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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. @Hogge There's an article about your game on NintendoLife today http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2014/01/creative_racer_velocity_stream_could_be_speeding_towards_wii_u Lots of positive hands-ons.
  2. Wow, that's all I can truly say. The whole story had me gripped from beginning to end. The overworld is sometimes sparsely populated, but the stealth and gun-play make up for any tiny misgivings that I had. You can pick this up for about a tenner for the Wii U, if you haven't, do it. It really shows you how the Gamepad works (for all the doubters), just like Zombi U and Batman: Arkham City, the Gamepad is an extension of your on-screen character. Wiithout the Gamepad, this game must be far less of a perfect product. And last night I finished, this me beauty; All in all, a masterpiece. The fluidity of the controls, and the flawless integration of the painting puzzles, stand above everything else that is exceptional in this. But, and this is a big but, it is far too easy. I romped through it in 24 hours, without dying once. It also makes the game easier by providing too many rupees. They are flowing from everywhere, and as I stated elsewhere, I had outright bought every weapon early on in the game.
  3. I want a 3D Metroid (even a trilogy remake) and another decent first person shooter.
  4. Just picked up Mass Effect 3 from Base for 13.39; (actually after UK tax reduction I paid 12.25 with delivery, well happy) http://www.base.com/buy/product/mass-effect-3-special-edition-wii-u/dgc-mesewiiu.htm
  5. Yeah, I read it, but it was too late for me. Now, normally I'll sit through all the credits, but for some dumb reason I clicked skip and have missed it. May load up my last manual save point and play through the last hour again when I can just to see it. As the unresolved things go, it was the story between Megan and Jenson that bugged me the most, and I'd love to see a sequel just to see how they get on, especially if she's been having too much involvement with the Hyron project. Things could get interesting.
  6. I missed the side-quest also, I just thought that I'm not going near the place.
  7. I don't know, but I always suspected it was obtained by hitting the rubber duck (the same one that pops up in tennis) that resides in a pond on one of the holes?????
  8. On my Wii U, so a quick post.
  9. Yeah, I get massive rumble near a mech., but I really don't like the rumble on the Gamepad it buzzes too much, like a cheap rumble pack in the N64 days. The Wii U Pro Controller has such divine rumble on it. I find that during a conversation there are odd moments of twitchy/jumping camera. Where a character finishes a sentence and the camera moves in by only an inch,, and then after the next sentence it moves out again by that inch. It's strange, as well as Jenson's odd dancing at times. He moves funny, in that he doesn't stop moving in odd jerky ways, especially his head:grin:, and all the characters really needs to brush their teeth, they are this weird grey colour in the Wii U version, as if their wearing braces.
  10. @Retro_Link Are you playing the Director's Cut on the Wii U? I honestly haven't seen texture pop-in's or anything like that, but the game does get choppy in the cut scenes. Everything else runs smoothly, so far.
  11. Haven't posted in a while, and this is where I am up to;
  12. Seriously, but I certainly didn't use the quick travel, only tried that after the 2nd Lorule dungeon, currently on the 3rd (Choose to do the desert one). I'd walk everywhere, collecting rupee's whilst killing and chopping down the foliage, but at no point did I think ohhh I've gotta get me some more rupees to buy the next item. I also accumulated a lot in the mini-games I played. There's a nice one in Lorule
  13. Just looked at the retailers I normally shop with, The Hut, Grainger Games, Zavvi, The Game Collection, Wow HD, Game, Shop To and Base, and all of them are not stocking this anymore. Only places I can see it are; Amazon; 39.42 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Need-Speed-Most-Wanted-Nintendo/dp/B00BANHR52/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1389313001&sr=8-10&keywords=need+for+speed+most+wanted Play; 39.89; http://www.play.com/Games/Wii-U/4-/40638437/Need-For-Speed-Most-Wanted-U/Product.html?searchstring=need+for+speed+most+wanted&searchsource=0&searchtype=gameall&urlrefer=search&strefer=gameall&searchfilters=s%7bneed+for+speed+most+wanted%7d%2bc%7b362%7d%2b Bummer price, I picked this up near release date for 25 quid.
  14. I don't seem to have this problem of renting, by the time I finished the 1st Lorule dungeon I had bought, outright, every item Rovio had to sell. Didn't really go out of my way to collect rupees, just got them as I came across them, but I did finish a fair few small treasure rooms.
  15. Doc Lewis is hilarious, Sionara, that's Japanese for Goodbye!
  16. @Mokong This happens to me very frequently, and that Greying out of the eShop icon and the inability to restart another game quickly without first shutting the game down is an annoyance. I had put this down to my location in the world, and the distances involved, but I play other online games with no hitch. The online in these games is abysmal, shame really because I get so much out of the local multiplayer with them, it would be nice to have the same online.
  17. After rescuing Malik and doing
  18. Just did a massive chunk of the second visit to China today.
  19. Been having a little problem with my Gamepad and its Left Analogue Stick, so I just sent this email to Nintendo to see what they can come up with. I paste it here to see if anyone can offer insight and when I get a reply I'll post that up as well. I'm interested to see if their reply about the Japanese Gamepad working on a European Wii U will work out in my favour.
  20. Another 20 hours done with a nice Picross game, but didn't enjoy the Mega Picross puzzles as much as other variations in the game, and that very last Mega Picross puzzle was a complete bastard.
  21. Having been sidetracked by CoD: Ghosts and Super Mario 3D World, I played this quite a bit last week. Picked up from the end of the first visit to China.
  22. Ohhh, yes. This feels like a wonderful arcade version companion to the sublime Revelations. And, it's even better with 2 players on the go at the same time. Which you can do local or online, if anyone stills plays this online. Revelations for the scares, this for hordes of relentless enemies and bosses coming at you in locations from Res.4 and 5.
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