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Everything posted by Will

  1. So, due to Visa situations I'm not really progressing at all over in America - and probably won't for a good while. My old boss in London has left and I can go back and do his job if I want to. The business over there is not in as strong a position but the role would be way more senior and it's cheaper to live in London too. There would potentially be a chance of coming back to San Francisco in the future anyway. Not too sure what to do, there are massive pros and cons to each option...
  2. Had a good play on this today, the graphics are awesome, sometimes when the camera pans around to give you new views it really does look stunning. The gameplay controls were a little fiddly though, I found it quite awkward at times. I enjoyed it though, it's a definite purchase for me.
  3. I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to LA and a week of E3 fun. So looking forward to it.
  4. Yeah, I think that's the most amazing part for me, can't imagine being like that at 200mph for 2 hours. Car looks amazing in general cut in half though.
  5. In general, I go with the following: Food - 10% to 20% depending on how good service is Taxi - 10% or thereabouts Everything else $1 per thing (drinks, bag carrying etc.) With actually bad service don't worry about leaving nothing, if they kick up a fuss there is always a manager to be talked to.
  6. I really enjoy my job and it let's me live in an amazing place - I'm not 100% happy at the moment. I'm massively underpaid for what I do but I'm having to take the hit as the company basically own me at this point. I'm strategically trying to get them to apply for a green card for me and may be in line for a quite nice pay rise in the next month or so. If those two come up I'll be very happy once again - I think I need those longer term targets which right now I just don't seem to have.
  7. Sat in Seattle airport waiting for my flight to Iceland. Week holiday for a friends wedding, should be lots of my old friends from London there so very excited about it.
  8. Holiday is over, friend has left, work tomorrow.
  9. I've just had the best holiday of my life, great company, great scenery, non-stop activities, all round good times. I can thoroughly recommend a California road trip to anyone.
  10. Ashley, are you here for E3? Maybe we can finally get those drinks!
  11. Should be on now, when I get back to the don chair I'll take more pics. Just relaxing poolside now. Tough life.
  12. I'm sat in a chair, on the 24th floor of the Bellagio, looking out on this:
  13. Serebii, I don't get why you don't know when you'll be free until a few days before? And why this means you can't do anything other than sit around. Why can't you be a member of a club or group and just skip it every so often? In my updates, I hooked up with a Korean girl while in LA, which I've wanted to do for a while so I'm pleased with myself. My friend hated her AND walked in on us having sex so it's made for a good holiday story.
  14. Lots and lots of good friends lost their jobs on Friday
  15. Saw this last night, knowing nothing other than it was a bit like Battle Royale. The build up I felt was pretty good but it was let down by the game in my opinion. Decent enough I guess though. Is it actually based on Battle Royale? I guess it must be influenced by it in some way or another.
  16. Two weeks of holiday begins today. Very very happy. LA, Vegas, Redwood Forrest. Going to be most excellent I feel.
  17. Do it! Right now jobs are pretty hard to come by so I wouldn't pass up an offer of anything. You might even find you really enojoy it and want to take it further. Better to have a job than not, there's really no negatives to doing it while trying to find something better.
  18. If I could I would download absolutely everything. I used to enjoy having a collection of stuff but now I just find it annoying, messy and a waste of space. I'd much rather have a harddrive full of content or good streaming than a load of discs.
  19. I loved Shenmue so much. I hope they make it!
  20. I have to say so far the Sky coverage is pretty good. I'm so so happy I'm able to watch this. Weird watching a grand prix on a Saturday evening though.
  21. Schumacher for world champion!
  22. Absolutely loving this, the helmet cam that Webber is driving around with is awesome - I hope they keep that up for the races/season going on. Schumacher seems to be going well at the moment, Red Bulls a little slow. Obviously P1 means nothing though. Can't wait for qualifying.
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