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Everything posted by Will

  1. Work trip and holiday in Japan is booked. I'll be working for 2.5 weeks in Tokyo, then a weekend at the Japanese Grand Prix followed by a week in Tokyo on holiday. Cannot wait.
  2. 1 ticket for Grandstand G Zone 4 has been purchased. So excited. I've never managed to go to a race before so it should be quite the adventure.
  3. I think you're right, as soon as my travel is confirmed I'm going to buy a ticket for Grandstand G zone 4, I really hope this all works out.
  4. I'd be amazed if it didn't too. I don't think I've actually used one to confirm though.
  5. Definitely an interesting situation, I can see it happening but it just seems unlikely to me. I really wish he would sort himself out though, there's no way Jenson should be beating him. In other news, I'm going to be in Japan the weekend of the Japanese Grand Prix and am very very tempted to take a trip down to the race. There aren't many tickets left and the cheapest available is $260 for the weekend. I wish they did just a race day ticket but it seems to be unavailable. Need to investigate further as I'd love to go. Hmmm, has anyone ever used http://www.gpticketshop.com? It has tickets available and if it's reputable I'm going to buy some! http://www.japan-grand-prix.com/en/2160-japan/ from this I'm thinking either Grandstand G or O - any advice as to which I should go for?
  6. For me I think of a career as being long term with goals and objectives along the way, jobs are the steps to getting there. I think it's true that many people just have jobs with no real career guiding them. I spend the vast majority of my waking hours working so I figure I'd rather enjoy it and try to have some wider goals than just aimlessly working. Even if it's a job you don't hugely enjoy it's still worthwhile if it can lead somewhere. So far I'd say that I've had 6 jobs at 4 companies which all fit into the same career.
  7. Serebii, what are you pointing at? To be honest I think you look a little bit crazy in that photo, like others have said it's way too intense. Toned down a little I think you would have more luck. I like Cube's though, true it may look a little businessy but it's casual enough. I'd go on a date with him.
  8. I'm not sure what that means but... I signed the lease today, yay! Can start moving stuff there straight away which is good, should be fully in by Monday
  9. My application for a new apartment was accepted! Nicely located right in town, way cheaper than most I've seen and just been renovated so everything inside is really nice. Was getting a little worried as I have no credit rating whatsoever over here, but I guess my references checked out and it's all good. It will be my first time living on my own ever, I can't wait to move in.
  10. I'm currently on the list of company attendees for the Tokyo Game Show, I never believe anything they tell me but for now it looks good. Never been to Japan before and have wanted to go for ages. The Japanese Grand Prix is the week afterwards - it could work out incredibly well.
  11. Ride around in a circle without your feet touching the floor. Seriously.
  12. Well done! Was super nervous when I took mine but it was good fun and worthwhile. The full test over here is an absolute joke in comparison.
  13. I would go for fun every time, while possible of course. I miss the Lotus so much, it was an unbelievably fun car and really not practical at all. If I move back to the UK one of the first things I'll do is start looking in to buying a fun car again.
  14. Haha I think these are both correct, and pretty much what I was thinking. My issue is more with the fact that she's still in school whereas I'm relatively established in a career, not sure how that will work. I'll meet up with her and see how things go, nothing to lose.
  15. So I've been messaging a 21 year old girl via OK Cupid, she seems pretty cool but I'm not sure if in reality the gap would be too big (I'm 28). We're chatting about meeting up, she's very pretty, but I'm a little unsure. Thoughts?
  16. Just had my yearly review at work - 25% pay rise, celebration tonight I think!
  17. Will

    Not yet, hoping to get at least an update next week. Won't hear properly for a few more though.

  18. I've already had most of my holiday this year. Had a friend come to visit and we did a San Francisco - LA - Las Vegas roadtrip. Then I went to Iceland for a friends wedding, both were a lot of fun. If I can I'd like to go to Japan for a few weeks later in the year but I always say that - I doubt it will happen.
  19. Interview seemed to go well this morning. They had a headhunter working on it so they want to see if any good people come through from that before moving forward. I should find out next steps within three weeks. Kind of a long time to wait but at least it's not a no. Really really hoping I'll get it now, a move back to London is very exciting.
  20. Nice one Ashley! Glad it all workout out ok.
  21. Sounds promising! Fingers crossed it all works out for you.
  22. There was a series, it started with a picture of someone throwing the plate and this is how it ended.
  23. First interview is on Tuesday for me. It's with someone I know very well so not too worried about the interview. Good luck with yours!
  24. I'm just not sure what to make of this. On one hand I'm kind of interested by it but on the other I'm just thinking what the...? Seems to suggest it's just PS3, 360 and PC - I'm surprised there's no Wii U version at least, 360/PS3 are not the best places for these cartoon racers.
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