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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. Just finished watching episodes 12-14 back to back. Episodes 12 and 13 plodded along, giving Daryl a bit more back story
  2. 40 hours, saved the entire universe, but ended in my own death. An awesome ride, only marred by a collectathon of relics at the last 5 hours of gameplay (traversing the Universe for all the bits and pieces). The Gamepad integration was OK, but there were so many times when I thought, why don't they implement this mechanic on the Gamepad. The use of the Gamepad in Deus Ex, NintendoLand, Batman:AC and ZombiU are far better handled, but the ability to see a full map of the battlefield at all times was pivotal in its use.
  3. Bit Trip Runner 2 is also 3.33 on the eShop this week. A must buy for me at that price.
  4. Yeah, don't get me wrong. This is the best thing on TV for me ATM (and has been for a long while). When there's a slow episode I love the tension and story building (people criticised Season 2 for it's plodding episodes, but I loved the dialogue, etc.), so can't wait for the remainder of the show. A not so good episode of The Walking Dead is far better than anything else I've watched in long time.
  5. I didn't buy it, and I'm not going to buy it unless there's a discount (which I doubt won't happen for at least 6 years). I really liked DKCR3D and this looks awesome, but that's enough 2D platformers for me ATM. I just can't justify buying it at full price. Also, got too much to play through like Mass Effect 3, Trine 2, SM3DW, etc., not to mention 3DS games.
  6. Just finished the Phoenix Wright 5 DLC. Another worthy case to add to the collection. Not as good as the last 2 episodes from the main game, but thoroughly enjoyable.
  7. I bought this; http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Popular-PC-Headset-to-Smart-Phone-Adapter-3-5mm-2-Female-to-Male-Splitter-Cable-/221304870881?pt=AU_Television_Accessories&hash=item3386cc57e1&_uhb=1 or another rendition of this, which allows you to plug in any PC headset. Now I can pick up a cheap headset for like a fiver, and it all works perfectly OK.
  8. Bought it twice. The first time after reading the positive reviews for the GC version, and the only place it was available (everywhere sold out) was HMV for 60 quid! This was going to be my last game before emigrating, and I didn't have much time left. Got it and even with the hefty price tag it was well worth the money. This is in my top 3 games of all time. That opening scene in the village and being attacked relentlessly was freaking awesome. Later bought it again on the Wii, and they only went and made the whole game even better with the pointer aim controls. If they remade this as an HD release on the Wii U, I'd buy it yet again.
  9. And I, have only Just Dance 4 (not 2014), but if you all have it (#4, that is), then I'd be definitely up for a song.
  10. Those boys are totally awesome at their trailer breakdowns/analyses. 1:30 trailer and they got out 25 minutes of fast talking analysis, wow! Just goes to show how detailed the game is. Can't wait!
  11. Why is Super Mario Deluxe so zoomed in? Was it always like that? If you jump up on a platform you can't see the ground below you, and therefore any holes, etc, that are around. Goomba's fall from the sky because you can't see what's on the platform above. This feels broken.
  12. So, it started. I re-watched the back 8 of Season 4 to get prepped. Liked Episode 9 and its similarity to the comics.
  13. Tried this as a demo on my mates US 3DS, and it is a very fun Zelda II clone. I don't think I have the patience to go through the whole thing, but my son couldn't put the demo down. This might be a birthday present, which I will join in on.
  14. Never seen this game before, but check out the price. Phineas & Ferb Wii U 999.99 pounds and pence at Base http://www.base.com/buy/product/phineas-and-ferb-wii-u/dgc-pferbwiiu.htm Bargain of the year.
  15. I got the scholar award, but didn't feel I was going out of my way to obtain all the books. Some were placed in funny areas, like behind furniture, in air ducts, and what have you. Guess I lucked out. That big GamePad map can also be written upon, for reminders, tips, locations, etc. I found that so handy writing down unlockables that I couldn't get yet, but to remind me to come back when I had levelled up sufficiently.
  16. Me too, argghhh my wallet!
  17. My +12 looks pathetic, but number 3!!! Need to play this more, Mario 3D World is the most played home console game in my household at the moment.
  18. Ohhh, didn't know there was a 3rd selection at this point. Seriously makes me want to play through it again, but too much else to play, I'm putting in serious hours on MH3 ATM. The 3rd rocket launcher part is in the NW of the cargo bay. It is in a blue container, but not the suspended one, it's 3 containers up(3rd level). But, you do need to jump to it, which probably means you'll need the jump aug. Can't see any other way to get there, unless that suspended container can be moved somehow, it is on a rail???? Quinn opens his door for you at a later point, until then you can't get in.
  19. This is a most welcome turn of events, localisation please.
  20. @Hogge There's an article about your game on NintendoLife today http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2014/01/creative_racer_velocity_stream_could_be_speeding_towards_wii_u Lots of positive hands-ons.
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