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Everything posted by Will

  1. What are you actually saying is bull? Halo sells well on day 1 and its hype that immediately goes away, Mario sells well on day 1 and its got legs and will carry on selling at this level? If we look at your previous Mario games it would seem to me the franchise is going one way: Mario 3 - Best ever Mario 64 - 10m Sunshine - not even a mention Seems like the series hit its peak a long time ago from that. Both the 360 and the Wii have roughly similar levels of consoles in homes and the fact is that Mario hasn't done as well as Halo 3.
  2. Mainly I'd base it on who the consoles are aimed at and the people that are buying them. Like it or not the Wii is aimed at and bought by people who are not the traditional gamer, and this is showing in the sales of software and hardware. Also, Wii hardware sales were down the week Metroid launched, does that mean that the game was so bad it kept people away? Of course not, there was just less supply that week. Along the same lines this week, more in supply means more have sold. I doubt a great deal of that is down to the launch of Mario.
  3. I don't doubt that the Wii sold more the week that Mario was released. Its the link between the two that causes the problem.
  4. Doesn't mean Mario had any effect on it though. People most definately bought 360's to play Halo, I doubt quite so many bought a Wii to play Mario.
  5. I don't know how you can say galaxy has shifted more consoles than Halo 3. Wii's sell out regardless of games, if a shop has them it can sell them. Judging by the current attach rate of about 5% I don't think you could really say Mario has had much of an effect at all.
  6. Going on first week Euro sales Halo 3 absolutely destroyed Mario. In the UK its about 370k to 70k launch week sales, other Euro sales won't make a massive difference on the ratio. Not surprising at all really. Most people with a 360 a hardcore gamers who knew about and wanted Halo 3. Most Wii gamers are casual who don't have a clue about games.
  7. Overall: 1. Need for Speed 2. Fifa 3. Call of Duty Golden compass might be up there if the movie does well or theres some offers around it. Wii: 1. Mario and Sonic 2. Mario Galaxy 3. Wii Play or Big Brain Academy.
  8. I wouldn't quite say its that many. Also most people buying a Wii are not really all that much into games and once they have the machine + a few games they're happy to pull the machine out every so often when friends are round and not really buy anything new for it.
  9. The meal I had last night was excellent, and cheap! All you need is: 2 Chicken breasts 1 Onion Garlic Asparagus A bottle of Pesto Some Pasta Pack of Mushrooms 1. Chop up the Chicken, onion, mushrooms and garlic. 2. Boil the Pasta and aparagus. 3. Fry the Chick, onion, mushrooms and garlic. 4. When both look cooked drain the water from the pasta/asparagus and mix in the fried bits. 5. Mix in the Pesto to taste. 6. Serve. Easy to do, very tasty, cheap and you can do it without any of the bits you don't like.
  10. Just ordered mine from Game. Really looking forward to getting stuck into it this weekend. I've managed to see practically nothing of the game in the build up to its release somehow so almost all of it should be completely new to me.
  11. I wouldn't like to say, wouldn't be a hard thing to work out though if it was possible to get some decent sales data for the region.
  12. I have recently purchased an iPhone: And also a Zelda Wind Waker canvas for my room:
  13. Well thats only based on UK figures so adding in other regions/countries may change those figures slightly.
  14. Basing it on UK figures its roughly: PS3: 3.49 Wii: 2.67 360: 7.14 The 360 and Wii figures were done using slightely older game sales data so should probably be a teeny bit higher. Also the Wii figure doesn't include Wii sports so obviously if it did the Wii would be at 3.67.
  15. Could be the stuff you've got plugged into the scart slots auto switching the input? Is there any regularity to what its changing it to?
  16. I guess it depends on the price difference, my 32" Panasonic is brilliant though, not a single problem in the 18 months I've had it and its noticably better than most of the LCD's my mates have. The only thing I don't like about it is that its not a 42" Plasma.
  17. I'd go for the Panasonic too. Its worth paying the extra to have a Sony/Panasonic rather than settle for a Samsung/Cheap Crap.
  18. Having watched the videos on the Apple site I think this will almost definately be my next phone. At first I wasn't so sure but seeing how easy all of this stuff is and the fact I'd probably use a fair amount of it I think its worth spending the extra money on. I'd buy an iPod with the iPod functions this has and as the memory isn't really an issue for me I may as well replace both my iPod and my current phone with an iPhone.
  19. Ah excellent I've done it now, I was looking in the general Wii settings before. Thanks!
  20. Not the same problem but its similar. When I first got my Wii I didn't have a Stars account, now I do I want to link them but can't find anywhere to actually do it. Can anyone point me in the right direction to link my account to the Wii?
  21. Its mainly used with by computers for digital connection to a monitor. The same quality as HDMI but it does not pass sound.
  22. 1. Depends on the TV, my Saturn/PS2 look much better on my Panasonic LCD through RGB than they did on my old CRT. 2. Component is available on any sort of TV, well worth investing in if your TV can use them. 3. No experience with Argos but you should be able to get something that fits what you want with that budget. Probably one of the latest Samsungs.
  23. Will


    Panasonic TV's are fantastic. A noticable picture improvement over the crap Samsungs put out.
  24. What on earth kind of argument is this? If plasmas were being faded out why would it make any difference whatsoever to a buying desicion right now? Its not as if once shops don't sell plasmas all other plasmas stop working. I don't really understand where you've got the notion that plasmas are being faded out anyway, as far as I can see they're still a big part of TV development.
  25. Well you'll thank me in the long run. I still stand by my reccomendation in your original thread. The latest Panasonic plasmas are within your price bracket and for the money you just won't get better. Dixons Link Even with the lovely looking stand its not too expensive, I paid more for my 32" Pansonic LCD less than a year ago godamnit.
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