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Everything posted by Jim

  1. massive best 7 minutes i've ever watched. Also, arsenal's luck over the last 7 days has me feeling disgusted.
  2. *puke* besides the podium, it was a super enjoyable race to watch brilliant racetrack really.
  3. Uh oh, someone went and took something I said seriously.. that never ends well =/ There there, you're not weird... *pat*
  4. I've gotta say.. If I was waiting in a normal spot while my gf was using the change rooms.. and there was some weird freak dude waiting for his gf in a not normal spot where other women are getting changed.. I'd be like.. that dude is a weird freak. It's social norm for a chick to walk up to the stall where her bf is getting changed to offer advice etc... deal with it.
  5. It's one of those massive calls though.. if kimi pitted to fix his nose, he wouldn't have got a podium. Obviously Alonso's was substantially worse off in malaysia.. but you can see why they took the gamble. Poor webber... when is he going to get some luck -.- I was praying that that wheel would take Vettel out... But i must say Vettel's finish was very, very impressive.
  6. Listened to the new song a few times over the weekend, it's really quite good The versus do have a bit of Chase This Light feel to them, but only a little. What I love is that the chorus sounds really raw. If they can pull more of that off in the album, I'll be very happy. I really liked Invented.. and thought Chase This Light was their worst album by far... Unfortunately there's just never going to be another clarity JEW are one of my favourite bands by a long way, good to see another fan here
  7. so bummed about webber, but I love the way he held himself in the interview afterwards. Guy can't take a trick at the moment. Good to see vettel fuck it, and put a nice flat spot on his mediums for tomorrow.
  8. I also read Iuns little tale completely differently in my drunken state last night. I'm like, wtf is he doing dragging birds around the place :S now after reading it again, I have no idea how I came up with that... @nightwolf how long have you had the pain there? if it's been around for a few days, get it looked at. it's a somewhat important joint
  9. I wonder if there is anyone still here as a result of the spam that Sven posted on every other Nintendo related site in the world way back in the day. He took his job that Tim gave him as official forum advertiser a little too seriously..
  10. Going to have this exact same problem in about 3 weeks time, at the Coheed and Cambria gig. It's at a relatively small venue. My entire plan is based around one strategy, hope like hell I don't run into her. *shrug*
  11. I'm not so sure that there's a 1-2 at Mercedes... I think it was more a case of protecting what they had. Hamilton could have gone a lot harder as well, he did have the faster car throughout the day. It's exactly what should have happened at the front. Webber clocked everything down, Sebastian didn't... Honestly it's the most dog act I've ever seen in motorsport, and I'm not just saying this because I'm a massive Webber fanboy.. Vettel would never have even got in a position to overtake had Webber not followed the game plan... I had little respect for Vettel in the first place, and now I have absolutely none. Fucking child.
  12. bleh........... frustrating to watch
  13. I don't want to live on this planet any more... Another thing I should have added to the stuff the annoys you thread, people who litter... But that video got me thinking, I really need to make more effort to stop using plastic =/
  14. My group of mates is basically the show "the league"... it's tied together by sport and constantly hanging shit on each other.
  15. I've left bale out of my team since early in the season for the same reason :P
  16. Good shit platty pretty much in the same boat myself. Let me share a story.. I hooked up with a chick on Friday night, I'd had a mild crush on her for a few weeks. All was well, drove her home the next day, got her number.. and just sent a super casual text to give her my number as well. 3 days later I haven't heard a peep from her.. So I guess that means one night stand right? Kinda disappointing.. Quite cute and fun
  17. great result, but not getting ahead of myself yet..
  18. I think it's a little weird how a link to a website can fuel such a massive discussion here...
  19. Friday I got laid by a bangin hotty.. and tonight I finally broke my duck in 4 player settlers of catan. I felt I needed to share this =\
  20. Does the tracking indicate now that they were both delivered?
  21. loved the episode.. some genuinely funny moments
  22. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think Bale could be a different breed to the typical footballer... He obviously loves the club, I think he could be one of those rare ones that sticks it out. I love how he always says he's never going to let success get to him, and when he's asked about what his goals are it's always getting spurs back into the champions league. Who knows, but surely it isn't "every footballers dream" to join a big club and get paid out of the arse to fap around on the bench every 2nd game. Surely someone wants to try and beat those clubs instead... At the end of the day, it might not even be his choice. Levy is a bit like that, Bale could attract some whopping offers this off-season.. Levy might get one that he considers too good to say no to =\
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