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Everything posted by Jim

  1. That's some pretty serious thread necro :p
  2. Apparently it's being tested in Japan, Aus and NZ... Brother needs an invite, or whatever..
  3. Easily my most played game for the last year or so. Been playing since beta, F2P but I have purchased the 2 expansions on release =/ Finish ranked seasons rank 5 or below, just don't have the time to be able to make a tilt at legendary Enjoying the new tavern brawl, but I wish there was some kind of reason to play it more than one win for the card pack Girlfriend has started playing a few months back, she likes it
  4. My cat, Tuesday When he was very little This must be... some 7 years ago or so, maybe more. And from fairly recently. I moved out of my place about a year or so after getting him, and he's lived at my parents place ever since because I haven't been allowed pets everywhere else I've lived. Plus, a move at this age would be very hard for him I would imagine. I miss the little bugger like crazy, and to be honest he's about the only reason I ever go back and visit my parents. It's funny how he always knows when I am back, and always remembers who I am. He's very much my parent's cat now, which is sad but funny to think how much of a huge part of their lives he is now. They've never been cat people, but now I don't know what they would do without him Whenever I am there though he loves playing with me. He makes it so hard to leave! Damn pets....
  5. I have been finding it a little hard to get into this year. The drama between Rosberg and Hamilton is all that is keeping it interesting.. A bit like how the drama between Webber and Vettel kept things interesting a few years back. The noise is definitely missing.. I really miss the high pitched 'pinging' noise of engines being pushed to their breaking points. *drool*
  6. That was beyond delicious A spoilt little brat getting his just rewards, I could watch that all day. Not a Vettel fan, but man I was laughing hard with his little stunt in the post race interviews
  7. Look what you've unleashed upon the world... *sigh*
  8. Cheers both, going have to sus it out
  9. a mate was trying to get us into cities skylines the other night... any good?
  10. Can't see this gap being closed to see a competitive season. Hamilton's idiot face, Ricciardo stuck in a lemon, and no Kobayashi.. Not sure I'll be watching much this year.
  11. http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/formula1/30896269 I honestly don't see how this helps in any way shape or form. I don't remember visibility being mentioned once concerning the accident. I don't believe a tractor should be on the wrong side of the tire walls at any point unless the track is under a full course yellow. I like the recommendations of enforcing speed limits under a double yellow too, but still, no fucking tractors.
  12. Hello friends, PSN - jimteelow (ps4 only) Played some Destiny with Jav tonight, he carried me hard.
  13. As much as I dislike Hamilton, I'm glad he didn't get out of the way. Great race
  14. Been playing a lot of Catan lately on playcatan.com. I'm a big fan of the game, the more I play the more I realise that it's hard to recover from poor starting locations even having one of your starting roads blocked is a massive pain in the arse
  15. A bit reckless from Kimi to try that at such speed. You can see him accelerating on the run off track, he needs a good slapping for that, but I guess a 45g crash is punishment enough... Oh Hamilton, such a humble victor... I honestly don't know how anyone can tolerate this guy.
  16. I'd recommend that you both give Catan a go. There's plenty of places you can try it out online too It's a great game in that it's simple enough to pick up and play, but just complex enough to have you regretting everything you did, and you'll definitely fix it next time... :P Games only take an hour or less once everyone knows how to play, which is always good. Spent a bit of time over the weekend playing Tzolk'in - http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/126163/tzolk-mayan-calendar Pretty interesting, lots of different strategies and just enough possibility of screwing your friends over to make it enjoyable. Games take a while though =/ Other favourites of mine are Munchkin, Agricola, Ticket to ride, Carcassonne, Smallworld, Risk, ehh.. I'll try anything :P
  17. Did you hear that Perez has been blamed for the incident and has been hit with a grid penalty? When I was watching it, including the replays, I was like omg Massa what have you done? :s Great race though
  18. Well done Rosberg The smile on my face just kept getting bigger as the weekend went on. Vettel retiring, Hamilton crying... Beautiful stuff.
  19. Absolutely can't stand Hamilton Such a spoilt brat. Hate the way he talks, dresses, carries on.. Everything about him just irks me! Flat brim caps... Fuck. Off. Hoping Rosberg can take it to him, as it looks like he's the only one who will get close this year. Great start to the season from Riccardo
  20. I take it from the lack of replies to this thread, that everyone else found that race as dull as I did
  21. Saw this a couple nights ago.
  22. hoh boy... i killed some time at that place.
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