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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. Wow, fantastic race! All the talk of 'equalisation' proved to be completely pointless! Ferrari won through strategy but could they have done it without Merc getting their strategy wrong? The extremely hot temperatures helped them too...the cooler temperatures at China will be telling. As for Seb and Ferrari...It was beautiful! Brought back a lot of memories for me as I grew up with Schumacher and Ferrari. Get in Seb!
  2. This weeks RFN was pretty awesome and as always I'd recommend it to everyone. I burst out laughing during New Business though when they were talking about the 3D effect on Outrun. James came out with 'Alternatively you could just take $300 and wave it in front of your face for the same effect'
  3. The main issue with the Wii U announcement trailer was that they kept saying 'Play With The New Controller' and stuff like that, but rarely spoke about the console.
  4. That's interesting, because I saw the Radio Free Nintendo guys were saying that the system in Mario vs DK was really bad? @Hero\-of\-Time, did I imagine that?
  5. Lost my Uncle yesterday. Finding it really difficult to deal with it...he was an unbelievable man..the type of guy that everyone loved. He had just hit 60 and had retired when he got skin cancer. Turns out it had spread to his lungs and within 6-8 weeks he went from fighting fit to passing away. I saw him just two weeks ago after his skin cancer was removed and he had just started going for his daily walks again. We were aware that he may have ung cancer but within 2 weeks it got so aggressive that he could barely breath. This, coupled with an infection that he got on Monday, basically gave him no chance. The doctors said that he was developing holes in his lungs and..yeh What made the whole thing even more difficult was that my cousin (his son) had just moved the Abu Dhabi for a new job, and the cancer was only spotted once he had left. As he's still in the process of getting a VISA he didn't have access to his passport and they wouldn't let him out of the country. By some piece of luck he was able to get an emergency passport on Thursday night and he was able to book a seat on the final plane leaving for England. He arrived at the hospital at 10:30am on Friday...my Uncle passed away at 11am, on the dot. I'd like to think he was waiting for his son to get back. In the end, my Uncle was so high on morphine that he could barely recognise those in the room but I just know he knew that his family were around him. It's going to be a tough few days..when Asian families mourn death, it's really intense. It looks as though the funeral will be on Saturday, which means that on Friday the men from the family will wash his body before he gets cremated. I'm not sure how I'm going to react to that but I guess I just need to keep strong for my cousin's sake. R.I.P Mamaji
  6. Actually, having read the quote: Development of smart device games will be mainly done by Nintendo, but it is significant that we are forming a joint development structure with DeNA So it's a bit of both. Still, I can guarantee that they will not lose staff power over this to a point where it suddently has a negative effect on their home consoles. Iwata may have made mistakes in the past but I'd like to think that he has enough control over the HR side of the company to ensure that their teams aren't being ruined. 'Sorry EAD, I'm nicking 5 of your staff for this runner title' Yeah, not happening.
  7. DeNA is making the mobile games, Nintendo will likely only supervise. It's also worth remembering that Nintendo have recruited a lot more staff recently and that the joint architecture of their next consoles means that they'll need less staff to produce the same content. What WILL take up man power is QoL but presumably they've taken the right steps to ensure that they've got enough man power on the video games side of things.
  8. @Dcubed, your reaction to this is incredibly immature. Bloody hell. Nintendo aren't aimed to make stuff like Candy Crush, but games with polish and quality like Rayman Jungle Run. Funnily enough, the best handheld game I've played this year is actually Device 6 on iOS. HIGHLY recommended if you're into visual novels..Kind of wish that Nintendo didn't let CING crash a few years back...
  9. The best part was when someone picked out that quote from you where you said that they would never make games and all they would make is a miiverse app. Reminded me of when you were adamant that the new 3DS wouldn't have a 2nd analogue stick and then BAM.
  10. It's worth remembering that Wii games required 3rd parties to create separate dev teams. It's remarkable how much exclusive content it regularly got given that it couldn't run 360/PS3 engines and therefore needs separate teams.
  11. So.... I was right? LOL. Note that they said the games will be fully designed mobile games, not ports. I can finally play Nintendo games on the go ahead! Awesome news.
  12. Oh man, the gap to Mercedes...Good lord. A few things: Epic lap from Hamilton! I hope Nico is competitive in the race though as I want to see them really scrap it out this year. Ferrari and Williams are quite a bit behind but at least it's very close between them. Massa delivered an unbelievable lap at the end and I can't help but think Bottas probably would have had P3 had it not been for his off. Apparently he may miss the race tomorrow due to a back problem..Could Susie Wolff jump in?! Red Bull are nowhere. I'd hate to be Renault right now. Mclaren and Honda...Hmm. I will hold judgement until Silverstone as it's going to take them a long time to sort out their software, especially as they are already a year behind the other guys. I think they'll be okay in the long run though.
  13. The thing with NSMBU is that it just feels so cheap and bland. It's as if they took the Wii engine and gave it a HD upgrade...The sound/music doesn't help either. Rayman Legends...now THAT is how you create a HD 2D platformer. I wish Nintendo used that engine because it's utterly beautiful.
  14. I love how whenever I pop into this thread, all I see is you talking about Voice Chat. Every. Damn. Time.
  15. De Gea was fantastic btw. It could easily have been 3-1 to Arsenal but he made some outstanding saves. Bravo. So does Di Maria miss the Spurs game? Liverpool too, I believe?
  16. I'm currently on chapter 1 and think it's brilliant. Really enjoying it so far. The Extreme Escape games are my favourite Visual Novels (especially the first one!) so I just hope Donganrompa comes close to their brilliance.
  17. I might buy one on my credit card..only a few games I want to play on there but could always sell it on for a PS4 later down the line. Very tempting
  18. Apparently the XBO will be 199 Euro's over the weekend, if anyone is interested in importing one... http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1005181
  19. I feel like that when he talks about competitive Smash. He sometimes just has an opinion and will not shift or budge, despite what anyone else says. It's very frustrating as he just ends up screaming sometimes lol. Jonny Metts though....
  20. As @Glen\-i has mentioned, the Wii U version is simply the 3DS one but blown up, whereas Shovel Knight is designed to run on a big screen. That said, it looks very good on the gamepad!
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