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Everything posted by Jim

  1. Mmm, I somehow think they've been planning a 9th season all along I'm one of those tragics who just never wants TV shows to end. I get so attached to the characters... Friends, Scrubs.. Heroes! Was over the moon to hear there was going to be a 9th season of HIMYM
  2. i've heard only good things about this.. but after I finished off A Song of Ice and Fire.. I've decided to tackle the Wheel of Time series. I think I'm biting off more than I can chew there...
  3. At what point does it become okay to give a partner the key to your place then? Honestly it's just a convenience thing, you don't have to jizz around waiting for them to finish whatever they are doing so you can go home with them and enter the house at the same time. Buuuut, I think anything less than around a year is far too early to be giving someone a key to your place :P
  4. As if anyone would actually be upset about there being a season 9? Wrapping up meeting the mother in the remaining episodes of s8 would have been shite. This is the only show besides game of thrones that I actually watch.. How could anyone want it to end? also, i cried like a girl in the last episode =/
  5. work work.. but yeah pretty much on the net the whole time there, using it to do work though unfortunately Seriously though.. a lot of my spare time is taken up by playing sport, I have indoor soccer two nights a week, outdoor soccer during the winter season on saturdays, and cricket once a fortnight on sundays year round. Besides that, hanging out with mates. I just love sitting down and talking shit with friends. Either at the pub, or having people around to play some cards or board games, mainly Settlers of Catan.
  6. do you guys think this will really be the last season?
  7. has the rock retired from screen acting? I was hoping he'd do something like Walking Tall again some time, rather than the bullshit he'd been doing of late loved that movie!
  8. We'll have to meet up and sink a few Soz for the casual racism haha!! As was explained, there's no malice in it what so ever
  9. Australia has a reputation for spiders? I didn't even know that. I thought it would be our snakes that foreigners would be freaked out about o_O Maybe the southern states have more spiders or something, haha. I'd never heard about spiders being a thing here, I have severe arachnophobia! P.S. Sydney and Melbourne are full of lebs and wogs If you want a real taste of Australia, come up to Brisbane
  10. What the shit is going on up there guys? hope everyone is safe!
  11. I luuurrrrve cricket Prefer watchings test match's, then ODI's, and I'll watch t20's if theres nothing else on but the slogfest doesnt interest me that much. I play in a team that my mates made, we play summer and winter seasons year round. Can't get enough of it, love it
  12. eeep, Im in Sokaris's 13. (pretty sure that's a gramatical error, oh well )
  13. This is clearly directed at me Did you understand a thing us crazy aussies were jibbering when you came here Jav? Any got this started yet? post ur videos here I'll do one later if i get bored enough :p
  14. Lord - On a Night Like This. (Metal cover of Kylie's cover.. :p) Love this guys voice, plus the clip is pretty funny. Lord are an aussie metal band, good stuff.
  15. man i should really get into some volunteer work, looks great on cv's right? Trouble is I know of nowhere nearby, or even what I'm looking for... Google would be a good start I suppose.
  16. - The real Jim - Aussie, 25. - been here since n64-europe was still around. - with help from my trusty sidekick sven, used to keep this place in-line! - Hopeless wow addict. - Works in retail, needs a new job before he goes on a killing rampage - been in a relationship for 3.5 years, still going well. - likes Coheed and Cambria, Jimmy Eat World, Millencolin, Motion City Soundtrack and others. - plays cricket and soccer.
  17. I've never managed to sell anything for a pirce I was happy with, bar a chip-packet card I sold for $10 once. :p Games I've sold have gone for much less than I wanted to sell them for
  18. I approve of this change. As a part-time poster it was very hard to get involved in those big threads. As someone else put it, it was quite intimidating. New threads = fresher discussion and easier for people to get involved. 2 thumbs up
  19. Worth seeing for the 3-titted chick, if nothing else :p
  20. No one's mentioned New Found Glory's covers yet? They've released two full albums of them, called "From the Screen to Your Stereo" and "From the Screen to Your Stereo Part II" Good covers =) If you are into that punkpop sound. Of course I'll also mention Millencolin's cover of "Every Breath You Take" =D
  21. Watched it today with my gf, in 3D. I'm not usually a big fan of 3D, but it was the session that was on when we got their, so we went with it. I was impressed with how clear the 3D was this time, it was quite seemless. I saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D and it was quite nauseating for me, but today I genuinely caught myself forgetting i even had the stupid glasses on. As for the movie, it was fantastic. Plently of laughs, and references to the first 2. The end was so sad! My GF was balling her eyes out, and I was definately choked up! Great movie
  22. hrmm, 3ds reactions on e3.nintendo.com starting now, should be interesting
  23. After seeing how Nintendo improved Mario Bros 2d gaming with smbwii, im shitting bricks in anticipation for DKC on the wii Wish they gave some info on co-op though :s
  24. *drool* probably most looking forward to DKC, besides 3ds of course.
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