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Everything posted by Goron_3

  1. If Ridley IS in the game, Sakurai will have blatantly made it difficult to unlock him haha.
  2. This is great and a fantastic way of sorting out the poor software attach ratio that plagues the 3DS. My one question is whether I could get 2 free games if I buy a copy of Smash AND Pokemon? Like, would I get a free game for each?
  3. SO completing classic mode with Link unlocks Ganon..completing it with Mario yields Doc... Needless to say the Twitch stream went absolutely crazy when the guy beat Master Hand with Samus....Literally, I've never seen people so hyped. And we got nothing No Ridley (yet).
  4. DUCK HUNT DOG! @Serebii, I hope to see you enter the inevitable N-Europe tournament and kick some ass
  5. Spoilers and info galore http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=892817 Lots of streams available too Edit. Decent stream here: http://www.twitch.tv/hamayama
  6. A very short clip but it looks as though Mario won't be the average 'all rounder' this time round. 0%->Death in 3-4 seconds. Unbelievable Jeff.
  7. Really? I think I got my copy off of amazon for £20 two years back. Alternatively, you could get it on iOS (if you have an iPad). It *slightly* changes the experience as the main hook is built around the DS hardware, but it's 'okay'. Really, hunt down 999 because it's one of the best games you'll ever play. The story is phenomenal
  8. 1. Make sure you've played Extreme Escape: 999 on the DS BEFORE you played VLR. 2. Make sure you've set aside 40 hours or so to get through that bad boy
  9. I wouldn't even bother comparing it to other games as it's so unique. It's a fantastic (REALLY fantastic) video game, with a lot of style and with a truly brilliant fighting mechanic. It's influenced by other games but it takes them to another level. The only thing it's comparable to is sex. Really, really good sex. The type of sex that you want to have again straight away so you can beat your score. Funnily enough I wasn't a fan of TW101 at all as I just didn't get on with the controls. That said, the sense of humour in that game...
  10. Glitches already being discovered..Hopefully they can remedy this with a patch for when we get the game in the West. Basically, Megaman's up+B, for some reason, can be used during hit stun (but only under 100%). Simple patch but weird how no one picked up on this during testing. Proper weird too. C-C-C-COMBOOO BREAKER!
  11. I'm sure we'll definitely be having a league! I'd be interested in organising a full on tournament too, allowing people to use items or have them off (as long as both people agree to them). We could even copy the E3 format which was a bit of both worlds.
  12. That's very true. This game seems to be like Smash 64, where it's basically impossible to get out of combos due to a lack of DI and so players can rack up huge % very quickly, but casuals loved that game and Melee even more. It's going to be so good. Man, so much hype. We'll have to play a few games online once it's out
  13. I don't think people were concerned about it being Brawl 2.0 or Melee/64 2.0, it was more the concern that it uses the Brawl engine (albeit updated). I do however wonder what the response will be from casual players given how combo heavy the game is. Will it throw them off? Hmm.
  14. It looks as though this is going to be a VERY combo heavy game. Should make even casual play online interesting when we start seeing casual players being combo'd from 0-70% very easily. Edit.
  15. Awesome That's pretty sweet actually. Hopefully we'll see it soon given how much we now know about the game. Out of interest, how is Pikachu's recovery with the 3DS analogue pad? Easy to sweetspot the edge?
  16. I'm looking at some of the advance techniques you can pull off with Pikachu... Holy mother. I hope to god he's amazing. Also, judging by twitter, the competitive community seem to not only really like the game but also think it's very balanced. This is basically the opposite of Brawl already lol. What characters are in the demo? Edit. Looks as though combos are definitely possible, just like in Melee and 64. Dat Mario.
  17. I don't think that the list is sad at all; it's simply a reflection of the multiplatform nature of the big games coming out soon. Also, screw FIFA.
  18. God dammit. Stupid Amazon.
  19. I've been given a review copy of Teslagrad..very excited to get my hands on it Looks beautiful. Edit. Teslagrad is complete Awesome game.
  20. Interesting to see that the PS3 was the second fastest console to reach 1 mil at the time. Many people think the PS3 did badly in year 1 but on the strength of its brand name it actually matched (and outdid in some places) the 360's first year.
  21. Did you listen to this weeks RFN with Dan Adelman. It's quite eye opening imo.
  22. Drop what you're doing and listen to this weeks Radio Free Nintendo..Dan Adelman (former Nintendo employee) is this weeks guest and he goes into a lot of detail about his time there. A must listen
  23. I emailed them and they said I would get the version with Bayonetta 1 in as well. I would suggest emailing them, quoting your order number
  24. @Zell came over the other week and we played some Mario Kart and after about 5 minutes one of us said 'Xbox Live was better in 2007 for Halo 3 than the Nintendo Network is now for MK8'. God dammit Nintendo.
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