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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. But remember, the Wii was at the GC and PS2's level, power wise. There was huge jump to the HD consoles, with games like Bioshock, Portal and dozens more. Now Nintendo have jumped to that level, I don't see that type of output *yet*. The jump to HD leads to the development of bigger and richer worlds. I don't think Nintendo have handled that too well just yet; they seem to focusing on better looking versions of what we've seen before as opposed to increasing the scope of their games. Not the type of thing I expect from the companies that made the N64, Gamecube and of course, the Wii. That said, we'll get X and Zelda soon enough.
  2. Yeah, the Amiibo is definitely day 1 DLC. You purchase the game but to get everything you also have the purchase the Amiibo, which is also available on Day 1. It's a different way of doing Day 1 DLC, but that's what people refer to when they are talk about companies doing DLC at launch. The content itself will be ready, but you have to pay to access it.
  3. Funnily enough I don't think the Wii U has any defining games either. Like some big PS4 and XBO games, most Wii U games could have been done on the previous console in SD, imo. I don't see greater scope in Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Pikmin, NSMB or SM3DW than games on the Wii or even 3DS. Of course, Splatoon, Xenoblade and Zelda will likely change that. Don't get me wrong, the output has been great! Just hardly revolutionary imo.
  4. yeah, I remember Turok costing £80 at launch!!! Conker's Bad Fur Day was £60 at GAME too but I managed to get it for £30 on sale
  5. Don't rub it in Yeah, the amount of content is absolutely crazy! With the Wii U it's a case of 1 title every few months but the PS4 got Bloodborne, Hotline Miami 2 and Axiom Verge all within a couple of weeks. Looking forward to getting it now..will likely order at the beginning of next week
  6. My wallet is crying. I'm definitely getting Axiom Verge. I still can't believe that the best Metroidvania title since Metroid Prime isn't on the bloody Wii U!!!
  7. I'm tempted to buy DriveClub preowned tbh..it's just £12 from CEX. Too many games on PS4...so little time
  8. Oh my god. Yes. Retro, you are my hero! : peace: Ps. Reply to my whatsapp from earlier
  9. Yeah PS+ sounds amazing! So much good content for such a small price... Wicked, I might just order DriveClub too then. Stoked to play Hotline Miami 2 on my TV...GOAT.
  10. So the girlfriend is going away for two weeks so I'm thinking of buying a PS4...at last! I'll probably grab Bloodborne and The Last of Us, but GTA 5 and Driveclub are tempting. My question is: where is the best place to buy one from, given that those are the games that I want? I've spotted Bloodborne and TLoU for £349 at GAME..is that my best option? Secondly, I have Hotline Miami 2 on VITA...I'll be able to play that on PS4, right?
  11. I don't get how anyone can complain about this; they are giving you some Uncharted to play this Xmas to make the wait for 4 easier. It's a pretty good deal and makes the wait a bit better. I wish Nintendo did the same for Zelda
  12. I cry everytime. :')
  13. It's a shame they've resorted to this, although what I find more disappointing is that they aren't being called out on it by the mainstream press. This is probably because most journo's are writing with one arm behind their back but still. I wholeheartedly recommend that people listen to this weeks episode of RFN; their discussion around the price of the Mewtwo DLC was spot on.
  14. Can you prove that the same people who wouldn't pay £15 for Affordable Space Adventures WOULD buy The Order: 1886? Or are you just trolling again?
  15. Awesome! Out of interest, was there any input lag? Heard mixed things..And how did the game look on a HDTV?
  16. Yup, I think everyone thinks the same. They've hinted as much over the last 12 months.
  17. Very excited for Mario 64..The physics engine in that game and the movement options given to the player are simply unreal. It's incredibly that they got it so right in 1996..gaming perfection. Siglemic recently did a world record 120 Star Run, and it's incredible. He completes the game in 1 hour and 44 minutes (that's more than a star per minute). It really makes you appreciate how well the game is designed, particularly when he gets to Tick-Tock Clock at 1:30:40. Well worth watching..it's amazing <3
  18. I'm into Amiibo but I went NUTS when they showed off that Yoshi!!!! God damn, that box art too Agree about Shibata, it's embarrassing. There was a Splatoon mode where he kept calling it 'Wank mode' lol.
  19. Wow, surprised to see this thread so quiet! Looks as though this game got incredible reviews, no? Apparently Reggie saw this game at E3 last year and went 'Oh wow, this looks like Metroid' and the developer replied with 'Well, someone has to make them!' haha
  20. I would love a release date for Wooly World and a surprise remaster (Online F-Zero GX PLEASEEEEE).
  21. People have different preferences in terms of what they like and what they don't like. Truthfully, Wii U fans are by far in the minority in terms of enjoying games like Mario Kart etc. Whilst I'm not into games like Far Cry and FIFA, I expect them to chart because most western games enjoy them. Complaining about them is pointless because any entertainment industry is the same (Heck, I expect to see Fast and Furious 7 at the top of the Film Charts by next week). What people fail to realise is that the charts are not representative of total game sales as they only refer to PHYSICAL game sales. Many gamers download games onto their consoles now and the actual sales chart is very different to the published one.
  22. Unfortunately that list doesn't include downloaded titles. Hotline Miami would have been in the top 5 if it wasn't just physical games. (Ps. Hotline Miami 2 is amazing. SO DAMN GOOD)
  23. ..... What. This is a joke, right? Please tell me you've at least played Metroid Prime, Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 before?!
  24. PS4 getting some huge momentum in the form of Helldivers, Bloodborne, and Axiom Verge. I wish I had the money to buy one
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