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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. I do StrongLift and it's brilliant. The app is so easy to use and it compliments your work out well.
  2. Updated! Can't do the 25th but August 15th (or onwards) would be good. The weather in August would also be much better. Edit: Just realised that everyone is free August 15th.
  3. Paper Mario would be brilliant BUT I hope to god that it's in the vein of Paper Mario 64 and TTYD and not SPM and Sticker Star. TTYD was absolutely hilarious...the entire episode where you're a pro-wrestler was simply brilliant.
  4. Steamworld and Teslagrad are both exceptional
  5. YouGov exit poll: CON 284 MPs, LAB 263, LIBS 31, SNP 48, UKIP 2, PLAID 3, GREEN 1
  6. Watched the end of the direct and yeah, disappointed that the online won't be properly ready for launch. Oh well, that's life. I'm interested but not sold...
  7. Oh god, the irony. I hope they stick to the format they used last year. Whilst E3 is a trade show but they are beyond the point of saving the Wii U and selling it to consumers, 3rd parties and retail. At this point, it's all about SOFTWARE and what they did last year was great. Their aim is simply to sell software to the exisiting userbase and they can get still get a fair bit of money out of us...I'm hyped! There were a few moments in last year's presentation where I couldn't help but smile (the Yoshi stuff was awesome), but at the same time some segments went on for far too long (the second half of the Yoshi Wooly World segment was poor). Oh, and I'm sure we'll get another Smash tournament too, but I hope Melee also gets some recognition. It's just had its biggest year and it's only going to get bigger (Sorry SM4SH).
  8. Yeah, basically this. In a league as competitive as ours, all teams go through blips. The difference with Chelsea is that they've kept on picking up points. Really impressive stuff and well deserved.
  9. I've never actually played Donkey Kong 64 but from what I've heard, that's THE game that took collecting stuff too far, right?
  10. Sorry if it sounded like I was hijacking the thread I'm just delighted we're getting a 3D advernture/platform game again. I grew up on the N64 and got a Gamecube as soon as I could afford so these types of games are my bread and butter Going back to the kickstarter..did this game break any records in terms of how quickly they hit £1mil?! I still can't believe it happened so quickly!
  11. Super Mario 3D World is very different to a game like Sunshine or 64, which had big open worlds made for exploring. It's much more like NSMB in that the levels are very bite sized, much like the planets in the Galaxy games. Banjo is much more of a explorable-platformer like Mario 64/Sunshine that it is a SM3DW/NSMB. We haven't really seen 3D platform games with big, explorable worlds like Banjo, Conker and Sunshine for over a decade or so. They actually discussed this on the latest episode of Radio Free Nintendo (or maybe it was Nintendo Voice Chat) where they spoke about how Nintendo consoles were the kings of big, open 3D platformers but even Nintendo themselves seemed to have moved away from that model with their platform games. Compare that to the late 90's and early 00's where they was a complete over-saturation of 3D platform games..weird how times change! Now it's all about FPS's
  12. The success of this kickstarter is a reminder to everyone, especially Nintendo, that people still love full on 3D platform games. Give us more! Very excited by the footage of this..can't wait
  13. Again your comparing 1st party output to 3rd parties... A better example would be to compare to 1st party Sony titles. In 2013 Sony released The Last of Us, Puppeteer, Beyond, Sly 4 and GT6, and in 2014 they introduced DriveClub, Knack and a Killzone title. Surely that's pretty similar to Nintendo's output of recent sequels, especially at the expense of new AAA titles? Yes we're getting X but 4 years after the consoles announcement?
  14. On a subject related Wii U VC... Super Mario 64 is simply incredible. The precision and physics engine (particularly the momentum) is so well done and it's astonishing that they got everything SO right on their first attempt. What's even more amazing that they actually went a step further with Sunshine, although that game lacked the polish that their others titles had. I hope we see them push the limits of game design like this again. The widening of input windows and lowering of the skill floor in 3D World really hurt that game for me..why dumb down a physics engine so significantly? Just completed Hazy Mazy Cave..man, getting the 8 red coins on that level is absolutely ridiculous. Worst mission in the game for me. Thankfully everyone else is awesome Oh, and the Wall Jump mechanic totally reminds me of Super Metroid, where you can accidently discover it and start using it in places you weren't meant to. For example, I entered the Ghost World today and used the wall jump to get to the upper floor of the mansion straight away. I absolutely love getting the stars out of order Edit. @Ronnie, you listed 3rd party iterative sequels though, so the comparison makes zero sense. Again, make an appropriate comparison to get the ball rolling.
  15. I never claimed this is what Nintendo should become. I don't even know why you felt the need to bring that up. In terms of varied art styles, look at screenshots on the Mario games on Wii U, Pikmin, Nintendo Land, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Mario Kart, Smash and Yoshi. In terms of the competition releasing the same games again and again, year after year, can you point to examples of Sony and Microsoft have done the same? Whilst I may agree (slightly on the latter), I can't ever recall Sony doing that. Your previous comparisons have been directed at 3rd parties which is really odd.
  16. Slightly off-topic here guys but if anyone remotely thinks that Nintendo's software is diverse and appeals to the majority of gamers, they need to seriously get their head checked out. The audience for their titles is generally the same niche of gamers, hence why so few are willing to buy a console for their games. That said, I think @Ronnie and @Sheikah are arguing about different things here. Sheikah is stating that the titles are diverse enough; this is particularly true when comparing to previous generations, especially the Gamecube and N64, where they had big titles that appealed to western consumers, and the SNES which was the home of Street Fighter 2. His statement and beliefs are fact. Ronnie is saying the quality of the games are great and that is also a fact. There's no denying it. That said Ronnie, you are not responding the @Sheikah's comment about the lack of diversity and appeal and instead are talking about quality...You're changing the topic/moving the goalposts quite considerably. If you're replying to someone, stay on topic please. Also, I should point out that gamer tastes have never changed, at least here in the West. Successful Nintendo systems in the West have always had exclusive titles aimed at the western games, for example Goldeneye and Street Fighter 2, which widened the demographic of those who purchased the system.
  17. I actually think a Nottingham meet up would work quite well. It's cheap, reasonably easy to get to and there's a lot of places to grab food and drink. There are some decent parks too, one which includes Wayne Manor
  18. POST YOUR AVAILABILITY HERE: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AEVUWpXqXURnE8DZAJi4SOBGO2stjuZPVtAO_NDTY6o/edit#gid=0
  19. Finished! Man, what a game. The level and sound design was absolutely fantastic and I look forward to playing it again one day on a difficulty. I did however have 2 problems with the game: 1. I thought the AI was horrific, particularly early on in the game. Having early run past enemies when I was trying to be stealthy completely ruined my immersion in the game. Enemy AI was weird too. 2. 'Silent kills' are actually ridicuously loud but no one, including the clickers, picks up on it. It's a small problem but I wish the sound guys just turned it down a bit..again, it completely ruins the tension and immersion. 3. The Sniper section was fantastic but after finding an area near the Sniper's window, I was annoyed to find out there wasn't actually a sniper/enemy there and despite the static animation for the rifle, it would magically fire at you in any direction. I thought this was slightly lazy and it ruined the section somewhat. That said, what an epic game. I look forward to the DLC
  20. Amazing. Although I was really hoping that the next Telltale collab was a joint effort with Nintendo
  21. Just listening to 'The Day The Music Died', which was the first RFN episode released after the 2013 December NPD sales were released. Honestly, it's one of the best podcast episodes that I've ever listened to. God damn.
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