm not saying what I'm doing is the height of moral decency, of course I know this situation is totally wrong. But it makes for a good story for you all. I do think I'm a dick for what's happening believe me there is no way in hell I would be pursuing this if I didn't really like this girl. We have spoken about this before and we're both pretty sure we're going to end up together properly once the situation sorts itself out, for now it's bad timing. To cover a few particular things: Eenuh, I'm not bragging about this, just relaying the story. I don't mean it to come across as if I am. On the picture front of course I'm not going to post it up without asking her. Fierce_LiNk, we were just sleeping in the same room a lot, now it's progressed to sex, though not every time. The serious shit is someone now finding out about it. Retro_Link, yes thankfully there are locks on all of the doors, even I wouldn't be silly enough to do this without. The boyfriend sleeps in the other room due to them not particularly liking each other anymore, he has a lot of issues apparently (I don't ask) which is dragging out the situation. This isn't really me coming between them, things were going downhill long before I came on the scene. So can we all be friends now?
  19. When I take one of her in the dress I'll put it up for your viewing pleasure.
  20. Haha, yes it is the DSF. Things are getting really dangerous now, we're sleeping together regularly while the boyfriend is in the other room. Some serious shit is going to go down sometime soon I think.
  21. I actually really like all of the Superdry women's stuff. Casual but still very decent looking, I bought this for my flatmate and it's amazingly nice. It's definitely a place I don't mind going shopping with girls in. As for me, I usually shop in Superdry, Hollister, Topman and River Island. Then more upmarket places if I need to buy something more formal. I could do with a few more bits so may go and do some shopping this afternoon.
  22. Well I'm over in London during that time and Ashley and I were looking for a date...
  23. Totally forgot about this, going between bars last night we went past this pretty hot 30 something or other woman bending over in a doorway. We walked on a bit then I decided to go back.... "Hi, we saw you bending over in that doorway and liked it, can I have your number?" and I got the number rather than a slap. Today, I gave my flatmate a dress I bought for her, a Christmas present but haven't been able to give it to her until now. She looks absolutely amazing in it.
  24. I burnt my tongue really badly on a godamn double down burger while doing a video review as requested by Rez. On the plus side I was drunk at the time and the combination has come out pretty hilariously. I'll edit and upload to YouTube tomorrow I think.
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