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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'd be so angry if I was given gay blood. Makes me mad just thinking about it. I'd probably make them take it out.
  2. Just got by bonus payment for the year. Nothing too extravagant this year but should buy a few nice things.
  3. Just applied for a job that could be absolutely 100% perfect and I should be pretty much the perfect candidate for. Things are going amazingly well with a girl I really really like. I live in one of the most amazing places in the world. Life is good right now
  4. Looks really good, I wasn't too sure about this when I first heard about it but it's actually nothing like what I expected. Definite watch for me at this stage.
  5. This stuff is insane, it's things like this that actually make me a little scared living in San Francisco.
  6. Oh just because I bought a chess set to teach her to play. Purely an NE thing, I don't personally refer to her as that.
  7. The chess girl is a new (ish, 4 dates over 3 weeks) girl I've been seeing. Things seem to be going amazingly well and I really like her. The risky flatmate situation is still risky. I told her a little while ago I don't want to be anything more than friends but she still pushes and thinks it till happen at some point. I should really move out but it's a good living arrangement apart from that. She's away from three weeks from Wednesday so hoping the time apart will do some good.
  8. It's the chess girl, all efforts on her for the foreseeable I think.
  9. Just got back from a date with an amazing girl that involved ikea meatballs for lunch, investment property hunting and watching the sunset on the ocean with a picnic from a cliff top. Great times.
  10. Yeah it was that exact set, I agree it's very nice all set up. Hopefully I can be a half decent teacher too.
  11. It's on a small box, all I see is a nice dress and body outline. Are we going to win? I can't believe I missed everything up to the scoring.
  12. Surely just buying a wireless dongle for your PC is the best idea? I can't imagine they cost too much anymore.
  13. I just turned this on. Errr, it's in a small box but is the woman presenting super super hot? Are they about to announce the scores?
  14. I think I probably have to play Chess first. This girl is definitely not the usual type of girl I go out with.
  15. Went into town not really expecting to buy anything. Turns out there is 30% off all Superdry this weekend. Came away with: Shirts: and an iPad sized bag: I also happened across a toy shop, and so I bought a chess set as I promised the girl I'm seeing I'd teach her to play:
  16. Sailing boat tour around San Francisco bay Beginner rock climbing day Both as plans for dates, I think they should go down well.
  17. I totally agree with the above, it's not like Vettel has never proven himself in a lesser equipped car. You can't expect the guy to slow down in order to show of his other skills. Though I do agree he's a little erratic at times, I'd rather see failed attempts than nothing at all. Personally I'm a big fan of his, as long as the rest of the race gives me something to watch I don't mind someone dominating it, thank God it's not 10 years ago and Shumacher is winning everything but NOTHING is happening behind him either. THAT's what I'm talking about.
  18. Oh sure, a £10 a week garage would be fine. Unfortunately here it's more like £100. Bad times. I attempted to buy a parking permit yesterday, the American system for things like this is so ridiculous I wasn't able to. Apparently it's not enough to prove you own the vehicle and live in the area, you need more, but they're not very clear on what exactly that is. Public services here are absolutely horrendous.
  19. I'm so jealous, I can't even afford one garage. I hope jidderbug is happy in there. (I'm assuming this is the purpose)
  20. Had a great first date at the weekend. Picnic on the beach featuring cheese, meats, fruit and nice wine. Really really cool/successful girl who I absolutely want to see more of in the future. First time in quite a while I've been really excited about one particular person and it feels really nice.
  21. Arch I've gotten so sunburnt this weekend, embarrassingly so. I actually look like the first red human. My face really hurts too, this is not good.
  22. Absolutely amazing! I love it. Was the complaint noise related?
  23. Well, at least 20% of everything spent, probably more than that from earnings of the employment that spend generates. I'd say the state does rather well from it.
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