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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Bren do I have your GT? Can't remember. Send a request if not as I've cleared some space on my list for Reach
  2. Narcissist Ok: John Hamm Cillian Murphy Michael C Hall
  3. Halo Reach comes out in 3 weeks and is going to rule
  4. Because it'd better than 'pink skin and a tat on the face = Alien' school of thought.
  6. oh yeah he is isn't he....hang on i have a thing about this... right, yeah Iwas wrong. I thought abin's partner was a lizard too but he's a bird kinda guy called Tomar. Carry on!
  7. you can turn those off.
  8. hahahaha. Screw you, man!
  9. I reckon there must be some kind of boot camp sequence. Green Lanterns are cops, not Super Heroes, so it'd make sense to have the ensemble largely made of rookie Lanterns to Train alongside Hal. Kiliwog, Salaak and Bzzd are the most likely to be 'main' characters. Kiliwog is the Lantern's Drill Sergeant so he has to be in a fair bit, and Salaak is the most senior Lantern in The Corps. Bzzd is partner to Mogo, the living planet so I imagine if they include Mogo as a location, Bzzd will have a fairly large part in any sequence there. Isamot is, I think, the partner to Abin Sur, Hal's predecessor who passes on the ring. He's also likely to be a proper character. Then you have Sinestro, obviously. A lot of characters. The rest will, i think, be background.
  10. Ne'er so much as fingered a lass
  11. Na it was online but friends list/ invite only. No Matchmaking.
  12. needs giant enemy crabs
  13. Ever played Sonic & Knuckles? That had a torchlight level and it's awesome.
  14. Nice one Chris I came in here to post those so! Speaking of N-E games, who's getting their shit together for Reach? We should compile GTs so send me your gamertags in a PM and I'll update the OP with a list Also, be sure to sign up to the Edge forum and get posting in the Halo Forever <3 thread. We're a very organised sub community of Halo-ers and you'd be more than welcome. We're looking to build up numbers for regular customs and, if anyone's interested, a few of us will be pushing for regular Forge crew to make some maps collaboratively.
  15. These are incredible. As time goes by I don't really like a great deal of chocolate. Certainly I no longer eat nestlé and most other milk chocolate is a no deal. I only really enjoy dark chocolate now, and then the stronger the better. Ideally, around 70% solids.
  16. Missed opportunity for a quality username...
  17. i keep thinking Clit. Hey ho
  19. Colour me entirely unsurprised.
  20. You're fucking kidding me! hahahahaahaha! That's brilliant (by which I mean you knowing him/ receiving the hate then coming here, not the pictures thing) Classic example though. I remember he outed a 'friend' / sex partner to his work over some petty shit by sending them all S&M images of the guy.
  21. Yeah fuck you Gmac that sounds awesome!
  22. Yeeeeaaah!
  23. Yeah. He was absolutely crackers. We got shot of him a while back though. He was a spiteful shit and spent a great deal of time trying to make other people's lives miserable. He blamed everyone for his problems because, of course, nothing was is fault or anything to do his his psychotic behavior.
  24. Rokhed was, as I'm sure you'll remember, a god damn fucking lunatic and so far removed from rationality and what you or I might consider normal human behavior that, frankly, it really wouldn't surprise me if he'd randomly decided to make you his enemy again. He was prone to very spiteful and pointless stuff like this even when he was a member.
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