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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. With regards to the TV situation, you can get some incredible deals atm. In fact, if you're willing to wait until after Christmas, places like John Lewis and Richersounds will do some incredible deals, usually selling their final TV units for ridiculous prices (all with 5 year guarantees). With just a bit of luck you'll come across a full HD, Smart TV that's great for gaming for around £350-500 and maybe even less.
  2. I'm doing this as well and you're right, it's exhausting. Short and intense sessions..that's what I like. I'm also fitting in an abs and biceps session on the 4th day. On another note, does anyone yawn a lot at the gym? No matter the session..no matter how much sleep I got, I yawn like a fucking beast, especially when I'm squatting. So weird
  3. The battles look fantastic..let's hope the frame rate is better than in X & Y. The overworld looks horrific though
  4. Finally got round to playing this bad boy yesterday. Chose Bayonetta 1 first.. Oh man. The game is perfect <3
  5. I'm not going to read the last 2 pages or so but I just want to say how disappointed I am that there is no voice chat during games. What an utterly stupid decision. It's mind boggling that I could use voice chat in 2008/9 whilst playing a game like Street Fighter 4 or even in 2007 during Halo but for Smash I can't. Eugh. Voice chat is just so important for me..it's the same with Mario Kart. I want to be able to interact with the person I'm playing against, particularly if it's someone like @Zell as we grew up playing Melee together. Oh well, Skype it is
  6. Won't be able to play this until next week For the Bayonetta virgins out there...enjoy
  7. Having played both the Wii U version and the Steam version, it's no contest which is better. Playing this on the Wii U with the Wiimote is literally heaven and it's such a nostalgia trip. Yes it might be cheaper on Steam but it's an incredible experience on Wii U GOTY for me.
  8. That really pissed me off too. Why bother with the 'F1 shouldn't mix with politics' regulation if Putin is going to be plastered all over the track? Can't believe they let him give out the trophies What was worse was the fact that they hijacked the Jules Bianchi moment to play the National Anthem. Shameless. And we're going to Azerbaijan (Baku) in 2016
  9. Dynasty Warriors have never been big over here so the fact it was in the charts for 2 weeks is hella impressive given that it was on Wii U. The type of game is aimed much more at Japan...does anyone know if it did well there?
  10. I'm actually tempted by that. Would be cool to have some drinks and catch up too. Hmm....
  11. Hold up...so I can use my old GC controller for Mario Kart 8?!
  12. I don't think it's a fault of the track tbh. Brundle aquaplaned at the same corner in 94 and hit a steward, whilst Luizzi aqua-planned at Europe 07 and hit a tractor (very slowly mind). It makes you realise that in wet conditions, when there at staff and machinary on the track, yellow flags are simply NOT enough, especially on the exit of a corner where cars can aquaplane. Brundle has been saying for years that they need a better solution and it's a shame that this had to happen for us to see that it needs fixing. Poor Bianchi
  13. I actually have no idea what my code is but I'll send it your way tonight. I'm free for some games tonight if you're up for it. I play as Yoshi and Ness
  14. I really do love a good ol' Knee. Down Throw->Knee...oh yeh
  15. I had no idea what was going on and neither did Sky..I don't think many picked it up and tbh the images of the car are pretty terrifying. It really is a horrendous accident. What an awful year it's been for Formula 1 in terms of accidents and incidents. Dread to think what state Schumacher is in. Also an update from Sky on Bianchi: Sky Sports confirm Bianchi is not breathing unaided, unfortunately, and remains in a critical condition following surgery #F1 Poor kid. He was going to drive that Ferrari one day.
  16. Gaming is far bigger now than it ever was. It's no longer something that only the 'hardcore' care about; Nintendo changed that with the Wii and it's continuing to expand and expand. The fact that gaming has overtaken Film in terms of revenue is spectacular.
  17. So Suzuka eh. Great race until that awful incident. I really hope he pulls through..it feels like Schumacher all over again
  18. I've not experienced a 2 player lag free match (yet). And of course in your experience there isn't a problem..there never is! Anyway, what characters are people liking the feel of? I REALLY like Ness, Yoshi and Marth. Yoshi especially feels so different..much quicker and his moves seem stronger. I'm still bummed about Marth's small sword
  19. Can you just accept that people want the lag levels to be comparable to other fighting games?
  20. The online in this game is simply terrible. Embarrassingly bad at times. Bloody hell
  21. Shopto got me my copy yesterday..so awesome. Only disappointment was that there wans't an epic trailer/video that plays when you turn it on (unlike Melee). Played online with Zell. The lag is so frickin' bad it's unreal. I played SFIV online on my 3DS afterwards and it was fine. Will do some random games online tonight to see if it's still this bad. No wonder Sakurai was so shifty at E3 about the online play Also, I'm in love with both Yoshi and Ness. They feel so much better than in previous game...dat Yoshi character model! <3 I'm disappointed with Marth though...why is his sword so short? His biggest asset was his incredible range and it's gone
  22. How do I download the patch on the eShop? I can't seem to play online without it but I can't find it on the eShop?
  23. The link up play between Ozil (when he's playing centrally), Sanchez and Welbeck is simply fantastic to watch. Goals and assists everywhere.
  24. FYI, there's a much easier way of unlocking custom moves. Basically, you press the home button when the random generator thing is on the item that you want. You then press it again and hold A and it stops on the move you want to unlock. (Hope that makes sense...I'm guessing that someone with the game can explain it more articulately. @Serebii?)
  25. There's actually around 20 glitches that have been found already. Diddy Kong for example can escape the hitstun from any move/item, so if you hit him, he effectively gets a free hit back on you. Wario can also be OHKO'd by certain characters due to the bizarre nature of his grab escape (if you grab him and let him escape, he escapes into the air and is effectively 'frozen'). I believe Little Mac can KO him from a grab at 0%. Hopefully these will all get patched out.
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