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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Wow... both my eye teeth, four wisdom teeth and a little weird-ass tooth growing UNDER a wisdom tooth were all done while I was conscious. WHY WAS I NEVER GIVEN THE KNOCK-OUT OPTION?!
  2. Cough... I'm still basically alive... I think...?
  3. Thank the lords of football. Still, too soon to hope for a complete turnaround. Also, Jonjo Shelvey? We have discipline problems and we sign Mr Bad Attitude? THAT'S ONLY GOING TO HELP!
  4. I don't think anyone knew he had cancer, @MoogleViper Terrible loss. I had really hoped to see him live, sad that he stopped touring in 2006. I was named after him - "David Robert..." grew up with his music.... RIP
  5. I enjoyed it. Didn't quite meander in the same way as Daredevil, it felt like a tighter story, as well as the character not being quite as whiny as Matt Murdoch. Didn't get the point of the IGH subplot, but I suppose there will be payoff next season.
  6. Happy Birthday, chaps! May your day and you, be filled with cake!
  7. Couldn't agree more. But I think whatsisface is getting the team on the right track defensively at least.
  8. 1: Buy more books. 2: Change jobs. 3: Spend more time on Lego. 4: Finish writing novel. 5: Get up to running 30km/week again.
  9. Aye. This rollercoaster is intolerable sometimes. Would we be in the same position now if Krul were between the sticks? Hard to say. But what is obvious is that until a week or two ago, the boys were not giving it their all.
  10. Merry Christmas from Shanghai! Fairly dull time here, just enjoying a little time off (only four days).
  11. Well, we've subsequently deduced that it was our colleague who left for America on Friday. We had a disagreement a while back... ... essentially, three days out of five, she comes in hungover, and the remaining two days she's either half cut still or hyper on coffee. She's late every day. I have not said anything to her personally, but the management have worked out that she's unreliable, so they pile all her extra responsibilities on me. I was having a particularly stressful day a few weeks back when they dumped some more of her work on me, and I happened to remark "It seems like I'm the only teacher in Year 1 at times". She was in the toilet puking her guts up at the time, but someone repeated what I said to her. I explained that essentially the management here always pile the work on me due to my experience in the job. She said anything I need help with, she will help. But the fact is, several times I've passed on management request to her, and she's not bothered. Which leaves me to do it anyway. Means a lot - I still remember you taking me through those tough levels in Resi Revelations!
  12. So we did Secret Santa at work today... ...and my Secret Santa either forgot or couldn't be bothered with me. Everyone else was there opening what turned out to be a lot of very thoughtful gifts and there was me sitting pretending like I didn't give a crap. And doing a bad job pf pretending at that. I genuinely thought I made enough of an impact on people's lives hree to generate enough respect and love, but obviously I'm just nobody.
  13. Iun


    This. Firstly, don't have the patience to get it perfectly straight. Or the manual dexterity, for that matter. Second, if a sticker crosses a join, then those two pieces are TRAPPED TOGETHER FOR ETERNITY. And that, my friends, undermines the "Use anything to build anything" spirit of Lego.
  14. Annoyed. So we have a new Year 1 teacher at the school this year, which is nice. However, she's pretty useless: basically she's running down the clock this year until she can go back to America. She's constantly late, hungover 2-3 days out of 5, and partially drunk once a fortnight. She's very often "sick" so that means her classes don't get taught. Which is a shame, because by all accounts she is a good teacher. Now, I've been here a year and that means I have more experience of the policies and procedures in the school. So it's understandable that the department management would expect more of me in terms of leadership. However, the management just find it's easier to say "Iun, we need x doing, do it." so the workload is pretty much shifted on to my shoulders for the majority of large events e.g. performances, decorating the shared areas, decorating a classroom that I share with her. The other day I had taken all I could and I said "Am I the only Year 1 teacher?" Which was a mistake, because word got to the other teacher who is all in a huff with me. I tried to explain to her that my comment was directed at management, as they always come to me first for any large projects. In fact, this lady will sit there in the office and management will say "we need xyz doing for Year 1" - and my colleague will just ignore them. She said "Oh, you can always ask me for my help". Thing is, I actually HAVE and shit doesn't get done. The management say "Put up a bunch of banners outside the Inquiry classroom" and I ask her to put up one while I put up two... mine go up, a week later she still hasn't done anything. So I just get on with it and do hers as well. Now I'm in the bad books because apparently I complain too much. I pride myself on being straightforward with people, so I feel bad that I aired my grievance with the management publicly and she was hurt by that... at the same time, get off your arse, love.
  15. Terrible @Animal, I hope it was peaceful and I'm glad you were with him.
  16. I'll disagree with your summary of Alien. It was a genuinely interesting, thoughtful and well-made movie. It lacked action, but it wasn't supposed to be an action movie. Aliens - one of my favourite movies ever. Alien 3 - I can't stomach the film because of the way they killed Newt and Hicks off-screen. You spent so much time investing emotionally in those characters and then they died before the movie even began. I'm sorry, but I can never get past that horrific act of disrespect to fans of the second film. It frames absolutley everything that follows on. Resurrection - Too many survivors: Way too many redshirts at the beginning, then it ends with a large group making it through. Also, there were just so many ridiculous moments - the baldy miner guy with the alien inside him killing the baldy doctor guy with the chest-burster; the strange, sexuality of the alien queen with Ripley; swimming aliens and people with amazing lung capacity; aliens killing aliens so their acid blood will melt the cage... Prometheus - I didn't recognise half the people who were killed off in the movie. It was: suddenly there are two guys who go left behind, oh no! (Yeah, well they're dead, but who cares because they've had virtually no screen time). The pilots on the ship made this huge noble sacrifice... but other than the guy from Pacific Rim, they were one-dimensional nobodies. Also, the plot didn't make a lot of sense in general terms. For me, the series ended after Aliens. Everything else was just a cash-in.
  17. I just can't believe his own wife did that to him... Was she his first wife? How long were they together?
  18. Dear God, that is just the worst! Where is he being moved to, hospital?
  19. Have you considered setting it on fire? Small village, poor CCTV presence. Large list of potential suspects with a grudge. You as the new person theoretically above suspicion...
  20. I'm surprised they're still making this, both of them seem to be doing fair-average (better than David Tennant and Matthew off've Downton).
  21. Same here. Though it comes from being a teacher, pretty tough to get someone new in, on board with school policy and ready to take over classes.
  22. Iun


    Exactly what I thought. Still, it's nice for fans.
  23. My point, SIR, that you so HILARIOUSLY chose to ignore was that DESPITE their good behaviour, they have the INTELLIGENCE LEVEL of the common... ...ah bugger it, they're idiots, but at least they're quiet.
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