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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. as a massive Mogwai Fan, I only just got all of CODY myself and it's way less accessible than almost all their other albums. I can see why you found it alienating - it's a terrible first choice! (not that would have known) Young team is where it's at. Follow my course of education!
  2. oh and one more thing: Mogwai are an albums band. Don't pick and choose songs if you can help it. Their style often revolves around a core idea in each album, with individual tracks building from a sigular foundation. They're made to be listened to whole for full effect
  3. ooooh ooh! I like this bit! Ok i'd probably start with Young team. First album too, so that's nice. From there you could go two ways- if you prefer your Mogwai to rock out and blow your face off with baddass you should check out Mr Beast and it's sequel The hawk is Howling (their two most recent albums) or, if you prefer their more introspective, gentler stuff you should check out Happy Songs for Happy People, Rock Action and Come On Die Young. Those three are a bit slower, with some really beautiful tunes on.
  4. for clarity: whack those links in the search bar and go nuts.
  5. spotify:album:5PqVBg8Mo1Tnprbs5uhQu9 you can thank me later.
  6. art is a means of expression. Materials and form are immaterial, ergo Fashion is art as much as the Romantics or Surrealists.
  7. pretty much, yeah. It's a throwback to the pop music I've always loved and I think Ladyhawke herself is ace. Her accent is oddly hot...
  8. this thing is absolutely amazing. not least because nobody's done it before. I'm still listening to my itunes more, but Spotify is just mind boggling for new music. Love it.
  9. aren't hogs the best anti infantry? Spartans too.
  10. re: reading lyrics. Pulp albums all come with instructions on how to listen properly, including 'don't listen to the album and read the lyrics at the same time' good advice.
  11. I'm not going because I have better things to do: drink coffee and read comic books
  12. It's steadily improving. Hopefully, with any luck, this change Whedon is on about is Echo doing an alpha and having a composite event. I could see it being quite fun if the dollhouse goes from this amoral but kindly overseer in to full blown badguys, with Echo on the run. Would be cool.
  13. he wouldn't have had time to step off. I just sidestepped, took the driver and then jumped straight across for the gunner. was an awesome game that actually. Customs, naturally. Won 3-2 in the end with my 2nd capture.
  14. Dan Dare presents: The second Great Halo Picture Montage by Dr Oatker. A tale of heroics, daring do, flags and bad driving. Also, humiliation and pwnage. It's flag time, dear readers. Dr Oatker takes time out from making delicious pizza (he recommends the 'Pollo') to help out like a Hero! Mount up boys! Peril! the blue team have two warthogs! Dr Oatker really hopes he doesn't run in to one of these again anytime soon. "Hey you guys mind if i borrow this? I love the colour I think it would really bring my room together" Disaster! Blue team have discovered our intrepid hero and the henchmen bear down on his escape! What next, Oatker fans? Zing! All good heroes come prepared. Like Batman. Oh no! Dr oatker takes a hit, but his trusty bubble outwits that fiend Subataii! Kapow! Whamo! Till next time, Oatkerheads! 2009 Dan Dare productions. Only one Elite was harmed in the production of this comic.
  15. Zing! I don't think your hair burn was too bad Jay. admittedly, I only saw it pissed and in the dark but I couldn't see much damage.
  16. I think the opening to season 3 might be the show's finest hour in terms of dark, brutal drama. I just think it was absolutely fucking wicked.
  17. I fidn his part immensely dated now- the whole rebellious youth guns n roses lark is so very, very 90s. It actually ages the film worse than anything in The Terminator.
  18. I just found Mogwai Fear Satan (Live) on Spotify *dies happy*
  19. weeoo Jesus. So Hungover it's frankly absurd. Coffee ftw. Yep.
  20. have you considered standup?
  21. no, GTA. They published it.
  22. What!? Just because I don't like the wii and I'm telling you why I'm now shitting on the thread? by all means, prove me wrong! Argue!
  23. I'm just discussing why I don't have a wii. Perfectly reasonable.
  24. huh. well I really liked Legend. Zing!
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