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Everything posted by Will

  1. Not heard anything that would suggest this is the case but it wouldn't surprise me if it happens. I'll have to ask around and see what's going down. Can't see them being bought out wholesale either. A lot of their stuff is licenses which will get farmed out separately. Devs will either get snapped up or go it on their own before closing down. It's the way things are going, the industry has been shaken up big time over the last few years, now things are settling down and new major players are appearing while old ones fall away. There will be much more of this over the next few years.
  2. I cancelled my pre-order this week. I just really don't see what this is going to offer me that I couldn't get elsewhere in a better/more convenient form. I'm sure I'll still pick one up eventually, but right now I need convincing.
  3. Not my own but my company ones are horrendous. The European ones were pretty nice and since I left they've been updated to be even nicer. Over here it's all about cost, no-one seems to think about the crappy impression they must give off. I more often than not feel pretty embarrassed giving them out, maybe I should just make my own and be done with it.
  4. This. It's totally unrelated to Sonic CD.
  5. Jesus. What the hell are you driving? Or has insurance really really gone up in the last couple of years? This along with the deodarant and shower gel - $115, stuff like this seems to be ridiculous here. You can either buy Lynx cheaply or go with something crazily priced. Doesn't seem to be any sort of reasonable middle ground.
  6. Holiday begins! At San Francisco airport, in the bar, beer and food. It's a beautiful day outside and I am off work for 2 and a bit weeks. Happiness.
  7. Flying home for Christmas in just under 12 hours. I'm super super happy, going to see family, home friends, school friends, uni friends, it is the best of times. I don't often congratulate myself but you know what, it's Christmas, and I don't care, I am having the time of me life and I hope at some point everyone is as happy/fulfilled as I am. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  8. What? But we're going to hang out and have loads of fun! I can't wait to get back!
  9. If it's real that's seriously fucked up. I just can't imagine why anyone would agree to take part in something like that. I feel ill.
  10. I'm amazed this is only just rolling out, seems like so long ago that it was first announced. I love it, so much better than the old profile. I hope people transition over fast, I hate going on my friends crappy profiles.
  11. There's three things that make something work (in my experience): - Hotness (Do you fancy each other) - Coolness (Do you get on with each other) - Timing (Did the above two happen at the right time) Age plays indirectly into all three, mostly the 3rd though, as the bigger the gap the less likely the timing will be right for both of you. The girl I'm seeing at the moment is 22 years older than me. The first two are 100% fulfilled, but the 3rd isn't whatsoever. We both know that though, so we'll enjoy each others company while it feels right. I don't think it's worth worrying about things with new people, just go for it and see how it goes. The reality is you'll know if it's right or not regardless of the circumstances.
  12. When our products do well, it's a boring work thing but when stuff people have poured a shed load of effort into goes well it's a really really nice feeling. I love getting to report good news back to the company - makes it all worthwhile
  13. Work... only 10pm at the moment, next meeting starts at 1am. Feeling ok right now, could get hard in a few hours though.
  14. I'm working most of today because I'm pretty sure tomorrow I can't get everything that needs to be done sorted. Tomorrow my day starts at 8:30am and runs until around 3am Tuesday morning. What the hell is going on?!?!
  15. Work Christmas party last night and there was far too much inappropriate flirting with various members of the opposite sex. Didn't help that the main victim had her boyfriend there. God. Not looking forward to work on Monday, though I think everyone was pretty smashed so it's all good. I just cannot resist cute asian girls.
  16. It's a Lotus Elise, I have no idea how are you are going to form a discussion around its ugliness...
  17. I just watched Tangled in 3D. Stunning. Some of the scenes are just mind-blowingly beautiful and the soundtrack is great. I think it could well become my top Disney film, it's not often I'm this impressed by 'kids' films, but I loved it.
  18. Spent the night with the older woman again on Friday, another very good time. She was having her 50th birthday party last night, so that's nice. Still feels a little weird but I'm enjoying its so let's see what happens.
  19. Those steps look good to me. There is an Access Macro function called ImportExportSpreadsheet, create one of those referencing the table you have and it should sort it all out for you.
  20. Sounds like you've got your database set up nicely. If I were you I would get all the markers and programs put in the database so that they are allocated IDs, once that is done copy those tables into excel and use lookups to apply the right set of numbers for each students situation. This should be able to give you three columns at the end of your excel table with the ID, Programme ID and Marker ID (or whatever else you need) which you can just import straight into the database which will link everything up for you. Hope that makes sense.
  21. Oh for sure, Kanji is going to take a long long time to get a good grasp of. Currently we're only using Hiragana and Katakana in lessons, the first of which I have completely got and probably about 50% of the second - just need to really lock both down. Definitely a good point on the grammar, I'm terrible at English grammar and it really shows with the learning of others. I find learning languages super super hard, but I'll carry on trying.
  22. I'm currently learning Japanese, the key for me is constantly using it and practicing as much as possible. Work has been crazy lately so I'm not going to classes until January. Reading has been interested but I'm certainly getting there. Aiming to be able to read without much difficulty by the time lessons start. It really helps that there are a lot of people speaking Japanese at work, without that I think I'd be finding it super hard.
  23. Job things too, every once in a while something utterly amazing lands on my desk and reminds me what an incredible job I have. Just had one of those moments. Love it.
  24. Don't you have peer assessment? When I was at uni we all marked each other and they allocated marks based on both the group work and how the group thought everyone had done. Seems like it would save a lot of this.
  25. So happy that Kimi is back, really looking forward to seeing how he does. Hopefully Rubens will be around too, but to call him one of the best drivers not to win a WC is over the top. He's had championship winning cars and not won it, with two teams, so I don't buy that at all. I mean, he got beaten by Button...
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