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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. What the little torn page? edit: lol working now
  2. gnnuuaargh! hm ok. fingers crossed and dropping off then!
  3. Yeah but you're Scottish so you don't count.
  4. Dan_Dare


    the idea is to slide in to enemies with a melee. It's awesome.
  5. Sequels to either would be absolutely tragic.
  6. maybe at a very academic level, but why insist on entirely the opposite? In most cases, engaging critically with any entertainment worth your time is more enjoyable- and if it crumbles under analysis then it's shit anyway.
  7. Paj you should def read Young Avengers. It evokes reeds and lots of lying down.
  8. mhm I think I'm going with Wordpress. I already have an account there so it makes sense anyway.
  9. Well whatever the film requires. What annoys me is this concept that engaging with a film fully is somehow counter to the experience you pay for. If I go to see a film I enjoy but with some pacing issues (Hallo, Watchmen) then discussing the structure of the film afterwards as part of my experience isn't being some kind of snob, it's just going to the cinema and thinking like an adult. I just don't understand how it became the norm to actively disengage with something you go and pay to see. It's crazy.
  10. re: films. the idea that we should 'just enjoy the film for what it is!' and calling critical engagement useless or boring or somehow counter to the enjoyment of cinema is the kind of counter intellectual nonsense that pays Michael Bay's wages. It's insultingly stupid.
  11. ...that's what you do, isn't it?
  12. Sex Bom-Omb is quite possibly the best name for a band EVER
  13. So I'm at a bit of a loose end and my typing fingers are getting itchy. Must mean it's time for Dan to start another blog! Only he might actually keep this one updated! So, forum. which website should I use? I've used Wordpress before so that's what I'm leaning towards but I'm open to suggestions before I take the plunge.
  14. people who describe music they don't understand / like as 'just noise' make me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork. I've found indie fans particularly guilty of this.
  15. ahahahaahaha
  16. That wager thing is actually kind of cool. Yep.
  17. so 14 months, not 24?
  18. This thread will never die. Make it so.
  19. Gameplay on Paridiso- the map built on Forge World's Island area. Looks awesome. One for Big Ass Vehicle Games, by the looks. The Island space is huuuuge!
  20. Isn't that...
  21. Dan_Dare


    so no 360 demo? displeasing.
  22. hahaahah that's incredible.
  23. the bbc comparison is unfair- AMC is a subs based network in the US that works on a completely different model. AFAIK, They only actually produce three series' of their own right now so obviously the quality is going to be really high for each. The BBC is publicly funded, consists of dozens of channels, stations, websites and networks. Their focus is on journalism and entertainment so obviously their drama is going to be nothing like the US genre.
  24. Impressive. The buzz is huge for this though so I guess they're feeling pretty sure of themselves. This gets better and better- first a 90 min pilot and now a guaranteed 13 episode second season. Yes.
  25. Tough questions, Odders. I have no immediate answer for you.
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