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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. You've already got the big ones but Rayman Legends and Bayonetta 2 deserve your money too Teslagrad and SteamWorld Dig are also terrific eShop titles.
  2. '82% of facts that you read on the internet are made up on the spot' Abraham Lincoln.
  3. Stop using common sense and facts! Not allowed But yes, the 'PS4 only has shooters' is as silly as saying that 'Wii U only has platform games'.
  4. Never played Banjo I'll have to ebay it one day...Believe it or not, Conker was the first Rare game I played!
  5. Super Mario 64 & Conkers Bad Fur Day... Man, I love my N64 <3
  6. I never said that I suggested that the reason why you believed the Wii U's first year to be so good was down to the fact that you were in the 10% of consumers that would happily shell out £300 for games like NSMBU, Pikmin, TW101 etc. You clearly believe the Wii U's first year was fantastic when most would say the opposite. Surely that's proof enough? Chill out man
  7. Has it not occurred to you that you're probably in that 10%?
  8. I'm a bit confused that people are saying DriveClub was disappointing...From what I've heard the game is simply incredible!
  9. Case closed. You've pretty much proved my point. Also, I hope people realise how great Legends was...Best platformer on Wii U.
  10. If you compare the PS4 and Wii U at the same point in their lifespans, the Wii U was not much better (I'd say it was worse but that's just me). Comparing Generation 2 games Wii U games to Gen I PS4 games is slightly unfair. The price thing fascinates me. Sony got the price MASSIVELY wrong with the PS3 yet it outsold the 360 every year from its launch, despite weaker than expected sales in the US. That really is a testament to how strong their brand is.
  11. Remind me of how the Wii U's first year was? It had no AAA's and pretty much nothing that appealed to 90% of Western gamers. The latter is probably still true for the console now, unfortunately.
  12. Oh dear, Ronnie. This is low..real low. I love how people conveniently forget that the PS4 has 30% more titles rated at 75% (going by Metacritic) compared to the Wii U, despite coming out 12 months later. The PS4 has a reputation based on software, because it actually GETS software.
  13. What was your favourite episode? And who sided with you in Chapter 5? Season 1 really was a special game...I remember being floored by how astonishingly good episode 2 and 4 were (especially the former!) and the ending was truly heartbreaking. Season 2 is pretty great too! Can I recommend that you check out The Wolf Among Us by the same guys? Fantastic game.
  14. I think a draw is doable for Liverpool and it would be a good result tbh. I can see City getting a better result against United, even if the game is at OT. Hopefully they won't be too tired after their midweek game. Whilst Rodgers didn't buy any stand out player to replace Saurez, he's definitely improved the depth of the squad. The fact that he can rotate Ibe, Lallana, Coutinho, Markovic and Sterling is pretty damn scary.
  15. Not really a Liverpool fan but I've somehow ended up watching every one of their games since the 3-0 defeat to United at the end of last year. I only have time to watch one match a week so I've basically just decided to watch their games..can I claim to be their lucky charm? Seriously though, the race for the top 4 is going to be ridiculously od. I think Arsenal are safe but United and Liverpool will be incredibly close. Spurs have a pretty good run in too..Southampton? They seem to have a hit a wall recently, like they did before Christmas before they went on a run. I'm going to say Arsenal and Liverpool will scrape through, with United 5th. I put a fiver on that being the finishing order back when United beat Liverpool 3-0 and the odds were 75-1 so I've got my fingers crossed!
  16. This...is sarcasm right? The console has one of the most bare schedules of any console ever released by one of the big 3 console manufacturers. The fact that the Wii U has about 30% less titles rated at 75% or above (going by Metacritic) against the PS4 despite coming out a whole year earlier is astonishing. I can't even think of when the next big title is out. I'm assuming it's X or Splatoon in Spring?
  17. Ha! I didn't have access to the Russian eShop from the 3DS so thought better of it
  18. Downloaded this on the cheap from the Russian eShop and loving it so far! Reminds me of Gaucamelee although I kind of wish I got the 3DS version as it does look a bit too stretched on my TV Controls very well though.
  19. What on Earth is going on with that Kirby price?! Disappointed it's not half price like MP Trilogy was
  20. It was a joke, in reference to what happened with Rayman Legends...
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if Rayman was ready for the Smash launch but Sakurai delayed it a few months for no apparently reason.
  22. They are limited by development capacity and have no 3rd party games to fill the gaps. It's been the same since the N64 tbh.
  23. I'm pretty sure we'll see another Smash tournament this year (maybe Reggie will take on Hungrybox as he promised last year?), and we'll probably see them do the same for Splatoon with some luck.
  24. The directs work for what they aim to deliver and they are much less sterile. That said, what people forget (especially people like @Serebii) is that E3 is a Trade Show Conference. Nintendo are the only ones who can afford to skip a conference because they don't have to worry about retail and third party relationships, because they know a conference wouldn't change a single thing. It's wasted money. Sony and Microsoft's conferences are more akin to what other companies do at say CES, or even the annual Apple conferences. This is useless for Nintendo because of the state they are currently in. I'm 100% sure that if Nintendo didn't have to bother with E3, they wouldn't. They'd much rather do their own thing, targeted at their core demographic who will buy their games and consoles regardless of specs, quality of games etc. Oh, and last year's Nintendo Direct was really good Surprised to hear people didn't like it.
  25. Hmm...I wonder if Smash will hit 1million there by year end?
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