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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. Added, tedious plugging in over 20 codes, huh?
  2. Pro Controller support confirmed, yay! I've 2 of them and they will be used with this a lot.
  3. After one play my 7 year old son, was too scared to play Luigi's Ghost Mansion again for about 6 months.
  4. Correct. If you download the free trial and then sync the Fit Meter before the end of January 2014, iirc on the date.
  5. You can transfer your Mii from your 3DS to your Wii U. Can you do it the other way???? I don't know, but think not. With Nintendo linking NNIDs on both systems, it would be nice if friends' lists were linked, but that might be a headache to resolve. Best wait until the next generation.
  6. Played my second longest ever Wii U gaming session yesterday, until the GamePad's batteries turned red on me, and it's all down to this beauty of a game (over 3 hours if you ask).
  7. 3 quid off the new Mario and Luigi themed Wii Remotes, now 34.99 at Base Here; Mario; http://www.base.com/buy/product/wii-remote-plus-controller-mario-limited-editon-wii-u/dgc-nin1100.htm Luigi; http://www.base.com/buy/product/wii-remote-plus-controller-luigi-limited-editon-nintendo-wii-u/dgc-nin1101.htm
  8. I would also recommend Resident Evil Mercenaries, you can pick that up dirt cheap on the eShop, and it plays differently than the slow paced survival horror of Revelations. It's more fast paced action arcade shooter, with a relentless attack of enemies, online 2 player mode and all.
  9. On top of that it's an awesome puzzle game. I pick up every one, and they last about 15-20 hours for the first play through. Additionally longer for repeated play, worth a fiver.
  10. Wii U Version Of Call Of Duty Ghosts Will Eventually Have Dedicated Servers Full story here; http://mynintendonews.com/2013/11/13/wii-u-version-of-call-of-duty-ghosts-will-eventually-have-dedicated-servers/ Actually the story is rather short, with a company representative answering, "Yes", to a yes/no question. This is one of the main reasons I bought my copy of the game, only to find out that that wasn't the case, so this news is great to listen to. Just hope they get a move on with it. Maybe soon after the XBone and PS4 versions are released.
  11. Well, he gave me a choice and I happily went to take down the low-life drug dealing scum living in my backyard. Finished off a few of their other boys too, for good measure.:p Ahh, the power.
  12. Yeah, it's been out for over 3 weeks now.
  13. I'm giving it a go, too. So good so far. But this is one tough game, it throws you in the deep end straight away. I'm near the beginning, but love all the side missions, and also love to just go for a wander to see what's happening. Not doing a stealth run, due to amount of arseholes pulling guns on me in sewers and what have you. It was all in self-defence your honour.
  14. Just finished episode 2, and this game is as good as the AA games have always been. It's fantastic, onto Case 3 and Liberus Uni.
  15. 32 hours in total, not 100%, but as far as I wanted to go. To be honest this wasn't as good as I remember, even though it was still bloody good. There were moments of total bliss, the sailing, whilst others have complained, I loved, again. Other times I felt frustrated at not remembering what to do. I actually remembered very little about this game, and mixed up sections of SS and TW, thinking they were in this. It's a funny feeling when you finish the Wind Temple, for example, and think there were parts missing, only to remember it actually happened in another Zelda game.
  16. You'll should have no problems if it's mains powered or if you have a Y cable for it. Either way the Wii U will auto-format the disc drive for you.
  17. Base have reduced the Deus Ex game again; now 16.99. Get it in. http://www.base.com/buy/product/deus-ex-human-revolution-directors-cut-wii-u/dgc-deusexwiiu.htm Mine arrived, but finishing Wind Waker first.
  18. Resident Evil Revelations at Base for 16.99 http://www.base.com/buy/product/resident-evil-revelations-wii-u/dgc-resierwiiu.htm
  19. Here: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36102
  20. Yeah, only online. When in local play mode it uses a normal tennis scoring system. I'm totally confused as to why they have a 1 to 7 points based scoring system for the online mode. (first to 7 iirc).
  21. Yeah, you've still got some ways to go, I finished it all 100% in 56 hours and 3 minutes. You're just over 1/2 way there.
  22. That's Nintendo being safe again, and making sure that all callouts are Miiverse checked, and aren't Big Cocks and offence. This morning I was playing a normal game of bowling online, and the internet dropped out (twice). It threw me out of the game and said online is not available. Pressed the Wii U Home button and my online is fine, but the online icon in the game (to choose a new online game) is greyed out. All I can do is reset the game and try again, only to have it do the same thing again in the first frame. Anyone else had connection problems?
  23. "Great Detective Pikachu" apparently; http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/11/nintendo_files_new_pokemon_trademark_great_detective_pikachu Well, in Japan at least.
  24. Well, thanks for the help I've finally put my money down on this. My decision was finally sealed after seeing 4 of you playing this when I turned my machine on at 9:00am in Taiwan (that's 1:00am in the UK) to play a little Zelda. Now, the 2-3 week wait for delivery.
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