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Everything posted by Will

  1. Oh cool, anywhere near Euston? Think I'll have a little time to kill tonight before my train home. Also I'm in the city all next week if you fancy trying to grab a beer.
  2. It could well be, hope that's ok for the space time continuum. Are you in London or our home area at the moment?
  3. The trip home I thought might allow me to get to the meet last month has finally happened and I'm just about over the time difference. Currently staying with my parents but today I'm having a day trip back down to London to meet with some guys running a start up about a potential role later in the year when they're a little larger. I already know one of the VP's there and these guys are hugely respectful in the industry. Add on the fact I'd love to work for a startup and I'm pretty damn excited about seeing them. Fingers crossed then, I'm not hugely happy in my current role, so this is coming up at potentially just the right time. Hope I'm not too rusty at selling myself.
  4. Yeah as Rez says, it's kind of split. The end of Cap is the start of the trailer but it's split by the credits. The whole film is pretty much a trailer for the Avengers though.
  5. In both situations they analyze for a double-bump to see if you hit the car in front first or the person behind knocked you into them, then apportion blame dependent on the result. The crash I had still hasn't been settled as far as I'm aware. A woman pulled out into my lane and our front wheels hit. Somehow she's argued that I hit her from behind and they haven't just told her to get lost. Before moving to the US my insurance company told me not to worry about it and they would deal with it but I haven't heard a single thing since.
  6. I don't really understand how you could possibly miss him being a cool guy, he's been like that since he very first appeared on the F1 scene. Loved him on top gear, I think he's certainly one of my favourite drivers. Glad Alonso won in Silverstone too, good to see the Ferrari finally do well. Hopefully they can keep it up for the rest of the season too.
  7. I actually kind of agree with Jacques on the racing this year. For a fan it's great to see all of this on track action, but I can totally see why the 'artificial' racing would annoy someone like him. He's right about amazing overtakes too, I can't remember any this season. Silverstone should be interesting from the regulations point of view, it would be great if they shake it up a little.
  8. Sounds like raceday is expected to be just some showers - so changeable conditions. Should be brilliant. That said, I'm actually not sure if wet races are a good thing anymore. With the current rules the dry races are spectacular, but in the wet we just end up sitting around while they won't let them drive, and then there's not too much going on because they can't afford to be off the best line as much as in the dry.
  9. So, crazily, work may be sending me to London in a very short time. Nothing confirmed yet, but it's possible I may actually be around for this. If so, I'll definitely come on down.
  10. Haven't firmly planned anything yet for this year but on my list are Hawaii, Japan/Korea for the F1 or Australia for New Year. Not sure if any will actually end up happening. I really want to do all of them but I just don't think that's going to be possible.
  11. Japanese text books: Forgot how ridiculously priced things like this are, should be well worth it though.
  12. It's absolute rubbish isn't it. That said, I do quite enjoy reading through it, it's all really rather interesting.
  13. The launch strategy for our latest game has gone absolutely stunningly well, with everyone very happy at work and taking big notice of things I'm sending around to them right now. So after a few not so great months of work things are looking up a little. Free open air concert in golden gate park today with the girl I'm seeing and her friends which was cool. Mobile games event booked on Tuesday at the google office in San Francisco. It's been a very enjoyable couple of days.
  14. I do indeed, and we've actually made a great game!
  15. Shameless plug coming up but we've actually got a decent game on the app store! Sonic and SEGA Racing has just come out and I picked out an introductory price of $1.99. For that money it's well worth a try, only staying like that for a few days so get it now!
  16. There was definitely something up with the 94 benetton, but at the end of the day they got away with it. If the rules can't be tested then people exploiting them should be rewarded in my opinion, much as I hated it at the time. I really can't wait to see Senna. Now so many more people are talking about it and not a bad word said about it I really feel I have to see it soon. I'm just upset I can't do it at the same time as everyone else. I'm pretty sure it even comes down to him controlling the tyre blow up. Had he of gone into the wall the race would have been stopped due to the position and only half points would have been awarded giving him the title. I think he could have won more but for him to do it in the style he did was very fitting. Do you have a link to where that came from? I'd love to watch through that again.
  17. They were $25 each, the standard black is $10 but I didn't mind the extra for the silly colours.
  18. I admit they are a little bit hipster. I loved the black one as a kid though, when they rereleased them in colours I had to have them!
  19. I'm not so sure about that, but at least I have a little success every now and then! I don't think age is an issue at all, it's all about the stage of life/maturity levels of the people involved. The girl I'm seeing for example, I think she's absolutely great, attractive, nothing wrong with her at all. But I know she's thinking long term and wanting someone to settle down with, wheras I'm going with the flow and just want to have fun. If it was a day to day thing everything is great, but because of what we're looking for it just doesn't quite work out.
  20. Dating is good fun. I think my favourite time in any relationship is the initial few months of getting to know each other. I'm currently dating a girl 10 years older than me. I like her a lot, but it's becoming clear we're just at different life stages right now. Think I might have to call it a day with her.
  21. I can't see it happening myself. BBC must make decent money selling on their coverage, a ridiculous amount of places buy it in (unfortunately America is one that doesn't). The problem for the sport with pay TV is that a lot of people that watch it only have a slight interest in the sport and just watch it because it's on, move it to pay tv and not only do you lose more than just the percentage of people that don't want to pay, you lose a lot of semi-fans too. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen.
  22. When I moved from London to San Francisco it was too expensive to move it over and I didn't want to be paying for it to stay in England and not be using it. I miss it so much.
  23. Canvas of my old car for my room.
  24. Senna isn't out here for another two months and I was just thinking "damn, I hope these guys don't spoiler it for me" I'm such an idiot sometimes. On a few of the points before... Rain races are one of the things that's really annoyed me in recent years, all this safety car nonsense and stopped races is ridiculous. These guys are meant to be the absolute best in the world, the chance they get to prove this beyond any doubt and they are not able to. Obviously there is a point where it truly is undriveable but they seem to be far too keen to conclude this in recent years. Valencia, I actually think it will be a decent race. If this years rules can make Monaco exciting then I'm sure they can do the same here.
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