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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Whilst I don't actually support either driver, I'm starting to get slightly nervous! I'm also delighted that double points won't ruin anything. Lewis has been outstanding this season imo and bar his mistake at Austria (where he spun in qualifying) he's been invincible. Nico has maximised his results though and should he win he deserves it. Also, it's now confirmed that Vettel will be at Ferrari and Alonso is leaving. Who would have thought that Alonso would leave Ferrari with only 11 wins? Quite sad in a way, the car was shit throughout that whole period compared to RB. Not a fan of Vettel but seeing a German drive a Ferrari again...I'm already excited
  2. I've aced the first game (very close to 100% Platinum) and unless you're going for 100% platinum you can pretty much just alternate between punch and kicks and not bother with knowing the combat system in any real depth..as long as you dodge properly you can walk through the game. There's no need to come across as an arse lol. @Sheikah, stick with it. The first time I played it I got to Chapter 4-5 before it 'clicked' and after that it's just been love <3 It's so bloody rewarding.
  3. I'm so glad you guys have loved the game Come on Nintendo, give them an old classic I.P and let them produce something magical. A Captain Falcon 2D platformer or an Ice Climbers Metroidvania title....oh man. I'd do dirty things for those games.
  4. Post of the year, brah. Post of the year.
  5. It was a 15-20 hour game that took about double that to get through. There was just too much padding and if they got rid of the fetch quests ('I know you need to save the world but you need to prove you're the chosen one....again') it would be much more memorable. I REALLY want to play through some of the dungeons again but the thought of replaying the whole game again puts me off it. I have the same issue with the opening of Twilight Princess.
  6. Haven't got round to the DLC yet but great to see so many positive impressions. That footage has me craving a F-Zero U game though!
  7. If Super Circuit was upgraded with online play then I would never play Mario Kart 8 again.
  8. Making some good progress at the gym but man, I'm getting some serious cramps in my foot when I'm deadlifting. It's absolutely horrendous.
  9. There are some balance issues with characters like Diddy Kong (can cancel any hitstun) and Rosalina (zero lag on aerials if you know how) which breaks them somewhat, so I expect those to be fixed. I also think all the Yoshi glitches will be fixed..I don't know what the hell happened when they programmed him but he just teleports everywhere when using those eggs!
  10. This happened when the PS2 first came out though, as well as when the PS3/360 launched. Hell, the original PSO was getting PS2 downports into the early 2000's. We're getting it now because old engines run well on the newer systems. We'll get to a point (usually about 2 years after a new generation starts) when new games simply aren't possible to run on older systems, whether that's because the world and environments are too big or simply because the engine requires more power.
  11. The jump from 360-> XBO might be smaller than the jump of the generations before it, but Nintendo's previous console was the Wii, and the generation jump from GC->HD consoles was absolutely huge imo. At the moment I can't help but feel the PS2 gen -> HD gen was a bigger jump than the Wii -> Wii U jump, despite the consoles being quite similar. I was blown away by the online of Halo 3 and the world of Bioshock and appreciated that they couldn't be done on previous hardware. NSMBU, SM3DW, Donkey Kong etc could have been SD Wii games imo. I'm not saying those games aren't great..I bloody love SM3DW but it doesn't exactly inspire you to buy the console when you look at it, does it? Yes it looks great graphically but Nintendo fans are the ones who, for the past decade, have constantly claimed graphics aren't everything.
  12. I'm all for Nintendo going down their own route BUT: 1. At least make future consoles capable of running 3rd party engines. It's embarrassing that the Wii U can't run last gen engines without significant work needed to get them going at an 'okay' frame rate. 2. Don't release the same stuff again and again. Playing newer versions of Wii games but in HD doesn't appeal to anyone. Do what you did with the NES->SNES jump and N64->GC jump...show us that you can create bigger, more immersive worlds. Super Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy did more for me than SM3DW and NSMBU ever did. 3. Leverage the IP in the right way (it seems as though they are already doing this, at least with 3rd parties). There's a huge history of I.P and characters that fans adore and there are developers that would kill to make games with them. 4. The West. Don't ignore us..Our tastes are different to Japan..Realise that
  13. Man, I really hate the GAME stores in Notts. The one near Market Square used to be great when it was Gamestation but it's gone down the shitter ever since
  14. GOTY contender? For me it's a toss up of this and Bayonetta.
  15. Yeah the Marussia stuff is so sad Great bunch of guys and Jules scoring points in Monaco is one of my favourite F1 memories. Me and Retro were at the F1 Fans Forum in London last year and Graeme Lowden was there...top top bloke. I liked those guys, almost as much as I loved Minardi.
  16. I knew you'd like it! Look forward to reading your thoughts in the Shovel Knight thread
  17. The problem with Reggie is that he has very little power to actually make decisions. He can make day to day operational decisions and low-medium level decisions but Iwata is the CEO of Nintendo of America, not Reggie. It's very different to the days of Howard Lincoln, where Nintendo were able to push their systems to get games and franchises that appealed to the West. When the CEO of NoA and NoE are both Japanese, is it really a surprise that the Wii U can barely run 3rd party engines from last gen? Most of those dev's are based in America, not Japan. At the end of the day, I like Reggie but he's not really got any power. He does what he can but he can't really say too much and make big changes. That said, getting Goldeneye on the Wii was a great move from him, even though it ended up on other consoles soon after.
  18. Incredibly this comes out the day I return from holiday and 3 days before I return to work.
  19. Shovel Knight is out. Get on it lads.
  20. OH SHIT! I should also add that I reckon the Shovel Knight release date will be announced!
  21. @Serebii's predictions earlier on in this thread are pretty much the same as mine tbh. On top of that I think we'll get a remaster of some sort from the dev's that remastered Wind Waker (that took them 6 months apparently). Oh, and the new Mario Kart DLC will be available right after this conference
  22. I found it much quicker than games like Diamond and Pearl..god damn, they were slowwww. Black and White were great games though although I can't remember anything about them. At the time I thought they were the best though!
  23. R/S are definitely my favourite games of the series imo. The battle system was quick, the towns and villages were very well designed and the competitive mechanics were awesome. I know a lot of the more casual Pokemon fans didn't like them and didn't find them 'fun' but I'm into that. Of course, X and Y improved the EV system (A lot) but Ruby/Sapphire started all of that for me. Oh, and the starters are all awesome! Very powerful Pokemon unlike the G/S starters
  24. Yeah, I basically want a Netflix style Virtual Console where I can still out-right buy the games if I like them.
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