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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. Considering all the tech inside the Wiimote, 30-60 hours is very good. We all knew that there was no way it would come close to the Wavebird's 100 hour battery life and I was expecting a lot less than that (about 15-20 hours) Even at 30 hours (Which will probably average out at about 40-45 playing different games) that's a lot longer than you think (Roughly 1 third that of the Wave Bird and think how often you have to change batteries with that, not very often at all) Let's say you play for 2 hours a day, the batteries will last for about 20 days; that's pretty good!
  2. It'll probably store personal info. I reckon that the character you create for Wii Sports will be used for other games as well (This would be a character that would represent you and would use your picture as a face like at E3) As for this "camera" I'm almost certain that this will be used to give the Wiimote direct pointing (Light Gun style) capabilities since it currently can't be used like a light gun as it can't be used to directly point at, and interact with, objects on screen. It'll probably also be used as a camera since it's already been confirmed that you can put your face on you character in Wii Sports. Great news on the battery life, I'm not too bothered about the AA batteries myself but it would be nice if Ninty brought out a battery pack. Still, AA batteries are better than internal rechargable ones since non gamers will feel much more comfortable putting in new AA batteries into the Wiimote (Just like they do with a normal TV remote) than they would be plugging it into a wall socket or a charging pod.
  3. I guess it depends on how popular the game is in the US. If it sells well, then we might see it come out here! (Come on NOE, surely you've learnt from the whole Animal Crossing fiasco!) The GCN seems to be going out with a bang, perhaps an even bigger one than the PS2! Twilight Princess (Yes I know there's a Wii version as well) Super Paper Mario, Baten Kaitos Origins, DK Bongo Blast and (If it hasn't been moved to the Wii) Kirby GCN It's not looking too bad for the GCN after all!
  4. I reckon this is BS, why would Nintendo choose to reveal a price via the Daily Mail?. The Wii is coming out before the PS3, that is a fact. Therefore it cant come out in late November (Which would be way too close to Christmas to sell the console properly). Also 24 games is a bit much (Not even the 360 with it's rush job launch had that many games) and the price could only be real if it came with Wii Sports, Music and Motor Sports (This would actually be a very good price and very much mass market if it came with these games) Though I would love to see Ninty sell the console for £169.99 with Wii Sports, Music and Motor Sports packed in, I don't think Ninty is smart enough to do that
  5. Yeah that's the Game Boy at Nintendo World New York (I've seen it in the flesh, who wants to touch me ) You know that Nintendo test the durability of all their products by dropping them off the top of their JPN HQ! (100% true, I'm not making this up!) Nintendo probably have the highest standards of quality out of any company out there, remember Nintendo's Management Policy briefing? "We could have made a lot more DS Lite if we had had compromised on the quality level, but we have never wanted to do so. We do not want to compromise on the quality level of our commodities. Because we wanted to market only the commodities that we could be satisfied with, the initial shipments were limited" You'd never see any other company out there (Not just in the video game industry) that would choose to suffer great shortages and lose a massive amount of sales just so they can maintain their high (And Nintendo have extremely high standards compared to most other companies) standards of quality. And even if something goes wrong, Nintendo are known for their brilliant customer service and are willing to replace your system for free, even if it's as minor a thing as 1 dead pixel; they even pay for your shipping! Nintendo truly care for their customers, unlike a certain other (Our broken X button is art and you should be thanking us for it) company!
  6. Humn, I was sure that I remember hearing that NOA was doing the translation (I'm playing through the game at the mo so I haven't seen the credits yet, do you know if Bill Trinen is mentioned in the localisation section or not?) Can't believe I didn't notice the 10th anniversary mistake lol and the GBA version was an extremely lazy port (Apparantly, Namco just lumped the SNES and PS1 data onto the cart and left the GBA to interpret the code itself, that's why you can walk diagonally on the 2D map!) Soul Calibur 3 is the video game equivelent of a straight to DVD movie
  7. I really don't understand Namco's concept of business, supporting the PSP over the DS and then dooming Tales of the Tempest to faliure by releasing it on the same day as FF3, it just boggles the mind! The PSP version of TOP can't even be released outside Japan since Nintendo did the translation and own the rights to it (Same with TOS, Ninty have the rights to the translation) I really think that these ports and remakes would sell best on Nintendo's consoles since most of these games have been confined to Sony's machines. There's no reason why TOP should be remade again, the PS1 version was ok since it was a fully blown remake and added lots of new content and the GBA one was the first portable version and a 10th anniversary special edition. There's no reason to make a PSP version at all. This is like when they announced Soul Calibur 3 as a PS2 exclusive and doomed it to poor sales (SC2 was 5 million+, SC 3 was sub 1 million) Doesn't bode well for Wii support
  8. Yeah I jut saw this on NeoGaf, why in the Blue FUCK is the PSP getting three Tales of Games! These'll never come out of Japan anyway and the PSP is a dead duck there!!! Tales Of Destiny PS2 does look HAWT though, shame it'll never get released outside Japan Tales of The Tempest is now coming out in october as well :mad: and there's still no word on whether or not it's coming out over here :mad: Pics here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=105718&page=7 (Check the rest of the thread for more pics) So that's 3 remakes (1 being the 4th version of the same game - Phantasia) and 1 crappy dungeon crawler (Tales of the World) This sucks! Where's my Tales of Wii!!! And why is the DS getting so little Tales of love and the PSP gets it all, Sony fans have already played these games and the PSP is dead in Japan, give it to the Nintendo fans and the DS!!! I guess Namco just don't like money Oh yeah, not sure if this is new or not but I'm posting it anyway, Tales of Symphonia OVA (Original Video Animation) coming out in 2007 See how they use the PS2 logo, Fucking Bastards! http://www.animate.tv/nf/detail.php?id=0000000693
  9. Probably just didn't bother to update them. The E3 trailer was from the GCN version and it looked the same as the Wii version graphics wise.
  10. Looking much nicer than the first scans (looks more like a 360/PS3 game than a GCN game now!) I'm a sucker for ultra cute Japanesy style games so I'll probably pick it up on day 1
  11. BS, you can't connect to the internet without an internet connection ROFL!
  12. Agrees with Zeldafreak, games are too expensive as they are. If Nintendo truly want to break into the non gamer market they need to price their games in an impulse buy catagory (I'd say around £30, with DS games dropped to £20) That being said, these prices are not confirmed as Nintendo and only Nintendo decide the pricing for Wii games, not Sega. I reckon that they'll just be £40 again but you never know!
  13. I'd like her to show me a single Nintendo game that has scantly clad women in it! (To her probably any game that appears on a Nintendo console is made by Nintendo themselves!) And that's part of the problem, non gamers are so ignorant about video gaming that they wont even give it a second look. With all the bad press gaming gets, a typical non gamer probably thinks that all gamers are fat sweaty male nerds who play alone in a dark room and that the only types of games that sell are either violent shooting games, fighting games, realistic racing games and sports games (The Xbox is a major contributor to this stigma as that's pretty much the only types of games you get on there!) If gaming is to ever break this stigma, 1 of 2 things needs to happen. Either Nintendo gain control over the market and market the hell out of the non games or developers embrace Nintendo's idea of non games and start producing some themselves (Capcom and Atlas are doing good so far ) Sony did good with the eye toy and advertising games like singstar and Guitar hero but that's not enough. They are still single minded about what types of games people want and their idea of the PS3 entertainment hub. Microsoft are so stuck in a rut they can't even see any other types of games around them! Nintendo have always been pushing boundries and producing and advertising different types of games but they've truly hit the nail on the head with these non games. Now that they have truly mainstream games, they need to make the console avaliable to the mainstream and the only way they're gonna do that is by releasing the Wii for a cheap price (I'm thinking £100-£130) and drop the price of games from £40 to £30 at least (This is a major problem as DVDs are £20) DS games are currently too expensive (Aside from Brain Training ) and they should be around £20 (Preferably less) to truly break into the non gamer market. Nintendo's games and consoles need to be placed into an impulse buy category and at the moment, their games and consoles are too expensive for a non gamer to justify their purchase. So in short, Ninty's non games = good but are too expensive : peace:
  14. DS demos will be a mamimum size of 4MB (the size of the DS' RAM) so I don't think that will pose too much of a problem. IMO the smartest thing Nintendo could do with the Wii is to include the USB WiFI Connector with every Wii console. That way anyone with an Internet Connection can connect online (As accessories, aside from controllers and memory cards, never sell!)
  15. Personally I can't tell the difference between 480p and 480i, I tried switching between the two while in america but I couldn't see a blind bit of difference 720p compared to 480i though is a totally different story! The Xbox 360 looks perfectly fine on my 480i TV (Almost as good as on the HDTVs they use on the demo stands) and there's no pixillation thanks to some good AA. I expect that the Wii will be pretty much the same in that respect so if that's the case then I don't give a rats arse about HDTV!
  16. Well he does have a very feminine look in OoT! Hawt!
  17. Next thing you know he'll take over Iwata as president! First Nintendo, then the games industry, then the world HA HA HA HA HA!!!
  18. Remember guys (and gals) this is the maximum price of the console, it could get even lower! And if it gets lower in the US or in Japan, expect it to be lower here too! My estimate of £129.99 and Friday October 6th (Tuesday, October 2nd in US and Japan) still stands as possible!
  19. Come on NOE, announce the price already!!! (or at least do what NOJ and NOA are doing!)
  20. £129.99, same price as GCN when it first came out and an October launch is almost certain IMO. Nintendo said that they were aiming for a worldwide simultaneous launch and they need to beat the PS3 to the starting gate. LOL that's almost 1/4 of the price of the PS3!!! :laughing:
  21. Please please Nintendo put the Lylat Wars team behind this, don't give this game out to anyone!!! You have a chunk of gold in your hands, don't let anyone else's greasy hands spoil it!!! (Looks back at SFA and SFASS and dies a little inside)
  22. Argh when's it coming out I NEED THIS GAME!!!
  23. Yeah Wii Sports and Wii Music sounds about right. Nintendo could make a killing on these if they market them as non games, so I doubt that we'll see them with the console unless they do some sort of special bundle pack.
  24. I really want to believe the original article, but I'm leaning more towards the update. It sounds more plausable that they would compare the DVD footage to the Bluray footage.
  25. As long as there is a single FC for each console, I'll be happy.
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