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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Man, those attach rates are bad :/ Does that include eShop software?
  2. It's probably because they are so stock limited at the moment (or at least they were). They were bottlenecked by production during launch so they probably didn't sell as much as they would've wanted to. I've been listening to the Nintendo Voice Chat podcast and they were saying how stores simply weren't getting much stock before Christmas.
  3. It will almost definitely need a Y cable, as the USB ports in the Wii U don't draw enough power (oh, the irony!!!) as they are USB 2.0 ports and not 3.0 ones. You can get a Y cable from amazon for a couple of quid...get on it
  4. I purchased that yesterday! Great minds Out of interest, when does Metroid Prime Trilogy officially release on the eShop?
  5. Could you not use a Y cable instead of a power socket? That's what I've decided to do as I have the same problem. I managed to snag a Y cable from Amazon for a couple of quid and got a hard drive for £30 too
  6. When a hard drive costs 5x more than the game..yes, not ideal.
  7. To clarify, this isn't really 'Wii VC'; you're simply downloading a Wii game and booting it up instead of putting a disc in. To call it a virtual console is like saying putting a Wii disc into the Wii U makes it a 'Virtual Console' game. But anyway.. When you download a Wii title and play it on Wii U, the Wii U enters Wii mode. The difference between downloaded Wii titles and physical Wii titles is that you don't have to click the 'Wii mode' icon as the console just does it itself. When in Wii mode, the Wii U can't connect to the Gamepad (it's effectively a Wii at this point) hence why Wii titles can't be played with the Gamepad. That's not to say it would be impossible, but it would require a bit of work, which they probably view as unnecessary given that they need staff elsewhere.
  8. No, it only supports the Wiimote+Nunchuk combo (as that's what the Wii supported). SO HYPED.
  9. Quick question on the Wii U Pro Controller.. If I have one, do I need to use the Gamepad at all when I boot up a game? My gamepad is almost always out of battery and I'm considering just buying a Wii U Pro Controller if it means I can get dump the gamepad in the store room.
  10. For the record, I never said Nintendo's 3rd party problem are related to specs. In fact I've written at length at all of their problems and I think we're in agreement that the majority of their I.P simply don't appeal to 18-35 males in the West. 3rd party games simply won't succeed on a Nintendo console because they don't have (and don't want) that market. You say the XBO and PS4 are hampered by underperforming CPU's (agreed) but at least they are getting those games. It's also relatively easy to do cross-gen games from PS4->PS3 due to the architecture of those consoles. 360/PS3-> Wii U ports are just incredibly difficult unfortunately. At the end of the day, I think with the way Iwata is leading Nintendo, they will simply provide Nintendo-software only system(s) that makes them a lot of money. With a combined OS across their handhelds and Wii U's, they are going to be able to produce a lot of software across both units and even if they only sell 60-80 million units of hardware (handheld and console combined) they will still rake in the cash. I think people just have to accept that in terms of home consoles, their reputation is dead to majority of western gamers and they don't have the software to get them back onboard. 3rd parties will still be reluctant to waste money on Nintendo systems unless there's a culture change and I doubt it will happen.
  11. Because if you can't run modern game engines, you don't get the games. In Wii U's case, if you can't run last gen engines as well, you get ports that are bottlenecked by the CPU. Poor thing.
  12. Given that the game will be more open, I can imagine Liverpool doing well on the counter with Sturridge (if he's back)and then Lallana, Stirling and Coutihno. Should be a cracking game.
  13. Dude, did you even read the interview? 'Boards' aren't a problem, at least for most companies. The problem is Nintendo's board, as he explains: 'Nintendo is not only a Japanese company, it is a Kyoto-based company. For people who aren’t familiar, Kyoto-based are to Japanese companies as Japanese companies are to US companies. They’re very traditional, and very focused on hierarchy and group decision making. Unfortunately, that creates a culture where everyone is an advisor and no one is a decision maker – but almost everyone has veto power.' Clearly the culture in the company means that changes aren't able to be made to benefit the company, unlike with the boards of other companies.This would also explain how Iwata still has a role in the company, as it's probably impossible for him to go unless he walks. Edit. Here's another great quote: 'There are two other problems that come to mind. First, at the risk of sounding ageist, because of the hierarchical nature of Japanese companies, it winds up being that the most senior executives at the company cut their teeth during NES and Super NES days and do not really understand modern gaming, so adopting things like online gaming, account systems, friends lists, as well as understanding the rise of PC gaming has been very slow. Ideas often get shut down prematurely just because some people with the power to veto an idea simply don’t understand it. The last problem is that there is very little reason to try and push these ideas. Risk taking is generally not really rewarded. Long-term loyalty is ultimately what gets rewarded, so the easiest path is simply to stay the course. I’d love to see Nintendo make a more concerted effort to encourage people at all levels of the company to feel empowered to push through ambitious proposals, and then get rewarded for doing so.' Sad reading
  14. It's the best podcast I've ever listened to when it comes to gaming. They really love Nintendo but it never blinds them. They are very intelligent too and make so great points that the mainstream media often overlook or miss. Jonathan (the host) is fantastic..one of the best podcast hosts I can recall.
  15. Highly, HIGHLY recommend Teslagrad if you haven't already played it. A great mix of Braid, Limbo and even some Metroid. Beautiful game too
  16. You should check out StrongLift..it's a great way of putting on muscle, especially on the upper body! The android/iOS app for it is fantastic too.
  17. Indeed it did but nothing compared to the Xbox or the PS2. When you put Wind Waker and Sunshine next to the GTA and Halo, it was clear who many in the West would side with. Those TV spots they did for the GC didn't help either... *shudders*
  18. This is an odd post.. You are only seen as kiddy if you advertise the console that way. Don't you ever wonder why the N64 wasn't seen as a kiddy console? As a result it sold 22 million units in the USA alone. And haven't you ever wondered why the Gamecube got a kiddy reputation in the West and lost market share to Microsoft? It's simply the direction they've gone under Iwata. Go read the interviews that Iwata and Miyamoto did around the GC launch..they ALL say that they want to appeal to children. It was completely different to the days of the N64. The days of someone like Howard Lincoln having a say on Nintendo's board are long gone, unfortunately. It saddens me what they did to the Gamecube. What a fantastic console..great price, awesome specs and decent 3rd party support (despite Miyamoto saying that developers should consider themselves as 'lucky' if they got a dev kit..good lord). Why couldn't they advertise it properly! Edit. If you haven't already done so, go read Emily Rogers' piece on the GC. The quotes from Nintendo representatives at the consoles launch are so sad and disappointing. They presented it to the media in the wrong way and never realised (probably because English wasn't their first language). It doesn't help that they gave up on the FPS market too and basically handed it to the Xbox, which overtook them in the West.
  19. I think people are lacking an understanding of why diversity is important on a console. Yes, whilst F-Zero, Waverace and 1080 may not sell as well as other franchises, they are games which help the console appeal to Western audiences. Extreme sports titles are very popular and there's certainly an audience for them, particularly in the states. If you showed the average western gamer a game like Waverace or 1080, he'd be much more interested in that than another platformer. If Nintendo want to do better in the west, it's a combination of producing a console that excites games (which unfortunately the GC didn't do in the West..it had a very child friendly image compared to the N64) as well as producing appropriate software.
  20. It's like comparing the first time you had sex with the woman of your dreams versus the second (slightly better) time you had sex with the woman of your dreams. Both awesome.
  21. Really disappointed that I didn't the email If anyone does have one but doesn't intend to buy, I'll happily take it off you... Gutted
  22. If the Wii U successor launches with a full Virtual console, complete online system and account system, it wlll be the best launch ever.
  23. You don't need to play 3D World to understand what the gameplay and level design is like if you're familiar with 3D Land as the philosophy is the same. That's like saying 'But you've only played Assassin's Creed II, how do you know you don't like the third game?!'. Or how some people hate level design and gameplay in certain genres (like how @Serebii doesn't like turn based games..if he doesn't like one game in a franchise he probably won't like the rest!). Honestly, just because a game reviews well doesn't mean everyone has to like it. Does everyone adore GTA? CoD?
  24. I recently watched the speed run world record for Super Mario 64...That game, along with Melee, is why I loved old Nintendo. The skill floor was low so the game was accessible to all but the skill ceiling was incredibly high, making the game a joy to perfect and master. World record runs on tick-tock clock are incredible..It's incredible just how perfect that got 3D Mario on the first attempt.
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