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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I remember having copious amounts of the sexage while this was on in the background about ten years ago. I enjoyed both.
  2. There's something amusing in talking about internet addiction -on an internet forum. I rarely worry people need to contact me: often they do, but they contact me on *my* terms, not theirs. I say the same to the parents at the school: you want to speak to the teacher, call them during office hours and if they have time, they will speak to you. If they don't have time, they will get back to you when they are free. Another reason I mostly switch off my mobile - "Oh, but what if someone calls?" Oh, but what if I don't care?
  3. My rabbit wouldn't go anywhere. I know this for a fact because I cut its damn legs off, little bastard kept running away. If the little twat tries to roll away I'll feed its fluffy white ass to a snake.
  4. Here... Here... And ... Here. You get 15p per episode, less tax. Actually, it looks like you're going to end up owing the production company money. Better get a second job. And a third one, if you expect to pay off what you owe AND eat dinner every night, you filthy debtor.
  5. My Aleut names I have no idea. Frankly, my command of the language is limited/practically zero. I do know that Iun means "Heralded Son". Rohhann was my biological grandfathers name and it sounds similar to the word for "Forest" though what use we would have for a forest that far north and that cold is anyone's guess. Jastallis is supposedly some tribal denomination, as is Teleka. Teleka again sounds very similar to "Telecutan" but they are an Inuit tribe, not a Aleutian tribe.
  6. Don't worry, Ramar and I would then commit a similar crime, get put in the same prison and break you out with an escape plan tattooed on a badger. Actually, that sounds like the basis of a reasonably good TV show that shouldn't go past one season in order to maintain its artistic integrity and subsequently have to come up with more baffling and ridiculous plot twists in order to leech as much money as possible from a progressively tiring concept. I'll clearly make millions. And forget to break you out. But hey, millions.
  7. Oh, I tought hat this was going to be a thread aout ow much we hate people who cough and stuff on the train and don't cover their hand with their mouths and subsequently SPREAD A DEADLY PATHOGEN INTO THE AIR, INFECTING EVERY POUR SOUL AROUND THEM. But yes, this pisses me off too.
  8. Goddamn it, what did you do with Spellmaking Bethesda? The hell is wrong with you people? Also: I still miss Mark and Recall from Morrowind. Nevertheless, at 200 hours, I've still only done three of the main quests. So yes, better than Oblivion.
  9. Of course I know what Rollercoaster Tycoon is. I built a PC specifically to cope with Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. Then it was not as good as it should have been - had gone too far down the Theme Park 3 route, and I was upset.
  10. Don't blame me it's the ducking autocorrect on the iPad.
  11. Roller coaster Tycoon... And yes, Football Manager is awesome. I got the first version in 2005, and I played it until 2 or 3 in the morning. Then my save file got corrupted, and five seasons' hard work was gone. I actually felt like I'd been ass-raped by a gorilla. It was...awful.
  12. The time difference. However, if it were bedtime, which would be 3pm UK time/10pm CommieChina time, hen the insomnia would be keeping me awake. From about age 7 I have almost never been able to sleep past 5am.
  13. I think, maybe...just maybe... I came up with the most racially and cultural sensitive quote of the year today. Said to our devout Muslim School Principal, when she complained that Christmas was a Western holiday that had become too commercialized and had no place in China. I responded, with my usual tact and respect for people with differing opinions to my own. I'm quite proud of the eloquence and intelligence of my response, it showed true character and the kind of giving that typifies not only Christmas, but also my general approach to life.
  14. It's a shame we have to wait until February now, but it's something to look forward to at the very least.
  15. Agreed. And also, me da is a Leeds fan, so I never let him hear the last of it when Speed moved to the Toon from the Toffees.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-15911321 Just unbelievable. 42, Wales were doing ok, and he just...ends it all. Why? Was a top class player at the Toon.
  17. Whenever I hear the words "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I always see David Tennant slowly raising his sonic screwdriver and putting someone out of their misery.
  18. That was a beautiful little sing-song, we should do it more often.
  19. [GT][/GT] And you're saying the law is any different? Your point is made. However, not getting presents is not the same as being hurt for bad behaviour. Father Christmas doesn't take anything away from you, just doesn't give if you are not well-behaved.
  20. I... Still like to believe in Father Christmas. Yeah, I know. But isn't it nice to believe that there is this guy going out of his way to make children and adults happy by keeping record of who's naughty and who's nice? Isn't it grea to think there is this one jolly man whose sole existence is based upon spreading joy across the world?
  21. Yes! I so wanted those, but at that time we weren't going to Canterbury (the nearest viable shopping town with a McDonalds) so I didn't even get ONE However, going to McDonald's was a test of will for me even as a five year-old: I hated the food SO EFFIN' MUCH, but there were toys... so I had to scarf down these horrible, dry Chicken McNuggets and those salty, glistening tubes of grease posing as chips just to get some crappy pull-back car. It was never, ever worth it.
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