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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Haven't done anything less than a 12-hour day in the last two weeks. I'm bringing 15 kg bags of books home to mark and full software suites along with all supporting materials to plan lessons for a shitty new Oxford writing curriculum that is useless for non-native speakers. And then the department coordinator insisted on a three-hour meeting on our inquiry topics for the next five years. It's nice to be asked to be part of the full planning process, but to be honest, it's his job. You want me to do your job, fella, give me your salary.
  2. Tapdancing penguins. In top hats.
  3. Sad loss, I have virtually every Discworld book. Always a fan of Death: "KNOCK KNOCK." "Who's there?" "DEATH." "Death who?" "ER...I WONDER IF WE MIGHT START AGAIN..."
  4. I watched the last scene from Wrath of Khan in remember acne - that moment has always brought me close to tears, but this time it pushed me ver the edge. It's amazing how one individual, who I have never had the pleasure of meeting personally, had such an impact on my life.
  5. Of all the souls I met in my travels... he was the most... human. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-25945690
  6. HOT DIGGETY! DKC, DKC 2 and DKC 3 have been released on the Wii U eShop in the US! I don't know about the UK... but still, YAY!
  7. So long as Biehn and Weaver are in it, I'm good.
  8. Blomkamp's Alien Movie Will Ignore Alien 3 and Resurrection: http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/02/26/blomkamps-alien-movie-will-ignore-alien-3-and-resurrection YES! YES! YES!
  9. I'm sorry man, it really is the worst thing in the world.
  10. Iun


    Hot. Tits. How much did that set you back?
  11. "Alien 4" commonly known as "Alien Resurrection" was a TV movie made without license for the launch of a French TV channel. END OF. Alien 3 was a horrible accident. Someone released it as an April Fools prank and by the time it was realized what had been done, it had already been showing for three weeks. So by then, it was too late. I mean, come on, Charles Dance... An otherwise excellent actor who is clearly taking the piss throughout the entire film. (I mean no disrespect or harm: but it's the only way I can cope with two excellent films being UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY SPOILED by two follow ups that were UNFIT TO BEAR THE NAME.)
  12. Do you mean facing away from it or full on reverse-mode? Don't confuse me. Anyway, I'd like to see Hicks back: I don't agree that it was good for Ripley or her development. It was a c*nt-punt/kick in the gonads to anyone who enjoyed the second film and invested in the characters. And to kill them off-screen was just bullshit. There was no fall-out from their deaths for Ripley, it brought nothing. What we should have seen is Ripley taking on the role of defender to an injured Hicks, and Newt overcoming her fear of the aliens. What we got was turd. In fact, I would be totally, TOTALLY behind it if the whole of Alien 3 was revealed to have been a dream Ripley had on the Nostromo in hyper sleep. I would stand up in the cinema and shout to express my joy. MY ABSOLUTE JOY. I have no opinion on District 9 as I have not seen it, but I enjoyed Elysium despite the ending.
  13. Iun


    Due to my visit to America this year, I will be buying all my Lego there - so much cheaper than Shanghai! Yay!
  14. The action was good, but that was about all.
  15. I love that Tortimer framed picture. I miss playing Animal Crossing every day, but I can only imagine the state my town would be in by now.
  16. I'm going to go for a poo. And I'm willing to believe it will be more satisfying than this film. It should have stopped at T2, then they should have just made the series. AND CONTINUED IT, YOU BASTARDS.
  17. I'm going to a professional development seminar during my holiday! Yay?
  18. Yes, yes, a hundred times yes!
  19. Luigi is an effing monster. I gave him the crouch-heal numnums and now he just destroys everyone.
  20. There are days when you are not wrong. Not wrong at all. Thing is we now work together in the same school. No, he's right. There comes a time every now and then when I wonder... Still, must make the best of a bad situation. I called the people last night, so I'm now officially back on their radar. The amount I owe is less than 5500GBP, and I *could* actually clear that right now. I'm choosing not to because that will leave me with no safety net. I'm going to tell them that I'm unemployed for now, then that I am going self-employed in twelve months time. In July I will re-examine my finances, likely pay off 2k to keep the interest from going nuts, and then pay off the remainder in the following July. My goodness, that's awful @bryanee. I hope he pulls through. The repayment threshold for overseas residents in China is 6k lower than in the UK. So earning over 16k in the UK means you start paying back. Earning 10k in China means you pay back. Yes, cost of living is theoretically cheaper, but living in Shanghai AND having a mortgage bumps everything up considerably. So "Oh, we've estimated that you only need 10k to live on in China" is pretty damned arbitrary.
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