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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Cool story, Captain WrongPants. CHANGE. YOUR. NAME.
  2. Great book. Sad truth is, it reads almost exactly like the Chinese Communist Party play book - secret detentions, children informing on parents, sudden disappearances, intense historical revisionism...
  3. In punishment, I believe that Charlie should change his name to "Captain Wrongpants" for a week.
  4. Well, a proud day for Andy Murray and Great Britain.
  5. The Way We Live Now - a tragi-comic tale of how lust for gold blinds otherwise sensible folk and the pursuit of wealth as an end in itself is futile. I do enjoy Trollope, but I think this was his finest work. Just.... just your old posts, yeah?:p
  6. Fucking right you do, I'm having that put n the tombstone! "David-Scott Iun Rohhann Robert Jastallis Twleka Hockley, like h avengers, suck my cock"
  7. Haha, I'm watching Avengers on pirate DVD and fuck you it's good! Who needs all tose stupid issues and sit IT'S JUST GOOD FUCKING FUN DAMMIT! If you want to watch a stupid movie where peoe gett all broody and shit aout bollocks then watch a fucking arty movie set n some dipshit Paris suburb featuring some pipe-smoking frog piece of crap actor wo does it al for the "craft" but secretly ponies around like a cocky little semen-stain in designer suits and tells everyboday ow great he is. FUCK YOU it's a good movie and if you don't like it, consider this an open invitation to suck my cock every Sunday for the rest of eternity.
  8. And blisters. Blisters first.
  9. This is all @MoogleViper fault: he starts talking about blisters and then THE SPAMBOTS DESCEND.
  10. Top Ten sexiest quote of the year right there.
  11. Wow, THAT was the meaning of the topic title? Here I was coming in to bitch about age-related testicular malformation, only to find this is REALLY a topic about wrinkly balloons. Time. You have too much of it.
  12. You see, thisis why I believe us people with OCD are actually higher life forms - we see the universe in its proper and ordered state of existence. There is ONLY one way to pack a shopping bag, any variation and your risk opening a singularity in your kitchen and unleashing chaos upon all of existence.
  13. Yes, sad to say one of the iconic TV presenters has passed on to the great zoo in the sky. Fantastic presenter, great enthusiasm and wonderful hair. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-19520824
  14. For a game with that much ass in the title, it's surprisingly devoid of nudity. Anyway, I got spoiler'd for TDKR, but it didn't ruin anything for me. The acting, story and the fact Batman was barely in it, ruined it for me.
  15. Well, hang on: I respect the books for being the archetypal fantasy novel - without LOTR, there would be no Belgariad, no Game of Thrones and no Dragonlance. I grew up reading fantasy novels that were inspired by Tolkien, and for that I am thankful. However, as an interesting and engaging work of fiction, they really are overrated. The formula was right, but the actual events, characters and overall story bored me to tears. I had to force myself to read to the end. I was glad I did, because I can now authoritatively confirm that I read it and hated it.
  16. You should have thanked them, they saved you 100 pages wasted on one of the DULLEST BOOKS EVER WRITTEN. You could have done some gardening, made a birdhouse, cooked some lovely Toad-In-The-Hole or read a ook that's actually worth reading. Spoilers... Yeah, they ruin it. I'd rather lose myself in the story. It was something that bothered me about Mrs Iun when we were watching TV - there'd be a cliffhanger and she would suddenly scream "Is he dead? TELL ME!" as if I had intimate knowledge of the next episode without having seen it.
  17. "Oi, stop being such a mental koala!" "What... what was that?" "I said, you're a mental koala!" "What does that even mean?" "You're basically a tree-climbing rat with weird ears and a propensity to hang around in groups carrying your young on your back." "...I.... I ... oh GOD you're RIGHT! I just.... I just don't know what I'm doing with my LIFE!"
  18. Iun

    Doctor Who

    Interesting piece in the Economist about how DW is starting to disappear up its own arse. http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2012/09/doctor-me I don't agree or disagree to any strong extent, but I have to say that last year's Christmas episode was utter inescapable pants.
  19. Yes, but all sins are forgiven by Pink Pie. Terrible day at work today - we're short one ESL teacher, we should have two instead of just one. The one we DO have cried off today due to illness, and I have to take up the slack. Parents will bitch if the kids don't get their ESL lesson daily and the class teachers tend to regard it as part of their "down time" and slack off during the classes, so if there's no lesson they bitch at me because the kids "aren't learning". What they actually mean is "I had planned to spend that particular 30 minutes yakking on the phone with my friend and now I can't, you utter bastard". I taught 120 students this morning and now I'm knackered. The fun part is, the teacher is unlikely to be in tomorrow as well.
  20. Ahhh! AHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! As a person with severe, debilitating OCD, I find this statement particularly scary. Weird shit people do... In China most poorer people rarely see non-Chinese human beings, and have a propensity to shout "FOREIGNER!" very loudly whenever they see one. I had a particularly interesting conversation, in Chinese, with someone who did this the other day. Him: Foreigner! Iun: Hi, asshole! Him: (rising angrily) what? What did you call me? Handsome Iun: I called you an asshole. Him: Foreigners are so rude! Sexually Appealing Iun: And shouting "foreigner!" on the street at people isn't rude? Him: But you ARE a foreigner. Ridiculously Charming Iun: And you ARE an asshole.
  21. If you want to get technical...grandparents came down from Yorkshire to work in t'pit. We're very much northerners by tradition, but by geography and social status, we've gone native.
  22. remember what you were saying about us Southerners? Payback's a bitch.
  23. Either that or you are just eminently forgettable :p I have these terrible brain fogs from time to time when I get over-tired - intelligence drops right down, feels like I'm looking through cotton wool at the world. Anyway, so it was one of those times and I was watching TV with one of my exes and it's a TV show where minor celebrities are singing. This one lady, heavily pregnant, comes on and the announcer says "This is Whatsherface and she's going to be signing "What I did for love" - I think it's obvious what SHE did for love! Hahahaha!" I turned to the girlfriend and said: "what on earth is he talking about? Why is it obvious?" Seriously just didn't get it...
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