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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Not sure (I don't own the game yet) but there are a lot of videos online of what it does to the gameplay, for example: Combined with the 'smooth lander' item (which effectively L-cancels moves like in melee), the game becomes significantly faster. Looks fantastic too. That Mario is insane! Edit: Here's one of Captain Falcon: That combo between 0:21 and 0:26...Awesome.
  2. It's definitely 'heavier' than Brawl but still much lighter than Melee. There's actually a custom item that you unlock which turns up the gravity to Melee levels.
  3. Where is this merchandise?! Yeah it is weird. Looked average next to Sutil who was terrible..
  4. Defo the handheld. They'll likely launch the home console in 2017 (5 year cycle). It's key that they nail down the OS with their next handheld first before shifting some resource over to the home console.
  5. Oh! I appear to be mistaken. I had heard that the maximum number of wireless controllers that can be synced to the Wii U at any time is 5?
  6. It's just occurred to me that you need a wired set up to play 8 player Smash....
  7. Spoke to someone at GAME about this today and he said his manager had informed them that they won't get anymore in stock until January/February.
  8. 100% agree with you. I think we've both said in the past that they'll likely do a reveal of some sort next year and get it out onto the market in 2016, with the Wii U successor in 2017 or so, 5 years after the Wii U. Next year? A bit too soon..
  9. My order has also been cancelled. This whole thing is a fucking joke. I've waited for this game for about 5 years and got a Wii U exclusively for it. The fact that that I already have the ONLY wired controller option for the game but can't use it because they haven't made enough adaptors is unreal. Smash is a long term seller; it will sell for years and is seen by many as a reason to buy Nintendo systems. The fact that they couldn't even produce enough to get them through the launch window is unbelievable..Yes, retailers may not have been keen but even the Nintendo store is sold out. The gamepad is far too uncomfortable and has a short battery life, and the Wii-mote has several frames of input lag...The only other option is the Wii U Pro controller but I have 13 years of muscle memory ingrained into the GC controller and it has the benefit of being WIRED. God damn. Thanks a lot Nintendo. I was going to play this through Christmas but I'll be gaming elsewhere now. Eugh.
  10. Get it here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Super-GameCube-Controller-Adaptor-Nintendo/dp/B00O9QW4JQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417633775&sr=8-1&keywords=gamecube+adaptor Only £15 once added to basket Now to order myself a copy of the game!
  11. I know that myself and many others probably won't be able to buy Smash until they release some more GC Adaptors. I'm heartbroken
  12. It's just filler content, much like Smash Run on the 3DS. I can't imagine anyone, even the developers, thought it would out-do the main game.
  13. They aren't trying to compete against the XBO or the PS4..that ship sailed about 2 years ago. Their aim is simply to make as much money as possible from the 7-8million people that already own a Wii U. They don't need to advertise the game to those people..Smash sells itself to them.
  14. What controls are you using? I believe the Wii-mote and nunchuk have 4 frames of input lag so that might be the issue?
  15. Most of us were aware of the situation when the NPD results came out in January of this year. We don't need to keep talking about it.
  16. The AI in Brawl (and Melee) was quite poor tbh and it's likely that most of the systems processing power spent rendering the game at 60fps. They could afford to improve the AI much more this time due to dat power. Out of interest, is it just certain level 6 characters that are difficult or is it across the board? Still no stock left online (Smash+GC Adapter). It looks as though I won't be playing Smash this Christmas afterall at this rate
  17. Amazon logistics have messed up my orders loads and I'll never order from them again. 'We tried to deliver' is bullshit; our building opens at 8am and they kept coming in at 6:30am..no fucking surprise as to why I couldn't pick it up. Eugh.
  18. I'm really annoyed at myself I wasn't sold on the games competitive potential but I've seen some clips online and I'm desperate to play it now. I am just hoping they produce more of the Gamecube adaptors... *fingers crossed*
  19. Bugger, really wish I preordered this earlier. The 3DS version left me disappointed but the footage of the Wii U one has sold it to me. Unfortunately, everywhere is sold out Absolutely gutted.
  20. So is it possible to gift games on Wii U yet? A couple of eShop games would make great Xmas presents this year me thinks
  21. Now you mention it, I never got cramp when deadlifting with plates..Hmmm. I'm putting my feet closer together now which has fixed the problem somewhat but still not ideal. I'm definitely noticing gains though and feel much stronger. Unfortunately work is very hectic at the moment and it looks as though I may have to take another week off
  22. The other thing I'm annoyed about is that there's a bug that affects the C-stick on the Gamecube controller. If you use it to do an aerial attack you lose control of your character in mid air for some reason. Hopefully they fix it soon.
  23. Reading how the Amiibo's work in Smash has got rid of any excitement I once had for them. It's looks as though that instead of getting better and understanding your play, they simply have their moves upgraded in terms of damage %. A level 50 Peach will gets a 50% increase in the damage that he moves do compared to a regular one. I've never actually used the handicap function but does this do the same thing?
  24. Man, I wasn't convinced that I needed the Wii U version of this game but I've just seen the changes that the update has made.. Holy crap. I'm surprised they've made so many changes to competitive side of the game to actually make it better. I've just seen a list of the character balance changes and there's about 100 altogether!
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