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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. shhh! seriously though, even with simpler games like...uhh...wii bowling! It's not that good, is it? It's a bit naff really.
  2. no it's not. no it doesn't. ...and it's been perfected. I certainly don't feel more immersed in a game when a vague waggle of a badly designed tv remote makes my character jump instead of pressing a button. Any gamer with any skill or experience shouldn't even notice the controls after about five mins. Lets go to Halo again: I never, ever press the wrong button- to me that's far, far more involving that a bit of faux immersion from a wii remote. only it's not, is it? umm....so jumping around in a giant mushroom collecting stars as a cartoon plumber is less futile? Just seemed an odd point you made there.
  3. I'm with Daft- particularly in the point that technology is going to push gaming forward- not the wii. Wii fans seem quick to decry 360/ps3 owners as shallow graphics whores, but that's total bullshit. I got my 360 because it offers cutting edge online support, a fantastic library of games and the power to actually support games that push the boundaries of what we can expect from the medium in the future. I don't have a ps3 but the same applies. Look a Heavy Rain- potentially capable of rewriting the rule book on what we want from the medium, and utterly impossible on a wii. The raw horsepower of proper next gen machines isn't just about graphics- it's about animation, sound, physics, AI and all the rest that makes a cohesive gaming experience. The wii can't provide any of these things and THAT is why I don't have one. oh and the controller is a gimmicky piece of crap. Roffle.
  4. it was indeed. That and the really long production cycle for the show meant the season was cut in half longer than usual. The First half was all written pre strike so they went in to production during the strike.
  5. ooh good news! Finally, a real station airing the show in the uk!
  6. I'm going to raise my twin children to be masked avengers.
  7. I might...but I also need to buy some new trousers, and possibly dust my room. Yep.
  8. Dude. This. Fo To The Mo-fuckin Sho.
  9. re: spring arriving! Good shit. I imagine we're slightly behind you but I saw a wasp this week, which was encouraging. Admittedly, it was out way too early and was dying...but yay!
  10. you miss your delivery?
  11. na I agree how Sunshine has a weird ending. Not bad IMO but I can see why people don't like it. I also fucking love the end to 28 Days when he goes berserk taking out the soldiers. Quality stuff. What tune is it during that scene? I seem to remember thinking it was Mogwai then being wrong
  12. either way, Sunshine is better. (seriously though, great film)
  13. you know- I'm just inclined to go with the flow with regards to fictional weaponised super virus'
  14. I think I mentioned this before: The Minutemen created the myth of the super hero, which the government endorses and labels Jon with. called 'The Superman', he is unfairly 'weaponised and politicised (whereas he should transcend petty human politics). I think this is where we see the deviation from real world situations: Manhattan is so powerful that the soviets become desperate. I think that's a massive distinction because, as the book argues in the prose section about the doc, they're propelled by fear in to dangerous reaction. Thus, his absence sends the world headlong towards Armageddon. In a way, The masked heroes are almost to blame for the situation. Equally, they are incapable of saving the world they have damned. When Roarsarch and and Nite Owl fight Ozimandias it's so important that, even though they can't take him in a fight anyway, it doesn't even matter if they could. His plan; his entire world is a step beyond the one they have created and their actions no longer matter.
  15. surely...no. Satire? please.
  16. yeah that's b13. not seen it but i saw the window stunt in the trailer
  17. how you type them. alt gr = ó, see...so where's the umlaut!? WHERE, DAMMIT!?
  18. you...listened to her album? ewww. mmm...my mogwai obsession continues I suppose. Not really listened to much else for a few days now. It's hard to, when they make such pretty, pretty sad and amazing music.
  19. If I agreed to that, nightwolf would kick me in the nuts. no, merely that they're my friends and this is the way and the workings of the world and so be it. My friend Katie is probably the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my life but she's always just been my friend. Yep.
  20. no not that. I mean attracted to as in actually want, not objective hotness. I know lots of pretty girls, but girls I'd actually date? yeah one.
  21. She's absurdly hot, man. Totally my type. I know it sounds trite but capturing her eroticism was so vitally important to her character, and Nite Owl.
  22. how do umlauts work then?
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